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Columbia University has fallen
Not everyone is paid to demonstrate.
Usually students have very good intentions and they are motivated by the unfairness and inequality in the world. To claim this is a paid show is like detaching yourself from the real world.

(05-18-2024, 09:40 PM)putnam6 Wrote: Key phrase is not in the US

You can be on the side of the weak, I'm on the side of the hostages and the weak too, against Hamas. Eliminate Hamas and release all the hostages I agree with a cease-fire

see now I agree with the anti-war protesters, and still be lawful and non-disruptive.

I do not agree with anti-Semitic, anti-America, anarchists, or any other cause bundled on the back of 10/7 and the IDF's response. 

MINUS 10/7 none of this would have happened...

You cannot call students antisemitiic because they want the end of the war and they don't agree with the way Israel chose to go after Hamas killing tens of thousands of civilians. I agree all the hostages should be returned but on both sides, there are many hostages in Israeli prisons long before the 7th of October. The students view the Palestinian as the weak side.

(05-20-2024, 01:11 PM)Blaine91555 Wrote: I participated in the Peace Movement that played a part in ending the Vietnam War whether it's admitted or not. That was entirely different. We were not siding with terrorists. Siding with Hamas is the opposite of a peace movement. We have a serious problem here with so many of our nations young adults siding with genocidal terrorists. No thinking person is buying the lie that they are not antisemitic and it's clear they are.

To me it always read as strange that people like Hitler and Mao so easily recruited the youth of their counties into their insanity. Now it's happening here.

I learned there were very few authentic war protesters even in the late 60s, early 70s. Many if not most were about being a part of a fad and in all honesty were there for the thrill. It was very different then. In most cases it was polite and those who wanted to get through to go to classes were met with no resistance. After all violence has no place in an actual peace movement.

The students are not siding with terrorists but with the ordinary Palestinians who are getting killed in their tens of thousands. These two must not be conflated.

As the matter of fact today I think the ICC has issued arrest warrants against Netanyahou and Hamas leaders but I very read there are more to come for members of the Israeli Government and others in Hamas.
I respect your position, too many have been hurt, too much ugliness has been allowed to go unquestioned...

And it is true that...

No, not everyone is paid to demonstrate.

There are those who have been told things which are not true, and believe them, vehemently rejecting all other ideas,
There are those who fall in love with the passion of social dissent,
There are those who demonstrate peacefully and do nothing to confront the raw, unbalanced hatred within their own ranks,
There are those who simply get orgasmic at any opportunity to 'stand out' and 'be heard,'
There are those who think how they personally "feel" should rule the world,
There are those who have decided their ideas are the only thing that matter,
There are those who gleefully laugh at how easily some people can be convinced of anything,
There are those who are personally desperate to not be "just another face" in a crowd,
There are those who follow potential sex-partners anywhere, trying to get laid,
There are those who enjoy being a public spectacle,
There are those who love to watch the world burn,
And then there are those who get paid... quietly, secretly... it's their "profession."

And yet they have no "Leader."

No one here, at least, is saying that the status quo is acceptable. 
No one here, at least, is myopic enough to simply "accept" activists' ridiculous characterizations of reality,
No one here, will deny the reality that calling for the eradication of a people is the very definition of genocide.

But only one side seems to have made it into a chanting zealotry of "kill the Jews."  Only one side has made it into a sloganeering social game...

Activism is corrupted now... and the major media is in the middle of it always... that tells me something.  But I don't think many people see it.
(05-20-2024, 04:18 PM)Notran Wrote: Not everyone is paid to demonstrate.
Usually students have very good intentions and they are motivated by the unfairness and inequality in the world. To claim this is a paid show is like detaching yourself from the real world.

You cannot call students antisemitiic because they want the end of the war and they don't agree with the way Israel chose to go after Hamas killing tens of thousands of civilians. I agree all the hostages should be returned but on both sides, there are many hostages in Israeli prisons long before the 7th of October. The students view the Palestinian as the weak side.

The students are not siding with terrorists but with the ordinary Palestinians who are getting killed in their tens of thousands. These two must not be conflated.

As the matter of fact today I think the ICC has issued arrest warrants against Netanyahou and Hamas leaders but I very read there are more to come for members of the Israeli Government and others in Hamas.

Why are they calling for intifada then?
(05-20-2024, 04:18 PM)Notran Wrote: You cannot call students antisemitiic because they want the end of the war and they don't agree with the way Israel chose to go after Hamas killing tens of thousands of civilians.
Can I call the protesters pro-Nazi? remember the original premise of the thread...

Jewish Professor Finds Swastikas Spray-Painted in Office at Columbia ...
[Image: ?]
(05-20-2024, 04:18 PM)Notran Wrote: I agree all the hostages should be returned but on both sides, there are many hostages in Israeli prisons long before the 7th of October. The students view the Palestinian as the weak side.

Why are the Palestinian "hostages" in prison again? Is it because of terroristic attacks in Israel? How does that excuse 10/7? This does not mean I believe all Palestinians locked up are guilty or should be imprisoned. Regardless raping and murdering innocent Israelis just adds more injustice to the equation, sure it's vengeance and retribution but that's the never-ending cycle in the Israel/Palestine question. 

REALITY is we were closer to potential peace before 10/7 than the day after. We might not ever get that close again. 

Imagine if every nation-state-entity disagreement is solved by the aggrieved being allowed to murder, rape, and take hostages like ISIS or Boko Harem. Anarchy and chaos are other themes in this college protest.
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
More examples these protests ARE NOT just about humanitarian reasons. They are full of pro Hamas pro Iran sentiment. 

 Here are PressTV/Iran's state media thoughts, this is why the protests are dangerous, the same Iranian government that simply brutalizes women for not wearing a hijab.
Congressman Russell Fry

College campuses have turned into places of suppression, depending on who you are. Since the October 7th attack on Israel, 65 higher education institutions are being investigated for antisemitic incidents. This isn't in Gaza or the West Bank. This is right here in our country.
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(05-20-2024, 04:18 PM)Notran Wrote: The students are not siding with terrorists but with the ordinary Palestinians who are getting killed in their tens of thousands. These two must not be conflated.

As the matter of fact today I think the ICC has issued arrest warrants against Netanyahou and Hamas leaders but I very read there are more to come for members of the Israeli Government and others in Hamas.

That reads to me like people are confused about what war is. War is not a moderated debate where rules matter. Hamas attacked Israel and Israel is defending its citizens. War is ugly.

Hamas was chosen by the Palestinians to lead them in Gaza. That means anything Hamas does is sanctioned by the Palestinians. Heck, the Palestinians are not even a definable group. They are a collection of outcasts that Egypt, Jordan and most countries in that region do not want. People forget that when propagandizing for Hamas. There is a reason the Palestinians are unwanted by their neighbors. Of course Iran loves them as Iran provides support for terrorist groups.

Going back, the students, the innocent students who are not part of this insane support for terrorists have a huge roadblock to overcome now. Businesses are going to be hesitant to hire young people from this batch of students. Between this antisemitic madness and what they went through during the pandemic, this group may not be employable. Their attitudes are not conducive to a good employee. Who wants out of control adults who act like hormonal adolescents.

Moms and Dads need to get ready to support their kids into their 30s. [Image: ats2504_sshakehead.gif]
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
- Benjamin Franklin -
FWIW it isn't just the students with questionable alliances.
Quote:Israel War Room reposted
New York Post
Rutgers University advisor routinely shares pro-Hamas social media posts, calls attacks on IDF soldiers ‘funny’
[Image: GOISlcEX0AAe1n4?format=jpg&name=small]
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
Im not usually a fan of polls but these are germane because #1 they come from a liberal source #2 they are so specific and #3 They are so clear about where American opinion lies.

Am I wrong?

[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-21-22-21-00-740.jpg][Image: Screenshot-2024-05-21-22-21-30-149.jpg][Image: Screenshot-2024-05-21-22-22-12-338.jpg][Image: Screenshot-2024-05-21-22-22-48-934.jpg]
[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-21-22-24-44-307.jpg]
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
Yeah, so much this!
and a nice summary LOL. It looks like we should be glad we live in a semi-democratic republic

[Image: GOJcAJ4acAAZ4Lt?format=jpg&name=large]
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  

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