deny ignorance.


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Columbia University has fallen
(06-05-2024, 01:27 AM)Notran Wrote: You can't call it peaceful coexistence.
One country occupying the other one for many decades.
Many countries are now recognising Palestine as a state.
The students are reacting to all these.

- You can't call it peaceful coexistence because the Muslims keep committing terrorist acts.

- Israel hasn't ran/occupied Gaza since 2005.  That's almost 20 years.  And technically they didn't have to leave.  The land was theirs, won fairly when the Muslims attacked them and started a war that Israel won.  

- 'Many countries' recognize a 'Palestinian' state?  No.  You can't recognize a country that doesn't have borders.  There is no 'Palestine' country.  The Muslims refuse to accept the borders that the rest of the world has decided on.  They call for the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the Jews.  They want all of Israel.  Therefore there are no borders for a 'Palestine' and therefore no one can truthfully recognize them because of that fact.

- The students are not reacting to what is going on in the Middle East in a thoughtful way.  They are just parroting the brainwashing that the woke activist teachers pummeled their brains with.  The useful idiot students go around chanting 'from the river to the sea' which is a genocidal call to war against Israel.  That's not peaceful protest.  Hamas, which they side with, would gladly cut off their heads and rape their dead bodies.  The students are morons.
Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.
DEI = Division, Exclusion, and Incompetence
(06-05-2024, 12:40 AM)Notran Wrote:  

I meant matters.
Israel have been occupying Gaza for decades.

The protests are genuine and they don't only happen in the US. They happen everywhere in the world.

Most people are against what Israel is doing in Gaza, not just students. Israel has miscalculated the reaction by most other countries. They thought they will have support but everyone is condemning them at the moment.

We are going over the same shit, Gaza was left to govern itself, it choose Hamas, and Hamas led to 10/7. 10/7, Hamas and the hostages are why Israel is in Gaza. When the hostages are returned and Hamas is no more Israel will leave Gaza.

Protests have fizzled here and on campuses, remember the crux of the thread.

As for their effectiveness, in actually stopping Israel's plan for Gaza or stopping the US from supplying Israel.
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(06-05-2024, 12:40 AM)Notran Wrote: Unlikely it will happen.
Why do you say children are incapable of basic thinking skills?

Not thinking skills. "Critical thinking" skills.

The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that we use for our critical thinking skills. It does not fully develop until we are around 25 years old, which is part of the reason young adults make so many bad decisions and are so easily manipulated. Even in the face of hard facts teens and young adults often make decisions that are not logical, reasonable or rational. Of course we are all in denial about that until we become mature adults.

What I said was tongue in cheek. "The more I read and watch about what's happening in universities like Columbia, the more I think we should test the water for nerve agents that target the prefrontal cortex. How did we produce so many children who are incapable of basic critical thinking skills. Sigh."

At college age none of us are yet fully capable of making difficult life decisions. We often make bad decisions based on emotional reactions. I did not literally mean we should check the water for nerve agents.

Edited to add...
What I said above is well known by evil men, like Hitler for instance and why he went after the youth to manipulate and literally brainwash them. They are easier to control. No intelligent adult believes that the Jews are evil just because they are Jews. Hitler knew his crap was lies, but using it he got what he wanted.
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
- Benjamin Franklin -
(06-05-2024, 03:25 PM)Blaine91555 Wrote: Not thinking skills. "Critical thinking" skills.

The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that we use for our critical thinking skills. It does not fully develop until we are around 25 years old, which is part of the reason young adults make so many bad decisions and are so easily manipulated. Even in the face of hard facts teens and young adults often make decisions that are not logical, reasonable or rational. Of course we are all in denial about that until we become mature adults.

What I said was tongue in cheek. "The more I read and watch about what's happening in universities like Columbia, the more I think we should test the water for nerve agents that target the prefrontal cortex. How did we produce so many children who are incapable of basic critical thinking skills. Sigh."

At college age none of us are yet fully capable of making difficult life decisions. We often make bad decisions based on emotional reactions. I did not literally mean we should check the water for nerve agents.

Edited to add...
What I said above is well known by evil men, like Hitler for instance and why he went after the youth to manipulate and literally brainwash them. They are easier to control. No intelligent adult believes that the Jews are evil just because they are Jews. Hitler knew his crap was lies, but using it he got what he wanted.

I don't agree young people don't have critical thinking skills because they don't support Israel
The same can be said about those who support Israel.
These are just empty statements.
Students side with the weak n oppressed.

(06-05-2024, 06:03 AM)putnam6 Wrote: We are going over the same shit, Gaza was left to govern itself, it choose Hamas, and Hamas led to 10/7. 10/7, Hamas and the hostages are why Israel is in Gaza. When the hostages are returned and Hamas is no more Israel will leave Gaza.

Protests have fizzled here and on campuses, remember the crux of the thread.

As for their effectiveness, in actually stopping Israel's plan for Gaza or stopping the US from supplying Israel.

The students understand Gaza id not free but occupied. They are not stupid.

(06-05-2024, 04:26 AM)FlyersFan Wrote: - You can't call it peaceful coexistence because the Muslims keep committing terrorist acts.

- Israel hasn't ran/occupied Gaza since 2005.  That's almost 20 years.  And technically they didn't have to leave.  The land was theirs, won fairly when the Muslims attacked them and started a war that Israel won.  

- 'Many countries' recognize a 'Palestinian' state?  No.  You can't recognize a country that doesn't have borders.  There is no 'Palestine' country.  The Muslims refuse to accept the borders that the rest of the world has decided on.  They call for the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the Jews.  They want all of Israel.  Therefore there are no borders for a 'Palestine' and therefore no one can truthfully recognize them because of that fact.

- The students are not reacting to what is going on in the Middle East in a thoughtful way.  They are just parroting the brainwashing that the woke activist teachers pummeled their brains with.  The useful idiot students go around chanting 'from the river to the sea' which is a genocidal call to war against Israel.  That's not peaceful protest.  Hamas, which they side with, would gladly cut off their heads and rape their dead bodies.  The students are morons.

Most countries recognise Palestine as a State.
I had the list but can't find it.
Not the point of the debate.
Students know well what's going on.

(06-05-2024, 02:41 AM)Maxmars Wrote: I can accept that.  There has been a tug of war going on there for many years.  Give, take, cede, surrender... over and over...
plus a lot of old hatred between leaderships...

I just don't think making a case to chant for death is in any way an honorable solution.

Perhaps I'm just too old myself.

It's mostly misrepresented on the press.
Students don't usually chant these slogans
Majority behaves well.
The point stands. Students want Palestine to be free.
(06-05-2024, 03:39 PM)Notran Wrote: I don't agree young people don't have critical thinking skills because they don't support Israel

I did not say that. Are we having language issues? What I said is a simple fact. The part of the brain that is responsible for critical thinking skills does not fully develop until the age of 25 or so.

You're not going to convince me to support terrorists, become anti-semetic or blame Israel which was attacked by terrorists. Hamas makes no secret of its goals which includes all Jews dead and then anyone in the world who will not join in with them eventually dead. Unless you are Muslim and believe in their version of their religion, they want you dead. There is no freedom in their version of the world.
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
- Benjamin Franklin -
(06-05-2024, 03:39 PM)Notran Wrote: The students understand Gaza id not free but occupied. They are not stupid.
This is why it's difficult to have a discussion, nowhere did I say, suggest or infer Gaza is free.

[Image: reality-reality-check.gif]

Less than 5% of the total student bodies participated in the protests, and only about 10% of those students knew Palestinians' thoughts on individual rights within a Palestinian-controlled state.

Only about 10% know what happens to LBGTQG in a Palestinian-controlled society. 

This is where the aforementioned critical thinking comes in. Women's Rights and LBGTQ rights are non-existent both groups face violence and death in Gaza and the West Bank.

Once students learn this overt reality their support usually wanes tremendously, the only ones left are those upset STRICTLY over the human toll, Considering the size and scope of the IDF's mission civilian deaths are incredibly low.
Quote:Homosexuality in the Palestinian territories is considered a taboo subject; lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people experience persecution and violence. Shortly after the Jordanian annexation of the West Bank in 1950, same-sex acts were decriminalized across the territory with the adoption of the Jordanian Penal Code of 1951. In the Egyptian-occupied Gaza Strip and under Hamas' rule, however, no such initiative was implemented.Public opinionsPolls of public sentiment towards LGBT people in the Palestinian territories find it is overwhelmingly negative. A Global Acceptance Index (a measure of the relative level of social acceptance of LGBTI people and rights) report ranked Palestine at 130, noting that very little change in acceptance occurred between 2010 and 2020.[sup][1][/sup]

The prevalence of child marriage within the oPt is at 24 percent. Although, in general, child early forced marriage seems to be declining, an increase has been perceived in certain areas, particularly parts of Gaza and isolated parts of Area C and East Jerusalem. 
Women and girls with disabilities, Bedouin women, internally displaced women and women and girls living in refugee camps are particularly at risk of violence. Being physically cut off from employment prospects and financially dependent on partners leaves them with few options for supporting themselves financially, and therefore they are more likely to marry, and not to report intimate partner violence if it means losing their only source of financial support.
Women and girls in communities impacted by conflict and displacement, i.e. Gaza, Area C and East Jerusalem, tend to suffer from higher incidence of GBV, including more frequent incidents of intimate partner violence, sexual abuse and exploitation, and forced marriage. These communities also tend to be characterized by limited availability of and access to multi-sectoral protection services. The areas with the lowest percentage of households reporting availability of psycho-social services in case of GBV were East Jerusalem (8.9 per cent), Gaza (31.6 per cent) and Area C (38.8 per cent).
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(06-05-2024, 12:40 AM)Notran Wrote: That could be a lot of people at the moment.
Most of the world disagrees with what Israel is doing.

But protestors don't see things the way you do.
Israel is the country occupying another country.
Are they wrong?

Unlikely it will happen.
Why do you say children are incapable of basic thinking skills?

I don't know many people who think Israel is right in what they're doing. They're occupying a land for many decades and that's why students protest.

I meant matters.
Israel have been occupying Gaza for decades.

The protests are genuine and they don't only happen in the US. They happen everywhere in the world.

Most people are against what Israel is doing in Gaza, not just students. Israel has miscalculated the reaction by most other countries. They thought they will have support but everyone is condemning them at the moment.

As a Zionist, I support Israel.

Here is what the "students" also know Wink from the campus protest at Stanford

[Image: GPU7Y3_XAAAPS82?format=jpg&name=360x360]

[Image: GPU7Y3-WoAAsYp1?format=jpg&name=360x360]

[Image: GPU7Y3-WEAEwJh_?format=jpg&name=360x360]

I may be crazy but when the above is your side's rallying cry and call to action, you may support the wrong side.
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(06-05-2024, 06:56 PM)DBCowboy Wrote: As a Zionist, I support Israel.


I don't even have to sign up as a Zionist

I can be concerned about the innocent Gazans and still realize the IDF must do what they are doing to rid the world of Hamas and get the hostages back. No more no less.

in other news..., I guess our colleges and universities don't educate about all of Africa, wheres the outcry for Darfur?
 Sudan's Agony Continues Unabated While World Watches
Quote:The United Nations cautioned on Thursday that time is "running out" to prevent widespread starvation, particularly in the Darfur region, and to rescue the embattled people of western Sudan and other conflict-afflicted regions due to efforts being hindered to deliver emergency food assistance. The U.N. documented more than 8.8 million people who fled their homes—including 4.6 million children—within their country or outside to neighboring states, with 16,000 killed. In all, roughly half of Sudan's 50 million people population are in need of humanitarian assistance.
Bekheit, a Sudanese in his late 20s, lamented in a recent chat that people in Sudan are enduring so much pain, with many hungry and "eating grass and leaves." Other Sudanese immigrants in Egypt have recited stories of deaths in their homeland due to lack of food and the spread of contagious diseases

There are at least 5 million on the brink of starvation, according to WFP, with the possibility that the number has significantly increased since it was recorded in December.
At least 1.7 million people in Darfur are facing acute hunger and are in dire need of vital humanitarian support. Many of the Sudanese who are currently taking sanctuary in El Fasher—the main and last capital city of Darfur's five states that is under SAF's control—fear the threat of an invasion by RSF which is encircling them. With a population of 1.5 million, El Fasher is home to 800,000 internally displaced people who escaped violence in their hometowns. And with the world community turning its attention to other conflicts, the besieged people of El Fasher face a looming large-scale massacre.

And it is getting worse ...
Quote:At least 134 people have been killed and another 979 have been wounded since May 10 as fighting intensifies between Sudan's military and a powerful Sudanese paramilitary force in a major city of the country's northwestern Darfur region, according to an international aid group.
 Doctors Without Borders, also known by its French acronym MSF, said Sunday that the casualties were all recorded at a single hospital in el-Fasher, the provincial capital of Sudan’s North Darfur state. South Hospital is currently the last functioning medical center in North Darfur and only has around 10 days of supplies left, according to the aid group.
MSF said one of its staff members was among those killed when shelling hit his home near el-Fasher's main marketplace.
Civilians with a range of injuries are arriving in droves at South Hospital in el-Fasher, according to MSF.
"Some have gunshot wounds, some have been wounded by bomb fragments, and others have been wounded by shelling," Claire Nicolet, MSF's head of emergency programs, said in a statement last Tuesday.
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(06-06-2024, 12:53 AM)putnam6 Wrote: I don't even have to sign up as a Zionist

I can be concerned about the innocent Gazans and still realize the IDF must do what they are doing to rid the world of Hamas and get the hostages back. No more no less.

in other news..., I guess our colleges and universities don't educate about all of Africa, wheres the outcry for Darfur?
 Sudan's Agony Continues Unabated While World Watches

And it is getting worse ...

I spent a month in Senegal, most people don't know anything.

As far as being a Zionist, that's nothing more than the belief that Israel should exist as a sovereign nation.

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