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WEF False Flag Cyber Pandemic?
Hats off to CoinBureau for making the sometimes confusing, convoluted world of 'false flag cyber pandemics' easier to understand.

Thought he did a great job in these two videos explaining certain 'simulation' aspects and then asks the inevitable question 'Is the WEF planning a global cyber attack to acheive even more control?'.

If it's anything like their last eerily predictive '2019-nCoV' pandemic simulation (sponsored by Gates and the CIA) then suppose it's left a great many people thinking a resounding 'yes'.

• WEF's 'Cyber Polygon' Global Cyberattack Simulations:

Part Two

Speaking at the meetings Klaus Schwab reckons a 'great reset' is absolutely needed and all 'stakeholders must be mobilized' - he also states 'a global cyber attack will make the pandemic look like a small disturbance by comparison'.

Didn't realize Fabian crackpot Tony Blair was also a speaker and according to him 'a globally impactful scandal is inevitable soon' - he also reckons 'rolling out Digital ID is the key'.

The various yearly meetings which simulate a July 8th/9th 'catastrophic global meltdown' have seen massive support from Russia's largest bank (Sberbank) and although many contributors have chosen to remain anonymous did find it relevant that 'Mastercard' were involved as there are some rather disturbing developments discussed here.

Also interesting to note Deutschebank and IBM are hugely involved behind the scenes and considering WEF patronage and Schwab roots suppose one could be forgiven for asking why on earth there are so many dodgy 'Nazi' connections?

Also worth a mention that in this old VHS clip the WEF are being specifically discussed in relation to 'the controlled demolition of first world economies'.

[Image: pt60c2443d.jpg]

Also the WEF have apparently been working with the CIA (again) regarding energy infrastructure and the CIA's 'Marble Framework' did come to mind as it apparently enables operators to disguise hacks to appear as if they are coming from other specific countries..

Quote:We know, for example, that the CIA has already developed the Marble Framework, an anti-forensic tool that "might be used to disguise the CIA’s own hacks to appear as if they were Russian, Chinese, or from specific other countries." In other words, the CIA has spent time and energy developing a way to pin the blame for its own cyberweapons on its enemies. Although the CIA obviously will not confirm why, how or even if Marble has been deployed in the past, there is no other explanation for its existence: it is a tool for enabling virtual false flag terrorism.

When False Flags Go Virtual


Meet The WEF

‘Catastrophic cyber event likely in next two years’: WEF Annual Meeting in Davos

Is 2021’s Fictional Cyberattack Simulation Prepping Us For a Cyber Pandemic?


Some interesting musings from back in 2007 involving the WEF, Bird Flu and the internet.

Quote:If a bird flu pandemic sweeps the nation, we could avoid infection by working from home via the Internet.

Or, hammered by overuse, the Internet could shut down within two to four days of an outbreak, eliminating telecommuting as a viable option.

Disturbingly, that was one finding of a simulation, or war game, held in January in Davos, Switzerland, by the World Economic Forum and management consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. More than 30 senior industry and governmental executives played out the arrival of the flu in Germany from Eastern Europe — and the results weren’t pretty.

The New PSYOP Payload: Bird Flu and the Collapse of the Internet
Journalist Whitney Webb on Jürgen's predictive programming and backstage WEF involvement with intel agencies, JP Morgan, the Carnegies etc.

'Vault seven' and the 'Umbrage programme' also get brought up.

• She's EXPOSING the WEF false flag coming in 2024, Journalist Whitney Webb

Rather interesting video. Beer
Internet collapse is a pretty difficult thing to accomplish maybe you could do it per country but it would take cutting underwater cables, the destruction of lvl 3 satcoms just insane amount of work all at once, signal corp would have to fake the collapse too

"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."