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In-line / Line item quotes - Hint
I didn't see this covered anywhere, so I thought I might pass this little hint along.  (If it has been covered and/or is redundant, please feel free to delete).

Often times there is the need to respond line by line when replying to another post.  But the challenge is, when you hit the "Reply" button the poster's text is all in one big quote box making it difficult to reply line by line.  Here's how you can fix this.

When you hit "Reply" the person's post you are replying to will show up as one big block of text in the quote box (as noted).  If you place your cursor at the end of the line of text you want to reply to, you will notice the quote button along the top is depressed.  

[Image: ffU34Py.jpeg]

If you click on the quote button again (top red arrow), it will break the quote box into two separate quote boxes right at that point (pictured above).  If you then move your mouse over to the right side (2nd red arrow) of the quote box, you will see a red carriage return icon appear.  If you click on this red carriage return icon, it will insert a space between the two quote boxes which will allow you to enter your text in reply to the now isolated quote section you wish to reply to individually. (I wish I could capture a picture of the red carriage return icon, but I can't because it requires my mouse to hover over the correct quote box, and my mouse is being used to make the capture itself (so it can't be two places at once), sorry).

You can repeat this process as many times as you need to, to break up the quoted text into smaller 'byte' sized pieces to reply to.

Just though I'd pass this little discovery along for those wishing to respond to a post in this fashion.


Example (post)

Statement #1

Statement #2

Statement #3

Example Reply

[Image: 86yaeQm.jpeg]

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