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Columbia University has fallen
(05-03-2024, 04:08 PM)Notran Wrote: Banning what? Protests?
It doesn't sound very democratic to me.
Slippery slope.

The deep state wants to take advantage what the 40% or 50% says every now and then for its purposes but remember that students have repeatedly defeated the deep state on numerous occasions.

Thats the point it shows how these protests are roundly despised on campus, it's why the protests are rarely more than 1 to 2% of the university's student body population. 

The vast majority don't give a damn one way or the other, they are too wrapped up in thier own lives. REALITY
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(05-03-2024, 03:50 PM)Notran Wrote:  
In case it got past you, this topic is about Columbia University. The groups involved are small and the NYPD pointed out today that the phony protests are funded and orchestrated by outside forces. The students are just joining in the cause du jour.

Calling for the elimination of Israel is not a peace movement nor even remotely like the Peace Movement in the 60s-70s. Rolleyes

Do you personally agree with Hamas and its goals? Eliminate Israel and then the entire Western World if they don't join radical Islam?
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
- Benjamin Franklin -
(05-03-2024, 06:29 AM)Notran Wrote: There is some confusion of who is doing what but let me remind you it's not the students who are killing civilians at an alarming rate but the IDF in Gaza. US officials have admitted it already and I see you ignored my earlier post. John Kirby the White House Security Communications adviser said so a few days ago verifying that Israel is committing crimes against civilians. The number of dead civilians are on the tens of thousands and Israel is trying to hide the evidence but it's an impossible task.

There is no overwhelming support for the killings of thousands of innocent civilians in Gaza, actually there is no support for this task anywhere in the world, the main reason Israel has been isolated from the rest of the world. The condemnations are a daily occurrence against the practice of mass killings in Gaza. I don't know how did you come up with the conclusion people support Israel. Nobody supports Israel when they are killing women and children.

The anti-war movement is very powerful and it doesn't include only students but students have the free will and moral obligation to protest against this massacre in Gaza. Likewise many more students and anti war protesters protest all over the world and demand and end and what is coming for the Israeli officials and military personnel , unless someone thinks they will get away with mass murder and ethnic cleansing.

And many more after the US soldiers started killing innocent civilians and getting killed themselves by the Vietnamese.

I appreciate your long post and the information posted but we need to be truthful to ourselves. Nobody supports crimes and mass killings from whatever side they come from and in the Gaza war the IDF has killed many more innocent civilians than Hamas. I don't try to make comparisons between who is the most lethal but crimes against humanity and war crimes have been commited by both sides. Israel has been condemned so many times I have lost count how many countries have turned against them. University students know this and everyone else knows it, unless you are really one sided.

Some students have been arrested but most have been released. I wonder if the cops understand what is going on and if they agree to with arresting students and agree with what's happening in the middle east. I am sure some of them will probably hold the same views as the protests.

My stepfather served early on in Vietnam, I joined the service right after the war.

I take service seriously.  It is duty, honor, country.

You have a right to mock, disparage veterans all you want, I will just not engage.  The site is too new for me to get booted.
I may be grossly wrong here, but I think I may have found a reason for both the protests, and for the mainstream media's attention on them:
America is being pushed out of Africa and replaced by Russia. Don't believe me... Well believe this:
Russians sent to Niger airbase occupied by US troops (
Quote: The move comes after Niger's military rulers ordered the US to withdraw troops who had been countering Islamic insurgents in the region.
Russian forces were present at the base in Niger's capital Niamey, but were not mingling with American troops, US officials told the Reuters news agency.
Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin said the Russians posed no "risk" to US forces.
"The Russians are in a separate compound and don't have access to US forces or access to our equipment," Mr Austin told journalists in Honolulu, Hawaii.
"I'm always focused on the safety and protection of our troops... But right now, I don't see a significant issue here in terms of our force protection," the defence secretary added.

Niger is in Africa's Sahel region, which is considered the new global epicentre of the Islamic State group.

The US has relied on the country as its primary base for monitoring regional jihadist activity, but its relations with the country's ruling military regime have deteriorated since it condemned last year's coup.

In turn, Niger has turned to Russia for assistance fighting Islamist insurgents in the south of the country.

The Russians deployed to Airbase 101 at Niger's international airport in Niamey are said to be military trainers.

They are said to be occupying a wing close to a contingent of US troops.

According to Reuters, earlier this year officials in Niger told the US that about 60 Russian troops would be deployed to the country. It is unclear how accurate that figure is today.

It is also unclear how many American troops remain at Airbase 101.

Most of the US troops in Niger are said to be at a drone base in the central city of Agadez, some 750km (460 miles) north-east of Niamey.
Relations between the US and Russia have been deteriorating sharply since President Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, with the US leading Western efforts to supply weapons to the Ukrainians.

But Paul Melly, West Africa analyst at the Chatham House think tank, says he sees no prospect of confrontation between the US and Russian troops.
Mr Melly told the BBC the Americans had tried hard to remain in Niger, but that the country's military leadership had rebuffed their attempts to link their security assistance to a timetable to return to civilian rule.

"For the junta, the attraction of the Russians is that they make no demands about governance and democratic rules," Mr Melly said.
And to make this worse for the US, we all know how upfront and truthful Austin is, but it's not just Niger.
Concerns mount as Russian troops take over US base in Niger (
The US and its allies have been forced to move troops out of a number of African countries following coups that brought to power groups eager to distance themselves from Western governments.
In addition to the impending departure from Niger, US troops have also left Chad in recent days, while French forces have been kicked out of Mali and Burkina Faso.

At the same time, Russia is seeking to strengthen relations with African nations, pitching Moscow as a friendly country with no colonial baggage in the continent.

This idea of Russia's about not interfering with how the local governments handle their own countries seems to be buying a lot of hope for these African Countries in taking control of their own futures (though the ends of that have yet to be seen) One story I had read was eluding to the weird fact that where ever US forces are/were groups like ISIS have been operating, and this is also creating the appearance of a Trotskyist style of control being asserted by the US. Basically, what is being touted as "Russian Dis/Mal Information" (and that term "Mal Information" concerns me since it was made up by the Biden Administration) is the facts that in US populated areas of Africa, these terrorist groups are running amok, except in cities where the US actually occupies. Giving the appearance of that Trotskyist tactic of "You are with us, or you suffer in chaos". 

I'm not sure if this is a real tactic being used by the current US political establishment, or if it really is just coincidence of fact, but either way it doesn't bode well for US interests around the world where this is taking place.

Oddly, and this takes us back to these college campus protests and occupations, is that the more the US loses in Africa to the Russians, the more we are seeing these protests and occupations on the news. We already know about how the Soros Family uses internation commerce to disable other countries economies. 
If you can find it, this is outlined in a segment in "Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown" episode on Kenya (S12: E1). In that episode there is a bit about how free donated clothing is used by "companies" to prevent Kenya from using it's textile industry. Soros has been known for supporting these big international shipping firms in the past (and most likely still does today), and it's that multi-prong model that Soros was known for that is being used to keep Kenya suppressed. It's also been reported on and exposed how Soros is supporting these College protest and occupations. 

So, here's the scam I'm picturing, and this is just my take, Soros is losing money hand over fist in Africa by the Russians removing US control of areas. By hiding this from the public, I bet Soros (either George or Alex) is going to sell off the interest in African nations before it's exposed that his scam there is up. 

Now I know some of you will say, "that's just stupid talk", but remember George Soros tanked the British Economy as well as a few other nations just to make a few bucks. Then he funneled those profits into groups and organizations that undermine democratic and republic styled governments around the world. This was one of the major reasons why Putin had so aggressively went after Soros backed groups in Russia a few years back (no, I'm not saying that Russia is right all the time, but just like how Stalin kicked out the Trotskyists for being corrosive to the people of the Soviet, Putin did the same to Soros). 

My opinion is that these college protests and occupations are a major distraction and not... NOT the main story we should be focusing on.

oh, and just as a bit of a follow up to my last post. This is a neat little video on protests at Columbia University over the years. There is a difference with this one we see today, but the actions really are not that different. 
Here's a good bell weather on the popularity  of the protests and those who support the protests

[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-03-20-09-41-122.jpg]
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
Let`s remember the history , Israelis are the only people in the region who take their land back . The region was essentially slaughtered by Arab-Muslim conquest earlyer. There is a name for it...colonialism. The Columbia University protesters are supporters of Arab-Muslim conquest /colonialism , and against the Israelis right to defend their own land and people .

[Image: c0CGE0H.jpeg]
(05-03-2024, 05:03 PM)Blaine91555 Wrote: @Notran
In case it got past you, this topic is about Columbia University. The groups involved are small and the NYPD pointed out today that the phony protests are funded and orchestrated by outside forces. The students are just joining in the cause du jour.

Calling for the elimination of Israel is not a peace movement nor even remotely like the Peace Movement in the 60s-70s. Rolleyes

Do you personally agree with Hamas and its goals? Eliminate Israel and then the entire Western World if they don't join radical Islam?

Hi Blaine,

I don't agree with Hamas at all when they kill civilians just as I don't agree with IDF when they do exactly the same to civilians citing the danger by Hamas. Both have commited hideous crimes.

The students are part of the anti-war movement which includes many who aren't students. I understand it's a usual tactic to name them anarchists and communists but it always happened in the history of the anti-war movement. What students want is the end of the war.

(05-03-2024, 06:19 PM)DBCowboy Wrote: My stepfather served early on in Vietnam, I joined the service right after the war.

I take service seriously.  It is duty, honor, country.

You have a right to mock, disparage veterans all you want, I will just not engage.  The site is too new for me to get booted.

If you can point out to me where in my posts I have mocked and disparaged veterans.

Just as millions of others I disagree with the war in Vietnam which was an absolute disaster with over 58,000 deaths and many more wounded. The US has no business in Vietnam and the students at that time fought a lot with against the deep State who sent Americans to kill Vietnamese for no reason and be killed by them. Millions of Vietnamese died for no reason.

I think you need to start appreciating the anti war movement.

(05-03-2024, 04:33 PM)putnam6 Wrote: Thats the point it shows how these protests are roundly despised on campus, it's why the protests are rarely more than 1 to 2% of the university's student body population. 

The vast majority don't give a damn one way or the other, they are too wrapped up in thier own lives. REALITY

You don't know what the vast majority wants. Not everyone attends protests but if you were to ask students what do they think of the war in Gaza what do you think the answer will be? I am quite confident about the responses and can say the overwhelming majority will be against the war. Saying students don't care derives from nowhere, it's simply false.
(05-05-2024, 04:00 AM)Notran Wrote: The students are part of the anti-war movement ...

As I said, if they really were 'antiwar' they wouldn't be chanting 'From the river to the sea' which is a call to war to genocide the Jews.  If they really were peace activists that chant wouldn't be going on, nor would the calls of  'we are hamas' and 'we know where you live' and 'die jews die' and 'go back to Germany to the holocaust' ... and if they really were peace activists they wouldn't be chasing Jewish students through the schools causing the Jews to have to lock themselves in classrooms for safety ... and if they really were peace activists they wouldn't be blocking Jewish students from entering classrooms to attend classes that they paid for.   etc etc.     No, the protests are not 'antiwar' and they are not 'peaceful'.
Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.
DEI = Division, Exclusion, and Incompetence
(05-05-2024, 04:00 AM)Notran Wrote: Hi Blaine,

I don't agree with Hamas at all when they kill civilians just as I don't agree with IDF when they do exactly the same to civilians citing the danger by Hamas. Both have commited hideous crimes.

The students are part of the anti-war movement which includes many who aren't students. I understand it's a usual tactic to name them anarchists and communists but it always happened in the history of the anti-war movement. What students want is the end of the war.

They can't side with Hamas without agreeing with their goals. If they can't see that, then our education system failed them which I think is true. On top of that their parents failed them. Our country failed them by allowing the schools to be taken over by wanna-be Marxists.

At what point did it become OK to simply ignore that Hamas attacked Israel and Israel is defending itself. If they do not, they will be eliminated from the planet by Hamas and Iran and all the groups Iran arms and funds.

Israel literally has no choice but to wipe out Hamas. They can't do otherwise when defending against people who want the Jews all dead and gone. It is not their fault that the sick people that the Palestinians chose to fight for them use children and women as human shields and use hospitals and schools as their headquarters.

Nobody buys the argument that its only the Zionists that they want gone.

I never would have imagined that in my lifetime I'd see American students act just like the Hitlerjugend  [Image: ats2486_banghead.gif] This is so completely different than the real Peace Movement its amazing anyone would fall for that line. Pure propaganda. Pure hate. 

If we don't clean up the universities that have sold out and do it right now, the future is bleak. How do we fix an entire generation of brain washed kids?
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
- Benjamin Franklin -
The best, most honest and sincere anti-war protestors I have ever met in my life are veterans.

THEY are the only ones who have experienced war and know the true horrors.

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