8 hours ago
(8 hours ago)quintessentone Wrote: Now you are rewriting the Bible to fit your narrative.
Right there .. you prove you know nothing about Christianity or the bible.
What I said is biblical, christian and theologically correct.
Jesus did not say to be accepting and compassionate and merciful towards evil.
To accept lies and evil and brand that acceptance as compassionate is actually just the opposite.
To say otherwise is absurd ... and demonic.
You harm the people doing the evil when you do that.
Nothing 'compassionate' or 'merciful' about misplaced what you are claiming is 'good'.
- I studied in a Franciscan monastery every weekend for almost 9 years.
- 62 years as an active Catholic with 'official' and theologically correct bible studies.
- 10 years as an active Third Order Carmelite ... official and theologically correct studies all through it.
I know what I"m talking about. You, do not.
Your religion and god are left wing ideology.
And you claiming that it's Christian looks ridiculous.
make russia small again
Don't be a useful idiot. Deny Ignorance.
Don't be a useful idiot. Deny Ignorance.