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What Is The Purpose of Cows...AI's Greatest Hits
(not sure where to put this, so I did my 'best guess'.  Mods, move it if needed)

Okay... a bit of fun for you guys:  With AI becoming increasingly common, we're also starting to see the real limits of it... so I thought I'd start a threadwo explore "what egregious errors have you seen AI making?"

I'll go first.  I read and answer questions on Quora.com, where they also have something called the "Quora Prompt Generator" creating (or trying to) interesting questions for people to answer.   What it's really done is expose some of the limitations of so called artificial intelligence.

So we get questions like:
  • What is the purpose of cows?  Why did God create them?
  • Has the pandemic made you more aware of germs and influenced your behavior regarding shoes?
  • How can someone move from Canada to Quebec?

(you can read more here: https://qpgsgreatesthits.quora.com/?q=qpg%27s)
It's very clear that AI has no idea about things (it asks what JRR Tolkien thought of Lord of the Rings) and can't think through consequences.  In the art world, things can go off the rails pretty quickly.

Like the 'Weiner dog race"
[Image: ai-fails-39-64a2957c301bd__700.jpg]

If you like, AI can help you "practice yoga"
[Image: ai-fails-10-64a27461394f0__700.jpg]

And how about "roller skates"?

[Image: ai-fails-1-64a2bc73d4da8-png__700.jpg]

Okay, folks... that's what I've got.  Got any "great" AI hits that we can point and laugh at??