deny ignorance.


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Why was Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's hospital stay kept secret for days?
There is nothing that any government official can't do from any location with access to the internet or phones. Unless of course it requires something physical.

What I find most odd about this is Biden was not informed. Now that is very odd.

Biden wasn't aware...
Quote:President Joe Biden was not aware for days that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was hospitalized, a source familiar with the matter told CNN.
National security adviser Jake Sullivan ultimately informed Biden late Thursday afternoon, soon after Sullivan himself learned that Austin had been hospitalized, that source said. Austin was admitted to the hospital on New Year’s Day due to complications from an elective surgery.

He's still in the hospital it looks like.
Quote:Austin offered no details about his condition, nor did he say exactly why he was hospitalized on January 1. As of Saturday evening, he remained in the hospital, according to a defense official.

For him to hide it from the public is one thing, but hiding it from his boss is another altogether. There has got to be more to this story. He's still not even saying why he's in the hospital. That many days sure makes it look like something major.

I wonder if it was Covid and he got it even though he's vaccinated? Or even worse was he was unvaccinated after members of the military were tossed out for refusing the vaccine and then got it?

All speculation of course. There is no information beyond he's in the hospital I can find. Good catch. Beer

One problem with hiding this is that it leaves it wide open to wild speculation like I just did. Seems like a serious mistake and a slap in Biden's face for not even informing the White House.

From the articles popping up, it's clearly a mistake to do what he did.
Sen. Tom Cotton outraged...
Quote:"Secretary Austin must address promptly the troubling report that the Department of Defense didn’t immediately notify President Biden or the National Security Council that he was hospitalized and unable to perform his duties," Cotton said in a statement released Saturday. "The Secretary of Defense is the key link in the chain of command between the president and the uniformed military, including the nuclear chain of command, when the weightiest of decisions must be made in minutes. 
"If this report is true, there must be consequences for this shocking breakdown." 

Part of holding an appointed office at that level is your life must be an open book.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Why was Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's hospital stay kept secret for days? - by Blaine91555 - 01-06-2024, 07:28 PM

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