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World will become exponentially weirder
(01-16-2024, 01:54 PM)putnam6 Wrote: ...

I always put the younger generations' angst and anxiety on being such sheltered home bodies compared to us now "old farts". Im sure part of that is true, just as more and more divorces the decline of the nuclear family. But if Im following correctly this is based on the Earth's movement through space and time. ie it's not because my generation screwed it all up LOL. Maybe they have a reason to feel uncertain anxious and filled with anxiety, based on our environment. Perhaps younger generations are more susceptible to these influences much like children are supposedly more perceptive of paranormal events.

Bold highlighted by me.  It's both...a bit of chicken and egg all wrapped up.  You could also look at it like getting your morning coffee spiked by your paranoid/jealous wife with some mood altering drug like ecstasy.  Are you at fault for cheating on your wife if you and your flirty coworker ... yes! absolutely, but that's not the whole story, is it. There was some outside influence driving it, but you had the ultimate say.

Imagine for a second that something couldn't be destroyed arbitrarily, but all of the rotten particles could be.  Well in the eyes of some, they might try and accelerate the rot of highly decayed matter in order for it to be fully rotten and destroyed justifiably -- sort of the nuke it and start over mentality. You could sort of think of it as having a knee in the curve.  As long as you stay on one side of the hill, it's not so hard to come back down, but once you go over the top, it tends to accelerate.

Say some concepts were introduced to break the norms and traditions that were keeping things from degenerating as quickly so as to accelerate it.  If you resisted, you wouldn't be to blame, but if you didn't you would. Some corruption and concepts are so subtle that we might not even notice how we were duped until looking back.  Does that mean you aren't to blame?

In reality, we are all to blame, but the driver is degeneration of higher and finer matter, but without human action, it wouldn't manifest quickly here. The sad thing is people of all generations have happily ridden the current of dysfunction and even celebrate all kinds of crazy.

The modern generation simply has no foundation of normal to fall back on so has it even worse as far as clear judgement goes.  Imagine if you grew up with no other concept that what has happened in the last 20 years.

Let's say for the let's pretend game that the future process will not include such a significant degeneration process and will implement a renewal mechanism without the destruction phase far before things get so damaged and rotten.

Messages In This Thread
RE: World will become exponentially weirder - by Halfswede - 01-16-2024, 04:23 PM

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