(10-03-2024, 08:58 AM)Tecate Wrote: Welcome fellow frozen northerner!
It’s getting pretty chilly here in Northern Alberta as well! -2°C and windy!
Alas, a couple months of work and I will head south for a bit, but will send warm regards from there!!
Keep your stick on the ice!
Dear Tecate, thank you so much for your kind words. I'll get you a blanket and a cup of hot chocolate when i see you by the DI campfire. We northeners shall stick together! Take care!
(10-03-2024, 09:41 AM)Encia22 Wrote: Hälsa Välkommen, LØNGL3GS!
Come in, it's warmer here than outside!
But don't get too close to the fire.
[Image: https://denyignorance.com/images/ogemoji..._flame.gif]
Tusen tack, kära Encia22. I'll gladly come inside, and i'll make sure not to burn my wiggeling pota-toes in that cozy fire. Take care!