deny ignorance.


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[Image: JH7nzvP.png]
Everyone made fun of Noah as he built the ark on sunny days.
Until one day it started to rain ...
Q is building the ark.The anon persist in wanting to guess the day it will begin to rain.
And they keep making mistakes.
But one day it will rain...and it will be biblical.
(04-30-2024, 08:33 PM)duncanhidao Wrote: [Image:][Image:]

Who's Really in Charge in America:
An Introduction to "Devolution"


Everyone made fun of Noah as he built the ark on sunny days.
              Until one day it started to rain ...
                     Q is building the ark.
The anon persist in wanting to guess the day it will begin to rain.
             And they keep making mistakes.

But one day it will rain...and it will be biblical.

Man, though In an a huge "Q" skeptic I really, enjoy posts like this with in-depth explanations and theories....

Will come back when I can read it fully and comment...

Do I believe this scenario actually occurred? No I don't, one reason wouldn't we see certain clues if this had occurred. About the only time I felt like the military was in control was during the China spy balloon flap, one day we had Congress and Senators up in arms the next, they all shut up. FWIW if we are going to have a shadow entity controlling our government better the military than almost any other entity or group I can think of off hand.
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
Guardians of intelligence

[Image: cV8tHF3.jpeg][Image: BA51ff3.png]
Everyone made fun of Noah as he built the ark on sunny days.
Until one day it started to rain ...
Q is building the ark.The anon persist in wanting to guess the day it will begin to rain.
And they keep making mistakes.
But one day it will rain...and it will be biblical.
Everyone made fun of Noah as he built the ark on sunny days.
Until one day it started to rain ...
Q is building the ark.The anon persist in wanting to guess the day it will begin to rain.
And they keep making mistakes.
But one day it will rain...and it will be biblical.
Everyone made fun of Noah as he built the ark on sunny days.
Until one day it started to rain ...
Q is building the ark.The anon persist in wanting to guess the day it will begin to rain.
And they keep making mistakes.
But one day it will rain...and it will be biblical.
[Image: HbEFy5S.jpeg]
Everyone made fun of Noah as he built the ark on sunny days.
Until one day it started to rain ...
Q is building the ark.The anon persist in wanting to guess the day it will begin to rain.
And they keep making mistakes.
But one day it will rain...and it will be biblical.
Everyone made fun of Noah as he built the ark on sunny days.
Until one day it started to rain ...
Q is building the ark.The anon persist in wanting to guess the day it will begin to rain.
And they keep making mistakes.
But one day it will rain...and it will be biblical.
I will say that this was a weird story but I'll focus on just a small part of it.
Bank of America investment banker dies (
Quote:NEW YORK (Reuters) - An investment banker at Bank of America has died, the bank said on Monday.
The person died of natural causes, according to an email from the New York Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, who confirmed details when asked about the case.
The person died of "acute coronary artery thrombus," the office said. The disease causes the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel of the heart.
Bank of America said "our focus is on doing whatever we can to support the family and our team, who is devastated."
The bank did not disclose the individual's name or age.

The associate was part of the financial institutions group (FIG) team that advises bank clients on deals, according to a source familiar with the situation, and was also a former member of the U.S. Green Beret special forces.

The person died on Thursday, according to a second person familiar with the matter.
I think that a story about an unnamed person that stresses that they died from something the media has been hiding in regards to those vaccines is interesting in deed. I wonder if this was Reuters way of pushing for extortion payment, or if the media is finally going to poke the bursting dam?
(05-07-2024, 12:14 AM)guyfriday Wrote: I will say that this was a weird story but I'll focus on just a small part of it.
Bank of America investment banker dies (
I think that a story about an unnamed person that stresses that they died from something the media has been hiding in regards to those vaccines is interesting in deed. I wonder if this was Reuters way of pushing for extortion payment, or if the media is finally going to poke the bursting dam?

Heres an update: Another article said they overworked him to death

"A Bank of America investment banker and former Green Beret has died, the bank said on Monday.
Leo Lukenas III, 35, died of natural causes on Thursday, according to the New York Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.
The Brooklyn resident died of 'acute coronary artery thrombus,' the office said. "
Target Israel, and we will target you
Quote:Sens. Mitch McConnell, Rick Scott, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio also signed the letter, amid increasing concern in Israel that the UN court could issue arrest warrants for senior political and military officials over the nearly-seven-month-old war in Gaza, including against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi.

[Image: 63gOVP2.jpeg]


[Image: eYjplhQ.jpeg]
Everyone made fun of Noah as he built the ark on sunny days.
Until one day it started to rain ...
Q is building the ark.The anon persist in wanting to guess the day it will begin to rain.
And they keep making mistakes.
But one day it will rain...and it will be biblical.

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