Yesterday, 04:22 AM
(Yesterday, 03:53 AM)ArMaP Wrote: when we get rains of 200mm per square metre in a couple of hours
That's just under 8" of rain.
You know, I was going to complain about not using Freedom-units here, because I thought there's a forum rule for using English -- real English, like in America, not the weird overseas variety -- but then I got distracted by the entirely redundant "square metre" (I'll let the misspelling slide). Wouldn't it also be 200 mm per square decimeter? Or 200 mm per square centimeter? Or kilometer? Okay, I think I've made my point. Perhaps the Orange Laws of 2025 will address this formally.
Please excuse me it is late, and it is today.
while true; do nohup budgie; done