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Columbia University has fallen
Yep.......bought and paid for. This whole thing reeks of the stench of Soros.
(04-28-2024, 09:25 AM)Tarzan the apeman. Wrote: Yep.......bought and paid for. This whole thing reeks of the stench of Soros.

Probably and the scary thing it's not just him, the Rockefeller Foundation has lots of donor monies. But the left keeps making excuses, like at the protest at Emory University in Atlanta. Someone said offhandedly half the protestors were NOT students or faculty, and much argument ensued, 1/3rd of those arrested have no affiliation with the University. So it wasn't 1/2 arrested and they pretended having 1/3rd was no big deal.
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(04-27-2024, 06:51 PM)putnam6 Wrote: Did we have foreign financial sponsorship during the 60s and 70s as is likely occurring today?

No, we did not, it was mostly domestic groups that did any if not all the organizing and funding.

For example, Vietnamese entities or even sympathizers didn't sponsor Kent State, it was just organically pissed off students.
Its a significant difference

Of course there are differences, but in general it's very much the same pattern. Distinction without a difference? Perhaps.
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
- Benjamin Franklin -
(04-28-2024, 02:19 PM)Blaine91555 Wrote: Of course there are differences, but in general it's very much the same pattern. Distinction without a difference? Perhaps.

I don't know man, it's hard to be so dismissive of the potential foreign influence. Again not a huge believer in the Soros Klaus WEF web of evil, but that doesn't mean I like him spending so much money on groups that are decidedly unAmerican. 

It's as if in the 70s it was the younger generation, finding its own voice and asking its own questions. Whereas in 2024 somebody is urging them to speak out and has a script for them to follow. 

It's more than just a distinction it's dangerous. 

It's no different than the CIA funding opposition and subversive groups around the world in the 60s and 70s. When you let a bought and paid protestors onto college campuses spouting racist views and calling for the death of Jews isn't what the 60s and 70s protests were about. It's not even close...

PEACE LOVE DOPE ANTI-WAR CIVIL RIGHTS all are taking a backseat in 2024, ANGER HATE WAR ON JEWS AND AMERICA and they really aren't concerned about everybody's civil rights either.

I'll finish with I don't mind grass roots organizing and donations, but when huge organizations with questionable agenda are behind supplying and training young people, that are already having trouble finding their way. It's a bad mixture. FWIW I'd feel the same way if they protesting a cause financed by huge conservative donors and backers.

Even if it's just 5% mercenary protestors, it's not good, and it's likely more than that.

Hell at Emory University a lot of the protestors are there to garner support for their protests over "Cop City" a new training area for the DeKalb County police. They want to hang on the coattails because these other protests are in the news.
  • George Soros’ backed nonprofit invested at least $140 million into politically charged nonprofits just one year before the midterm elections.
  • Those donations are on top of the more than $170 million Soros personally contributed during the 2022 midterm election cycle to help Democratic campaigns and political action committees.
  • The Soros nonprofit separately donated approximately $60 million to charitable 501©(3)s which are prohibited from participating in politics.
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
Case in point I suggest anybody thinking these protests are just like the 60s and 70s protests to read the connections at the link.
The NGO Network Orchestrating Antisemitic Incitement on American CampusesApril 25, 2024In the wake of October 7, the exponential rise in antisemitic violence, incitement, intimidation, and harassment on and around campuses in the United States is not the product of spontaneous protests of individuals. Rather, they are tightly coordinated and well-funded by a network of radical and often antisemitic non-governmental organizations (NGOs), including Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), Within Our Lifetime, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, and Samidoun. Under the guise of human rights and justice, these NGOs work to undermine the economic, military and other ties between US and Israel, and to besiege and divide the US Jewish community. 
All of these groups have supported and justified the October 7th massacre, as well as other attacks. Many of the NGOs in the network are directly linked to designated Palestinian terror organizations.
A common feature of all these NGOs is non-transparent funding and structure, as documented in detailed NGO Monitor research. 
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(04-28-2024, 09:05 PM)putnam6 Wrote: Case in point I suggest anybody thinking these protests are just like the 60s and 70s protests to read the connections at the link.

This is not 60s and 70s protests

Network Behind Eruption of Anti-Israel College Campus Protests Revealed in New Report

The NGO Network Orchestrating Antisemitic Incitement on American Campuses
IDK....i am starting to get some Maoist  insurgency vibe`s from all this Rolleyes
Quote:Political Warfare Attacks – A PrimerAs used here, “political warfare” does not concern activities associated with the American political process but rather exclusively refers to political warfare as understood by the Maoist Insurgency model. (This discussion relies on Thomas A. Marks’ treatment of the Maoist model as discussed in Maoist People’s War in Post-Vietnam Asia (Bangkok, Thailand: White Lotus Press, 2007), 1-14. Hereafter “Thomas A. Marks, Maoist People’s War.”)
Political warfare is one of the five components of a Maoist insurgency.
Maoist methodologies employ synchronized violent and non-violent actions that focus on mobilization of individuals and groups to action. This approach envisions the direct use of non-violent operational arts and tactics as elements of combat power.
In Maoist insurgencies, the formation of a counter-state is essential to seizing state power. Functioning as a hostile competing state acting within an existing state, it has an alternate infrastructure.
Political warfare operates as one of the activities of the “counter-state” and is primarily focused on the resourcing and mobilization of the counter state or the exhaustion and demobilization of the targeted political movement. Political warfare methods can be implemented at strategic, operational, or tactical levels of operation.
Political warfare is warfare.
Strategic information campaigns designed to delegitimize through disinformation arise out of non-violent lines of effort in political warfare regimes. They principally operate through narratives.
Because the left is aligned with lslamist organizations at local, national and international levels, recognition should be given to the fact that they seamlessly interoperate through coordinated synchronized interactive narratives.

POTUS and Political Warfare aka Higgins Memo

Insurgency is first and foremost political: warfare is what we see, but politics is what win

Political warfare

Mao Tse-tung and the Search for 21st Century Counterinsurgency
(04-29-2024, 12:23 AM)Kenzo Wrote: IDK....i am starting to get some Maoist  insurgency vibe`s from all this Rolleyes

POTUS and Political Warfare aka Higgins Memo

Insurgency is first and foremost political: warfare is what we see, but politics is what win

Political warfare

Mao Tse-tung and the Search for 21st Century Counterinsurgency

Maoists to the left of me radical Islamists to the right, stuck in the middle with you, lol

Good news some states are shutting it down quick and hard and its not expanding recent poll 82% of Americans support Israel. Even Europe started banging heads.
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(04-27-2024, 01:18 AM)putnam6 Wrote: So what should Israel's response be to 10/7 the murder, raping, and hostage taking? Let's not forget they are still holding innocent civilians.

Well... I'm not in the Israeli government nor do I have access to what their military capacity is.  However, when they were outraged and mourning, the world mourned with them.  A return strike (as I've said before) on Hamas would have gained them support -- up to a point.

There were 695 people killed outright in the October 7 raid. (French source here:

Israeli response resulted in (count is ongoing) has been to kill 32,000 people ( and confirmed by many sources.)

That's FIFTY TIMES the death toll from October 7.

That's not an eye-for-an-eye but rather an-entire-family-for-one-eye (not to mention the complete destruction of roads, cities, towns, infrastructure, animals, etc.)

And that's why the world is outraged.  
Quote:You know like those 4 late teens and early 20s women, now why didn't they release them with the rest of the women?

Possibly because Israel hasn't stopped?

Look... I can't answer that.  Nobody but the people who are holding the hostages (and their superiors) can actually answer that.   All we know is that they haven't.
Quote:We had today in my hometown promises from the protestors hundreds of 10/7s if not thousands. The response had to be swift, violent and overwhelming, it's all the Middle East understands, hell there are likely to be copycat attempts for years, once Gaza is over.  

I think something got lost there in your typing?  

But... let's stop and look at it from a "boots on the ground" perspective.  Just suppose that you are a Palestinian -- and this is your perspective (copied from Al Jazerra coverage on the war) To create the State of Israel, Zionist forces attacked major Palestinian cities and destroyed some 530 villages. Approximately 13,000 Palestinians were killed in 1948, with more than 750,000 expelled from their homes and becoming refugees – the climax of the Zionist movement’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Today, the refugees and their descendants number more than seven million. Many still languish in refugee camps in neighbouring Arab countries, waiting to return to their homeland. (source

And today's strikes by Israel killed 22 Palestinians, including 5 children. (source:

Wikipedia says the death toll includes 14,000 children (–Hamas_war) killed in the 6 months since October 7.

So there you are, a Palestinian.  Israeli fighters are killing your relatives and some of those are babies and young kids.  Does the killing (and you could call it murder) of people in your area incite you to surrender and agree to terms or does it make you so mad that you want to go in and kill all of them in retaliation?

For most people the answer is "I'm going to find the people who did this and do it to them, too!"

Israel's over-the-top slaughter of people is NOT self-defense and isn't inspiring anyone to surrender (there's an odd belief that bombing people into submission works.)  If it was happening in America, it wouldn't inspire you to surrender... or even negotiate.

Palestinians are humans, just like you.  If you were in a situation where another country was attacking, think about what tactics WOULD make you sit down and negotiate at the negotiating table.  In general, things like access and aid to help you and your country heal and build back (the carrot, so to speak) would get most people moving toward peace -- if you can get the attackers to Just Stop.  In fact, a promise of return to normalcy might get you to shut down the attackers.
Quote:Completely agree with a 2 state solution, HOWEVER negotiating it while hostages are being held and in the shadow of the 10/7 attacks is complete bullshit. 

Which is why many nations have stepped in to try and broker treaties that involve the exchange of prisoners and safety for aid workers.
Quote:. One-half of the protesters are just protesting because they are anti-war the other half is anti-semitic and believes any means necessary.

Do you have any source for that statistic (not a blog, please, nor an op-ed.)

It's a horrible situation and words and diplomacy aren't doing a lot right now.  Israel shows no signs of stopping and neither does Hamas.  It's going to take squeezing Israel with financial sanctions (such as companies withdrawing from them) and stopping sales and shipping of weapons to get them to stop the killings and putting pressure on the allies of Hamas to get them to the table.

Protests do have a useful function -- spurring companies (sources of finance and material goods) to pressure these allies into a course where they will bring both forces to the negotiating table and to stop the killing.  But there will always be troublemakers whose grudges run so deep that they will eagerly attack in order to provoke responses.

(04-27-2024, 01:12 PM)Blaine91555 Wrote: Yeah, its the 60s and early 70s all over again. Right down to the BLM rioting and looting much like the 60s. I was a kid but I remember it.

It's not just that, but also the fears of WW3. I remember the brochures my father had on the coffee table that advertised bomb shelter plans. The siren tests and the drills. I half expect things like that to start up as what appears to the genuine birth of WW3 progresses. Seems like history truly does repeat and fear is the trigger.

Remember the duck-and-cover drills for atomic bomb attacks?

Good times... good times (kidding, folks.  I'm kidding.)

(04-28-2024, 10:44 PM)Kenzo Wrote: This is not 60s and 70s protests

Network Behind Eruption of Anti-Israel College Campus Protests Revealed in New Report

The NGO Network Orchestrating Antisemitic Incitement on American Campuses

You might want to check the sources of the sources that you quote.  When I looked up the articles, I find that the main sources for your first article is not a standard news source but rather a right-wing source with a mission statement of "end the practice used by certain self-declared 'humanitarian NGOs' of exploiting the label 'universal human rights values' to promote politically and ideologically motivated agendas"

So you're not getting an unbiased source there.  You might want to dig a bit in less politically-aligned sources.
(04-29-2024, 12:37 PM)Byrd Wrote: There were 695 people killed outright in the October 7 raid.
Israel says 1200 were killed by the terrorist attack.

Quote:Israeli response resulted in (count is ongoing) has been to kill 32,000 people 
Claims Hamas.  Which lies.  

Abraham Wyner, a professor of Statistics and Data Science at the Wharton School, has done an analysis on the claims by Hamas about the death totals.  And his conclusion is that the numbers are bogus.  Charts and graphs at the links. 

Hamas’ Gaza death toll stats are pure fiction

Quote: Wyner’s critique is damning: The daily reported death tolls rise in a straight line, about 270 a day — which makes zero sense, since in any war, some days see far greater fighting and bombing than others.

Plus there’s no correlation between the reported numbers of children and women slain each day (when most kids are surely near their mothers) or between the numbers of women and men.

Also, the ministry claims that 70% of the dead are women and children, while Hamas admits to losing 6,000 of its (male) combatants — which would mean that almost no male civilians have been killed.

The obvious conclusion is that the ministry is just (clumsily) making it all up. It’s definitely not presenting real info gathered from across Gaza.

The graphs and the math are at the link -  

Hamas's Gaza death toll is exaggerated or faked, statistics expert claims

Quote:A professor of Statistics and Data Science at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, Wyner provided a detailed analysis of the data from the Gaza Health Ministry, which showed that they had, at the very minimum, been doctored – and at worst, completely faked.

Wyner first tackles the total reported deaths, which he shows climbed by 270 plus or minus about 15% every day. This, he says, is statistically impossible: "There should be days with twice the average or more and others with half or less."  "The graph of total deaths by date is increasing with almost metronomical linearity," he says – meaning at a regular rate, like a metronome.

"Most likely, the Hamas ministry settled on a daily total arbitrarily," he concludes. "We know this because the daily totals increase too consistently to be real. Then they assigned about 70% of the total to be women and children, splitting that amount randomly from day to day. Then they in-filled the number of men as set by the predetermined total. This explains all the data observed."

He also highlights that by Hamas's own admission, 6,000 Hamas fighters have been killed, which if combined with Hamas's data on deaths, shows that 20% of the total deaths are combatant while 70% are women and children. This implies that "Israel is somehow not killing noncombatant men, or else Hamas is claiming that almost all the men in Gaza are Hamas fighters."

In conclusion, he says, "The truth can’t yet be known and probably never will be. The total civilian casualty count is likely to be extremely overstated.

How Hamas "Gaza Health Ministry" Fakes Casualty Numbers

Quote:Here’s the problem with this data: The numbers are not real. That much is obvious to anyone who understands how naturally occurring numbers work. The casualties are not overwhelmingly women and children, and the majority may be Hamas fighters.

Not only do official Palestinian death counts fail to differentiate soldiers from children, but Hamas also blames all deaths on Israel even if caused by Hamas’ own misfired rockets, accidental explosions, deliberate killings, or internal battles. One group of researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health compared Hamas reports to data on UNRWA workers. They argued that because the death rates were approximately similar, Hamas’ numbers must not be inflated. But their argument relied on a crucial and unverified assumption: that UNRWA workers are not disproportionately more likely to be killed than the general population. That premise exploded when it was uncovered that a sizable fraction of UNRWA workers are affiliated with Hamas. Some were even exposed as having participated in the Oct. 7 massacre itself.

The truth can’t yet be known and probably never will be. The total civilian casualty count is likely to be extremely overstated. Israel estimates that at least 12,000 fighters have been killed. If that number proves to be even reasonably accurate, then the ratio of noncombatant casualties to combatants is remarkably low: at most 1.4 to 1 and perhaps as low as 1 to 1. By historical standards of urban warfare, where combatants are embedded above and below into civilian population centers, this is a remarkable and successful effort to prevent unnecessary loss of life while fighting an implacable enemy that protects itself with civilians.

YES, noncombatants have died in Gaza.  But they die in every war.  What we DO know is that the numbers Hamas have given are fake.  The true number will never be known.  

Just a reminder about the fact that civilians die in war ... casualties in recent wars ... 

World War II - 50,000,000 Dead

World War I - 40,000,000 Dead

Vietnam War - 1,353,000 Dead

Korea War - 525,000 Dead, over 1 Million Missing

Iraq War - Over 1 Million Associated Deaths

Iran/Iraq War - 500,000 Iraqi dead and 750,000 Iranian dead

Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.
DEI = Division, Exclusion, and Incompetence

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