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What are the gods that humans worship?
Not sure if this metaphysics or paranormal.
I did a thread like this at ATS a decade or so ago.
Thought it would be a good discussion here.

What are the gods that people really worshipped throughout human history?

Just imagination?   Demons getting attention?   Tulpa thought forms created by our worship energy?  Space aliens?   A combination of all that?   Something else?

I think that many are demons that are getting energy (their food) and attention from humans.   They were created as good by 'The God' and turned evil.   But I also do think that MAYBE  our energy from worship and our intent creates tulpa thought forms that are sentient and independent.   I don't  know if they just live briefly, as long as the worship energy lasts, or if they are created and live on for some time.   I have no proof of this, but it's a thought running through my head.  And yes, I know that goes against Christian theology.  

[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulpa]Are the gods really Tulpa (thought forms?)

Quote:In Tibetan Buddhism and later traditions of mysticism and the paranormal, a tulpa is a materialized being or thought-form, typically in human form, that is created through spiritual practice and intense concentration. Modern practitioners, who call themselves "tulpamancers", use the term to refer to a type of willed imaginary friend which practitioners consider to be sentient and relatively independent.
make russia small again
Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.
I think a large quantity of them are creations of humans to try to explain the uknown, As most of the very early Gods are linked to things like the Sun and the Moon and their 'interactions' or storm Gods.

As example..

The Divine Downpour
You turn to the weather channel and hear the meteorologist talking about a storm brewing at sea. He makes a point about “the eye of the storm” and you wonder how storms suddenly have human features. What gives?
“The eye of the storm” is one example of the personification of weather. Humans have personified natural phenomena for millennia. It may have originally allowed people to understand the causes and features of things like forest fires and thunderstorms. Over time, natural events took on human-like personas in a number of polytheistic religions. Storm gods could be benevolent or malicious, much like humans. From the earliest times to the present day, storm gods have occupied a place at the heart of religious traditions across the globe.

"Denial is a common tactic that substitutes deliberate ignorance for thoughtful planning." 
Charles Tremper
You should read the book of enchi....kinda has the same storyline of the old testament but with aliens...it talks about the flood pretty extensively
Huh maybe western civilization is doing that with all its "greed is good" ideas creating a tulip of molach like ginsberg said
Quote:...What sphinx of cement and aluminum bashed open their skulls and ate up their brains and imagination?Moloch! Solitude! Filth! Ugliness! Ashcans and unobtainable dollars! Children screaming under the stairways! Boys sobbing in armies! Old men weeping in the parks!Moloch! Moloch! Nightmare of Moloch! Moloch the loveless! Mental Moloch! Moloch the heavy judger of men!Moloch the incomprehensible prison! Moloch the crossbone soulless jailhouse and Congress of sorrows! Moloch whose buildings are judgment! Moloch the vast stone of war! Moloch the stunned governments!Moloch whose mind is pure machinery! Moloch whose blood is running money! Moloch whose fingers are ten armies! Moloch whose breast is a cannibal dynamo! Moloch whose ear is a smoking tomb!Moloch whose eyes are a thousand blind windows! Moloch whose skyscrapers stand in the long streets like endless Jehovahs! Moloch whose factories dream and croak in the fog! Moloch whose smoke-stacks and antennae crown the cities!...
maybe howl was more a type of formative spellcasting than huh always wondered about that ginsberg guy

also yes though chistian dogma is all one god theres certainly multigod tuliplike stuff in the tradition for example you made me think of the story of bel and the dragon from the apocrapha that the catholics put in their bible its about daniel and the king who is worshipping the god bel and he says to daniel "hey bel must be real because look he eats all the food we put out as an offoring!" hahaha anyways is a quick read and quite a fun story https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Bel...Chapter-1/

and didnt genesis say there were a whole bunch of gods too that often seems glossed over

and i guess the measure of the tulip things being real is if it acts like its real we're never going to get direct evidence to scienceproove it just like with big-g god so the whole idea of peoples belief in it making it powerful really sounds like bark on the proper tree

edit oh an terry pratchett yes ficton but discwold seems to tow the line amiright has a hilarious book right up this ally: https://www.terrypratchettbooks.com/books/small-gods/
(10-04-2024, 10:02 AM)FlyersFan Wrote: They were created as good by 'The God' and turned evil.   But I also do think that MAYBE  our energy from worship and our intent creates tulpa thought forms that are sentient and independent.  

Are the gods really Tulpa (thought forms?)

I've sometimes thought that something like this could account for the modern visions of Mary. It could explain, e.g., why the vision at Lourdes appeared to identify herself, in local dialect, by the name of a topical doctrine ("the immaculate conception").
(10-04-2024, 10:41 AM)NID8648 Wrote: You should read the book of enchi....kinda has the same storyline of the old testament but with aliens...it talks about the flood pretty extensively

I’ve been meaning to read this. Do you have a particular version that you recommend?
Currently, the dollar bill  and "stuff" for many.

I honestly believe as previously mentioned the folks would try to rationalize what they didn't understand or couldn't beleive and associate it with something they knew couldn't be explained. 
For example:  The sky above was warm, bright and inviting.  Assocate that with "Good"
The ground below is cold, dark and dense. Associate that with "Bad".

Heaven =- Good
Hell = Bad

Above and Below.  Ying and Yang.

Now look at that tribe discovered after WW2 (if memory serves correct) that with 0 contact with modern society, erected an effigy in the shape of a plane because they once saw one flying overhead.  
To them it was a mortal being sent to be worshipped.  To us it was Oceanic flight 815, on it's way to destiny, lol
(10-04-2024, 12:28 PM)Raptured Wrote: Currently, the dollar bill  and "stuff" for many.

I honestly believe as previously mentioned the folks would try to rationalize what they didn't understand or couldn't beleive and associate it with something they knew couldn't be explained. 
For example:  The sky above was warm, bright and inviting.  Assocate that with "Good"
The ground below is cold, dark and dense. Associate that with "Bad".

Heaven =- Good
Hell = Bad

Above and Below.  Ying and Yang.

Now look at that tribe discovered after WW2 (if memory serves correct) that with 0 contact with modern society, erected an effigy in the shape of a plane because they once saw one flying overhead.  
To them it was a mortal being sent to be worshipped.  To us it was Oceanic flight 815, on it's way to destiny, lol

YES!!!!!! Exactly..,...these events or creatures at one time existed but do to perception the facts got twisted through word of mouth or someone just saying what they themselves saw
Tulpa's are more of an us thing and I think evident in their nature such as when there is possession, stigma or other forms of physical manifestation.

It's interesting to suggest one could become a god, but wouldn't that be the same as worshiping a tiger or volcano?
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One of my favourite books is “The Source “ by James A. Michener.

It is fiction, but it gives an interesting perspective of how people began to worship gods. I have read it numerous times and the edition I have now is all taped together.

I think that I may have mentioned this before, but when I was just out of high school I was playing in a heavy rock band. My older brother had been struggling with addiction and turned to religion for help. Well he essentially joined a cult that had him burn all his albums. First editions of “The Guess Who”, “Neil Young and the Squires”, etc.
He came to my place unexpectedly just to tell me that I was going to hell for playing rock music!! Fun and warm hearted conversation that was…

Anyhow, I got pissed off and decided to get a degree in theology just to combat his BS. I ended up quitting when I was told that I needed to pick a school of divinity and therefore a religion in order to finish. No thanks.

I know, too wordy and too much information, but I got a look into the different perspectives out there.

My 2 pesos.

If it’s hot, wet and sticky and it’s not yours, don’t touch it!