2 hours ago
(2 hours ago)BeTheGoddess Wrote: Just because the government is failing, we should fix it, not take it out back and...
And make sweet, sweet love to it? Yeah.
I'm a few decades past the disillusionment now. And you know what? I'm not actually unhappy with the government any more. It all makes sense. I don't expect it to be different than it is, and in fact it being the way it is serves a purpose for me. I don't want to rule the world. I don't want to be a master of money. Let someone else do it, if that's their thing. I appreciate their service. What would we be without them?
I would like to see less bombs and dead kids and such, though. But I no longer believe there's some single evil puppet master making it all happen, without whom we'd all suddenly have peace, la la la. It's actually more difficult than that, but I'm willing to try, no matter how narrow the path. It may take a while.
while true; do nohup budgie; done