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Columbia University has fallen
(04-26-2024, 05:49 PM)guyfriday Wrote: Odd how the article stresses the George Soros angle, and ignores the facts that Alex Soros is now calling the shots on this. 

also not mention is how when attacked in the media Soros (both George and Alex) have been known to hide behind their Jewish Heritage. Now why would a Jewish born family be pushing this anti-Jewish agenda, unless?
Yeah, a couple of things Im not a huge believer to the WEF theories, wealthy powerful people are going to hang out with other wealthy powerful people. It's the nature of the beast.

These Soros fronts have been established for a long time, they are their own entities now with thier own donors and sponsorships. Pretty sure a Soros doesn't write checks for expenses per se, but instead supports some other mega-donor to the cause. As for thier heritage, money power and control obviously can corrupt people enough to abandon thier roots 

Secondly, even if George has turned over the reigns publically, pretty sure anything he wanted to do would have dutifully been done by his son. Hell it probably was contingent on him turning control over, Alex must do A,B,C

(04-26-2024, 07:32 PM)Byrd Wrote: Thank you.

A more reasoned answer.  You might not remember that I'm a military brat and my dad was there in the middle of the fighting -- he did two tours and was embedded with the Vietnamese as an intelligence agent.  My former boss was also there as infantry.  Neither was spat upon and they did wear their uniforms while traveling.

I do remember the protests (I disagreed at that time with the protesters.) 

However, most of today's protests are against Israel for their over-the-top actions.  I can see launching attacks against Hamas (and today's weapons are sophisticated enough that surgical strikes, like the one against Bin Ladin and many other foes, can be done -- even when the target is inside a secured area and surrounded by civilians.)  

However, that's not what's being done.  Israel has the right to defend itself -- but killing aid workers and children don't come under that umbrella.

If you care to check closely (not the headlines but the news stories themselves or the organization) you will find that the protests have two main key points -- stopping the killing of civilians and the right of the Palestinians to have a free state with the borders that exist as of 1967:

Mostly it's about ending the killings, as I'm sure you've probably noticed in reading articles from multiple news outlets. Peaceful protests are a guaranteed right under the First Amendment (even if I disagree with what's being protested.)  However, what we're seeing (at least in Texas) is an almost hysterical reaction to marches and protests that turns the whole thing violent.  I think that's wrong, and it's the kind of inane reaction that's blown up before (Vietnam War protest, civil rights protests, etc.)  Violent actions against protesters usually get an immediate backlash from those in the area, and that always turns violent.

Again, feel free to disagree or hammer a point with references.  I'm up for that.

​​​​​​Thanks for your response.  I remember the same things that you point out -- most of the campus protesters were for peace and not against the ones who served.  And I remember communities welcoming service members home.

I agree that we're seeing the same kind of things today.
Thanks for the thoughtful discussion

 So what should Israel's response be to 10/7 the murder, raping, and hostage taking? Let's not forget they are still holding innocent civilians. You know like those 4 late teens and early 20s women, now why didn't they release them with the rest of the women?

We know the Palestinians copy whatever method is semi-effective and use it repeatedly. It's why we had a surge in hijackings in the 70s. 

We had today in my hometown promises from the protestors hundreds of 10/7s if not thousands. The response had to be swift, violent and overwhelming, it's all the Middle East understands, hell there are likely to be copycat attempts for years, once Gaza is over.  

Completely agree with a 2 state solution, HOWEVER negotiating it while hostages are being held and in the shadow of the 10/7 attacks is complete bullshit. One-half of the protesters are just protesting because they are anti-war the other half is anti-semitic and believes any means necessary. No 2 states, no peace till the elimination of the Hebrews. How do you negotiate with that?

Im not so naive to think once they get Palestine there will be peace, instead it will simmer and boil and it flare up differently with a renewed intensity. 

We literally have the US Navy building a pier to supply food and medicines to Gaza under damn mortar fire. This brings us to Iran and Russia, they aren't going to stop pushing to war buttons either likely till negotiations start on Ukraine. 

BTW WTF happened to never negotiate with terrorists? 

For the peaceniks why not demonstrate against the war in Sudan, you know the one that has more death, destruction and displacement, without the racial bigotry and racism. Shouldn't the Sudanese have thier own peaceful and secure state? Because they do not. They live in abject poverty, are being attacked, threatened raped killed and mutilated because like Hamas they control by fear and violent coercion tactics.

[Image: GDTvRBQWUAAn8mF?format=jpg&name=small]
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
Here's a fun angle in case anyone still believes that these protests are totally spontaneous.
‘Are You Being Paid to Protest’? At Columbia, Students Refused to Answer My Questions – Soldier of Fortune Magazine (
Quote: Columbia has been the scene of protests in the aftermath of Oct. 7, when Hamas brutally attacked Israelis in their homes. The terrorists killed innocent people, raped helpless targets, and took hostages. I am not aware of any protests where the Columbia students spoke out against the Oct. 7 attack. Instead, they condemn Israel for defending itself and for striking back against the terror network.
A group of students, calling themselves Columbia University Apartheid Divest, erected dozens of tents in the early morning hours last Thursday on the lawn at the center of campus. They declared the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment.”

So that was the background of this, now here's where the story gets interesting,
The whole thing was so weird, so unbalanced and vicious, it didn’t seem normal; it didn’t seem like a natural outgrowth of honest dissent. Everything seemed planned and staged, like an open-air performance. People wore costumes. They recited lines. They had choruses. Even their tent city was like a stage set. The tents are identical to one another, and obviously came from the same supplier.
The whole thing seemed very discordant; as in, why now? In years gone by, the situation in Israel / Gaza has not been high on the radar at U.S. college campuses. Students have been far more interested in things that could apply to their own lives, such as, the abortion debate. Why are they so suddenly interested in the Palestinian cause? 
Someone sent me a tip that the protests were using paid participants. This apparently is a thing. There is a company on the web that says it provides crowds or protesters for events and PR stunts.

and to the issue of that tip-off about people being paid,
I turned to the nearest agitator. 
“Are you being paid to attend this protest?”

She immediately began screaming at me.

“Why are you here? Why do you support Hamas? Did someone pay you?” I asked.

Her tone grew angrier. Her friends joined in.

I called Susan. I wanted her to hear the shrieking. Some of it was from the small group near me, and some came from the crowd at large. These people definitely like to yell.

My personal screamers closed in. Their tone got uglier. They accused me of being Jewish – as if that were a crime. One of them was carrying a tree branch.

I spoke into the phone: “They have a tree branch.”

A few crowd-clumps away, a lawn chair took flight. I couldn’t tell where it landed. I told Susan: “Someone threw a chair.” An identical chair soon followed. “There goes another one.”

Susan said some stuff I couldn’t decipher. Then she started yelling at me.

“I can’t hear you,” I said. “It’s too noisy.”

Then I get this:
Okay boss. Got it.

I backstepped slowly away. They followed. I got a heavy “rabid animal” vibe. I thought of dropping to the ground and baring my throat, as a sarcastic counter-protest, but I figured they wouldn’t appreciate the joke. I kept walking. My haters followed me a little ways. Then they seemed to lose interest.
Now where did we see this exact tactic being used before?
Oh that's right, this event here:
Now I'm not saying that the Chinese are involved in this, but it's clear that while Alex Soros is behind the funding of these groups, the leadership and training manuals are coming from some where else. Now who are these people that are providing the "Crisis Actors" for these events, and where are they getting trained. I wouldn't be surprised if China isn't far off from those groups.
These are not antiwar protests.  They are antiJew.  Anyone chanting 'from the river to the sea' is calling for the extermination of the Jews and the destruction of Israel ... and NOT a two state solution.   If Israel stops the war against Hamas, then Hamas wins and it, along with the 'palestinians' will just attack Israel again and again and again.  They have said they would.  Therefore, Israel can't stop.  It would be suicide.
Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.
DEI = Division, Exclusion, and Incompetence
(04-21-2024, 05:22 PM)Nerb Wrote: Can you please explain what on Earth you are talking about?

Links, Information, Opinion, Facts etc.

Our own INTEL agencies are now stating that offshore terriorists have infitrated the Columbia protestors? Since your a Veteren do you trust your UNCLE? Do you believe or are you so full of rage based on what you have seen heard or done you simply cant trust any of them. Thats what sucks about working for the FEDS. All of the management in every agency are corrupt and the good guy foot soldiers ~ Agents and others get burned out. I am NOT a VET but worked in the dark shadows. Messed up several KGB shipments of strategic electronic parts among other things. Saddam and WMD's? 

I trust UNCLE on this one and your position should be is to keep that check arriving at your home or bank. So dont collapse the USA as brush fires such as Columbia lead to forest fires. 

Yes, both sides are playing terrible. 

The spillage is now here. In the USA by design.

Michigan is the "New Palestine" ?
(04-27-2024, 05:35 AM)FlyersFan Wrote: These are not antiwar protests.  They are antiJew.  Anyone chanting 'from the river to the sea' is calling for the extermination of the Jews and the destruction of Israel ... and NOT a two state solution.   If Israel stops the war against Hamas, then Hamas wins and it, along with the 'palestinians' will just attack Israel again and again and again.  They have said they would.  Therefore, Israel can't stop.  It would be suicide.

Exactly, we need to be clear and say it over and over, it isn't just Israel and the elimination of the Jews, that these crowds of people are chanting against. In the West and the Far East, anybody who isn't Muslim, for every one person with a live and let live attitude there are 2 that will happily kill you, and be perfectly fine with their martyrdom for the cause. 

It's not all Muslim or Islamists but it's enough that it's a severe security concern. So much of a problem we probably shouldn't let them galavant around from university to university, influencing our gullible younger generations either. I don't like what that means but it is the reality of the situation. I very much believe this quote, it's not all Iranians, Muslims, or Islamists, it's their governments' that want to wage endless wars 

Look at Gaza, I had no idea how much money has been pumped into that situation till 10/7.  Billions upon billions of funds. effective and just government could have turned it into a shining example and helped the masses they led. Instead, they stole the financial aid and usurped it for their war machine against Israel and by association the West, because without our alliance Israel wouldn't exist. 

Hell the more I watch what is unfolding the more I believe. Texas Georgia and Ohio clamped down hard and quick, rightfully so. Its encouraging because it seems some places understand this isn't just organic college students protesting. 

[Image: Screenshot-2023-10-22-10-28-37-781.jpg]
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(04-26-2024, 07:32 PM)Byrd Wrote: I agree that we're seeing the same kind of things today.

Yeah, its the 60s and early 70s all over again. Right down to the BLM rioting and looting much like the 60s. I was a kid but I remember it.

It's not just that, but also the fears of WW3. I remember the brochures my father had on the coffee table that advertised bomb shelter plans. The siren tests and the drills. I half expect things like that to start up as what appears to the genuine birth of WW3 progresses. Seems like history truly does repeat and fear is the trigger.
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
- Benjamin Franklin -
(04-27-2024, 01:12 PM)Blaine91555 Wrote: Yeah, its the 60s and early 70s all over again. Right down to the BLM rioting and looting much like the 60s. I was a kid but I remember it.

It's not just that, but also the fears of WW3. I remember the brochures my father had on the coffee table that advertised bomb shelter plans. The siren tests and the drills. I half expect things like that to start up as what appears to the genuine birth of WW3 progresses. Seems like history truly does repeat and fear is the trigger.

Did we have foreign financial sponsorship during the 60s and 70s as is likely occurring today?

No, we did not, it was mostly domestic groups that did any if not all the organizing and funding.

For example, Vietnamese entities or even sympathizers didn't sponsor Kent State, it was just organically pissed off students.
Its a significant difference
Quote:George Soros and his hard-left acolytes are paying agitators who are fueling the explosion of radical anti-Israel protests at colleges across the country.
The protests, which began when students took over Columbia University’s Morningside Heights campus lawn last week, have mushroomed nationwide.
Copycat tent cities have been set up at colleges including Harvard, Yale, Berkeley in California, the Ohio State University and Emory in Georgia — all of them organized by branches of the Soros-funded Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) — and at some, students have clashed with police.
 The SJP parent organization has been funded by a network of nonprofits ultimately funded by, among others, Soros, the billionaire left-wing investor.
At three colleges, the protests are being encouraged by paid radicals who are “fellows” of a Soros-funded group called the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR).
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
A must watch video I can't stop laughing

[Image: Screenshot-2024-04-28-09-01-34-228.jpg]
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
[Image: GMNZ-PtWgAA8VNB?format=png&name=small]
Someone had a sale on tents.
(04-28-2024, 06:57 AM)Tarzan the apeman. Wrote: [Image:]
Someone had a sale on tents.

Somebody had their tents bought and paid for, just like their hours spent "protesting" 

Not all mind you but enough to make these protests look more mainstream
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  

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