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RE: JFK Remembered 60Years Later - Maxmars - 03-19-2024

I keep going 'up' to the top...

As in: On who's executive authority this was executed (pardon the pun.)

Who actually said, "Do it!" and it was 'on.'  Or if it was a 'put it to a vote' situation... who proposed it?

I know this might have been a convergence of circumstantial motives between huge multination cabals, crime empires, and banks (gasp!)  I can see the props placed to stop further inquiry.  I also know that the actual mechanics of the killing have been scrutinized to death (again, pun... sorry.)  Single bullet, missing secret service, etc.  Somehow knowing all this, we still know almost nothing... it doesn't square in my mind.

But somehow, there has to be more 'connectivity' revealed by the analysis to illustrate how the actual coordination worked.

I know... give it to an AI.  Piece by piece. /sarc

RE: JFK Remembered 60Years Later - Raptured - 03-20-2024

So in the Netflix documentary "The Octopus Murders - An American Conspiracy", there was a short segment from a woman who was privy to the dealings going on between the Justice Dept, CIA, FBI and others regarding control and shaping of dark things going on in our country (too much to try to type out or try to explain).

In this segment she claims to have seen the Zapruder film but not the version that we all know.  In it she claims it was clear as day that the driver of JFK's limo pointed a gun at the president and fired the shots that killed him and created the massive head-wound.   The person showing her this film, a CIA guy, mentions that the copy released to the public was edited.  The point being made is that THEY create the narrative they want and the public takes it at face value.

Have you heard of this?

RE: JFK Remembered 60Years Later - Maxmars - 03-20-2024

(03-20-2024, 10:58 AM)Raptured Wrote: ...

In this segment she claims to have seen the Zapruder film but not the version that we all know.  In it she claims it was clear as day that the driver of JFK's limo pointed a gun at the president and fired the shots that killed him and created the massive head-wound.   The person showing her this film, a CIA guy, mentions that the copy released to the public was edited.  The point being made is that THEY create the narrative they want and the public takes it at face value.

Have you heard of this?

I hadn't heard of this story.  It seems to me that with the chain of custody of the FBI being so strangely quirky, nothing can be absolutely ruled out.  However, it strains the mind to figure out "how" they made another version so expertly and quickly.  It would require a level of planning and coordination which is almost impossible to believe.

To render this assassination so obscured requires overt long-term intercession.  This is not something that can 'hide' forever (and it won't.)  Where is the fear that motivates such activity coming from?  And who has been "overt?"

RE: JFK Remembered 60Years Later - Raptured - 03-20-2024

(03-20-2024, 01:52 PM)Maxmars Wrote: I hadn't heard of this story.  It seems to me that with the chain of custody of the FBI being so strangely quirky, nothing can be absolutely ruled out.  However, it strains the mind to figure out "how" they made another version so expertly and quickly.  It would require a level of planning and coordination which is almost impossible to believe.

To render this assassination so obscured requires overt long-term intercession.  This is not something that can 'hide' forever (and it won't.)  Where is the fear that motivates such activity coming from?  And who has been "overt?"

I agree but wasn't the Zapruder film "lost" for a few years before being released?

RE: JFK Remembered 60Years Later - Rainmaker - 03-26-2024

(03-20-2024, 01:52 PM)Maxmars Wrote: I hadn't heard of this story.  It seems to me that with the chain of custody of the FBI being so strangely quirky, nothing can be absolutely ruled out.  However, it strains the mind to figure out "how" they made another version so expertly and quickly.  It would require a level of planning and coordination which is almost impossible to believe.

To render this assassination so obscured requires overt long-term intercession.  This is not something that can 'hide' forever (and it won't.)  Where is the fear that motivates such activity coming from?  And who has been "overt?"

I’m still getting used to the functionality of this forum so I hope this appears as intended.

We are all seasoned readers of obscure publications, I’m sure. 

Circa summer of 1991, the punk fanzine fLIPSIDe, which mainly covered the San Francisco music scene, ran some long interviews with William Cooper (of “Behold a Pale Horse” fame). As a high school student who had only begun to read such things, it was mind-blowing for me.

One issue had the alleged deleted Zapruder film frames with the narrative of the driver killing Kennedy. 

Many, many years later, I read somewhere that a Japanese public access-type TV show had successfully obtained a copy of the film and aired it once. I think Cooper showed it during a presentation at a college just before his death.

RE: JFK Remembered 60Years Later - Maxmars - 03-26-2024

Wow! I too came by my early familiarity with conspiracy theorists generally through learning of and listening to Cooper.  I never knew of the alleged footage he had shown, which just goes to show you much I missed...

Yet another aspect of the unusual nature of his passing.  

I wish we could get a clip of that to view ... but somehow, I'm sure that would be 'criminal' to some authorities, somewhere.

RE: JFK Remembered 60Years Later - Rainmaker - 03-27-2024

I just had to do a little searching…fLIPSIDe back issues are out there for sale.

The one with the Zapruder film frames appears to be issue #79 from July-August of 1992. The text of it can be found here; the driver’s name was Greer and if you search for that you can find the material:

FLIPSIDe issue 79 archive text

RE: JFK Remembered 60Years Later - Maxmars - 03-27-2024

(03-27-2024, 12:24 AM)Rainmaker Wrote: I just had to do a little searching…fLIPSIDe back issues are out there for sale.

The one with the Zapruder film frames appears to be issue #79 from July-August of 1992. The text of it can be found here; the driver’s name was Greer and if you search for that you can find the material:

FLIPSIDe issue 79 archive text

I'll be scouring through that for a bit.  Thanks so much for the link.

((It's gonna be a while before I can decipher this... but I found the general area in which to look.)

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