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I Investigated the City Made of Trash...
There are several big problems associated with this, and all of them hinge on entire societies buying into the solution without resisting it.

Now... I don't know how long y'all have lived with humans, but I have experience with the species and getting all the members of a group to go along with something is problematic.  VERY problematic.

So, in no particular order, to clean it up you first have to:
* improve the caste system in India (it's really entrenched in the rural areas but cities aren't immune to it)
* make it so that "garbage" is not a situation that's shuffled off onto the poorest in the land -- and that wealthy countries don't dump their garbage into India and poor countries and tell them "here's some dollars.  Handle it."
* improve local recycling on all levels (we're cleaning out a house.  Took away 20 bags of clothes and there's still more... but what to do with used pillows?  And recycling electronics (found an old Palm Pilot)?  Lots of places make you pay to recycle electronics (Best Buy, I'm eyeballing you)
* promote the use of products with recycled components.
* find better ways to reduce packaging waste (this IS happening to some extent)

...and then improve education and health access for these people.  And sex education (birth control options) and empower women (give girls as much education as boys and change society to where girls are not some thing to be married off (or worse, sold or killed) like an undesirable commodity.

But this isn't an easy change and because it's huge and affects so many people with different ideas of how things should be, it's not going to come any time soon.

Messages In This Thread
RE: I Investigated the City Made of Trash... - by Byrd - 12-18-2023, 12:17 PM

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