11-03-2024, 01:43 AM
(11-02-2024, 06:50 PM)UltraBudgie Wrote: hopefully probably! shakti with capital-s as deity is religion and that isnt necessary for breathing exercise pranayama to awaken kundalini. later when energy flow prana goes through crown chakra sense of self connects to divine bhakti then perhaps you find shakti as avatar if you choose. shakti with lowercase-s is divine energy of change and flow in universe like you feel through nature with awareness breathing moving living. two aspects of god male/female (also called chit/sat or nirguna/saguna brahman): god transcendent is eternal unchanging aloof old man but god immanent ever-changing ever-new up close beautiful shakti.
hmmm. I heard something about this last night, the root of the word matter is "mater" as in mother. Matter is born as the wave function collapses.
The last time I messed with auroras clouds became very strange and trees started popping.
compassion, even when hope is lost