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RE: JFK Remembered 60Years Later - DontTreadOnMe - 12-18-2023

(12-16-2023, 05:39 PM)TSK Wrote: Agreed. The CIA used the mafia to kill Kennedy the same way they used them to try and kill Castro. The mafia had their own agenda in both cases, so CIA maintained plausible deniability in the event of exposure.

And the Mob was pissed at Old Joe Kennedy, for not living up to the campaign promises made by Kennedy.

RE: JFK Remembered 60Years Later - DontTreadOnMe - 12-18-2023

(12-16-2023, 07:43 PM)Blaine91555 Wrote:  Take Oswald's infatuation with Cuban/Russian style socialism and mix it with his being mentally ill I think we have just another in a long line of nutjobs who decide one day to play God.

Manchurian Candidate.
I found it interesting that that movie was pulled in the 60s.

RE: JFK Remembered 60Years Later - Blaine91555 - 12-19-2023

(12-18-2023, 12:49 PM)DontTreadOnMe Wrote: Or.
Manchurian Candidate.
I found it interesting that that movie was pulled in the 60s.

I have that on a disc. I need to watch that.

Sooo many people sooo sure that their theory and only their theory can be true. This must be in the top tier of CTs of all time.

(12-18-2023, 12:47 PM)DontTreadOnMe Wrote: And the Mob was pissed at Old Joe Kennedy, for not living up to the campaign promises made by Kennedy.

The Kennedy family certainly has provided this country with a lot of drama.

RE: JFK Remembered 60Years Later - DontTreadOnMe - 12-23-2023

(12-19-2023, 05:43 PM)Blaine91555 Wrote: I have that on a disc. I need to watch that.

Sooo many people sooo sure that their theory and only their theory can be true. This must be in the top tier of CTs of all time.

The Kennedy family certainly has provided this country with a lot of drama.

And it continues today.....

RE: JFK Remembered 60Years Later - crayzeed - 12-28-2023

You forget the MIC. They had the most to gain from Kennedys death. Kennedy was all for stopping the build up of men and arms for Vietnam, in fact he wanted to pull all Americans out of Vietnam. Was it no surprise to anybody that before he was cold LBJ was ramping up the Vietnam operations that led to the debacle that was Americas failure. But it did make a lot of people rich.

RE: JFK Remembered 60Years Later - jaded - 03-16-2024

(11-22-2023, 12:08 PM)DontTreadOnMe Wrote: I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing 60 years ago today.  
Anyone old enough on that day likely has similar memories.
Starting on that horrible day and for the next 3-4 days, the USA and much of the world face the horror in Dallas.

JFK assassination remembered 60 years later by surviving witnesses to history

Ex-Secret Service agent reveals new JFK assassination detail

Where were you?
And who do you think dunnit?

At school an my Mom was volunteering that day. She very solemnly collected me an we left immediately. Like little kids everywhere the news the President was shot & killed just stunned us. 

Have seen multiple conspiracy theories about it but these guys did a ton of digging. It wasn't the Mob, Oswald had russian ties, a foreign national was the umbrella guy. Kennedy was trying to wrestle control back from the CIA plus planning to work with the Russians in space. Paperclip had their hands all in this hot mess.

RE: JFK Remembered 60Years Later - FlyersFan - 03-16-2024

(12-16-2023, 01:00 PM)DontTreadOnMe Wrote: I really believe it was the Deep State with the help of the Mob that got JFK.
I believe Johnson had a big hand in it.  
I have a book around here about it.
Really good one.   I"ll see if I can find it.

RE: JFK Remembered 60Years Later - BeTheGoddess - 03-18-2024

E Howard Hunt took the kill shot and if you disagree then Langley thanks you for your compliancy.

Yeah the executoin of the 35th was what got me into tinfoil land, but all the bits have fallen together over the years we shouldnt be asking who killed JFK, byt WHY they killed him.

RE: JFK Remembered 60Years Later - DontTreadOnMe - 03-18-2024

(03-18-2024, 05:01 PM)BeTheGoddess Wrote: E Howard Hunt took the kill shot and if you disagree then Langley thanks you for your compliancy.

Yeah the executoin of the 35th was what got me into tinfoil land, but all the bits have fallen together over the years we shouldnt be asking who killed JFK, byt WHY they killed him.
(03-18-2024, 05:01 PM)BeTheGoddess Wrote:

Isn't that always the hardest to answer.
Reminds me of that AWESOME monolog by Donald Sutherland in the movie JFK.

RE: JFK Remembered 60Years Later - BeTheGoddess - 03-19-2024

(12-16-2023, 11:11 AM)Kurokage Wrote: I'm just a little to young to have been around during those dark moments of American history.
What do you think of the idea of the left handed secret service man George Hickey in the car behind being the person who fired the fatal shot? 
Do you think there's a chance that he was unfamilar with the firearm used and hungover, firing the round that killed Kennedy?
(03-18-2024, 05:59 PM)DontTreadOnMe Wrote: WHY????
Isn't that always the hardest to answer.
Reminds me of that AWESOME monolog by Donald Sutherland in the movie JFK.

I loved that movie, and the cast really added to that. I think its time I rewatched it, havnt seen it in ages.