8 hours ago
(9 hours ago)quintessentone Wrote: Migrants working in the fields are absolutely the best affordable option because there are no other options once the migrants are deported.
I think you need to listen to Bishop M. Budde's message on having mercy, isn't that being a good Christian 101.
Illegals are NOT the best affordable option. They cost tens of billions every year and clog up the country taking up resources that can be used by actual Americans. And yes there are other options ... actual Americans can work the menial jobs that the illegals take up.
And no ... NO ONE on the planet needs to listen to that nutball Budde. She's a political hack pretending to be a person of the cloth. Shilling for far left political nonsense. A 'good Christian' understands that, whereas someone with their brain pickled in partisan juice doesn't.
I forgot .. but aren't you not even American? Yeah ... foreigners telling Americans to throw wide open the border for an illegal invasion because it's supposedly the 'christian' thing to do. Ridiculous.
make russia small again
Don't be a useful idiot. Deny Ignorance.
Don't be a useful idiot. Deny Ignorance.