3 hours ago
(3 hours ago)quintessentone Wrote: So then your particular brand of Christianity do not follow Jesus' teachings, am I right?
You are wrong. And you are clueless as to what Christianity is and what the bible says.
God does not bless self mutilation and the 'trans' fad.
And He does not approve of this woman lying claiming that gays and so called 'trans' should fear for their lives.
And He does not approve of demonic deception .. which is what she, AND YOU, are engaged in ... calling nonChristian political ideologies 'christianity 101'.
This woman is a woke mess of political ideology, a liar, and a deceiver.
And so is anyone who supports the demonic mess she engages in.
make russia small again
Don't be a useful idiot. Deny Ignorance.
Don't be a useful idiot. Deny Ignorance.