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The tax issue regarding income
Hi party people. 
      I am writing this annoyed as a person who flatiron their hair when it was going to rain and then got my hair wet in the rain. So, yes I understand I do have a choice and I am about to get movin'. 
So for 10 years I have been divorced. Not wanting to be all on my lonesome and having to leave a second relationship which was bad. I left florida on the advice of my father. I moved home to California. Now the whole time I have not been able to find accommodation in a decent neighborhood with my income despite working in my current field for 9 years. Apartments want 3x the rent. I could not afford it until now. Even then, it is unobtainable. So I go to school, paying my way so I fo not get taxed by the government for a loan to the best of my ability. 
Being in the preschool profession is a monetarily unfulfilling job. Parents need to pay and the overhead is huge. The money on insurance for the center to operate alone is huge. Every year we get raises. Usually a dollar or more. It's nice. But because we live in Cali we get taxed out the yang. The state takes about 450 a month out of my paycheck every two weeks. I do not claim anything.     Here's why I am going to move to a no state tax state. My child's friend is making 22 an hour in florida and is bringing home only 100 dollars less that what I bring home in a paycheck despite me making almost six more dollars an hour.

        I may not want to go to florida, but I would like to keep the money I eaen or at least would like something to show for it.  If I brought home what my kids friend. Brings home, I would be living well in the area of florida they live. 

There is a catch, beeing a preschool teacher with ten years of expertise and way to many early child hoood units to think about, it is reletive to where I reside. Here I am making about average for the area. If I move I would probably be looking at a pay cut of eight to ten bucks. But I would still come out where I might afford a place. 
I did the math. Where I work my pay is equivalent to approximately two to two and a half childrens tuition. I work with fifteen children. Like I said before overhead is astounding. 

Anyhow I guess my question would be... where is a good safe place to live making lower income that won't be devoured by CA or have me attacked for leaving the house?
I have family now in florida ( northern central), Texas ( 4 hours east of Dallas), and rural Maryland. I also have family on the western tennesee/Kentucky Boarder. I would like to live near family. If not somewhere by these areas. Any ideas would be great. Oh  i forgot to mention I am a teacher and a teacher in training for elementary however, I do not agree with the political bias in school. There is no space for it in a true environment for learning as far as the teaching staff goes ( yes, I have had to bite my younger in the break room when people were bashing Trump and talking about the news headlines about falsehoods they say trump did. When it was someone else....  anyhow, I am a bit sleepy and my ADHD is showing. So imma leave this. I will respond tomorrow and I appreciate all advice.
Have a sunshine type of day! Cool Cool
Tennessee sounds like a winner, no income tax, family close by.

I have a cousin who moved there from NH years ago. She loves it.

Always check Citidata for info into anywhere you want to move to!

California is horrible, and Massachusetts is quickly becoming awful too. Avoid Blue states.
In tune
I don't wish to avoid the question... but I will.  I understand you are looking for greener pastures, a place where you can exist without endless struggle to 'survive.'

But I would like to say that you don't have to be alone.  You may be able to 'team up' with trusted friends or even associates who can share the common burdens of housing and such.  Also, I don't presume that you can coexist with family (that's a hard thing to do for many) but frankly, that's what family is for in my book.

I'm sorry you have found so many frictions and problems in your career... but I can confidently say, you are not alone.  Your observations ring true with many folks I have conversed with.  Many of them would say "I know your pain" and mean it.

The best course of action is usually one which is planned and well thought out.  If you are finding your area unforgiving, unsupportive, and or unwelcoming you should start thinking in terms of changing your environment... but there is a difference between leaving and escaping...  plan to leave... don't expect it to be much different anywhere because without a trusted Sherpa you will still be on your own... we are not designed to be 'alone' (which doesn't mean you can't be alone, only that it is less fluid and simple alone.)

Sorry for the indirect response.  But I will include you in my prayers because I feel your grief, and see it also in my own world.
Dear Cre8Chaos, have you considered creating the most blinding CV possible and write some very well thought out letters to potential clients to find a "live-in" position teaching someone's kids privately in a wealthy neighbourhood?

A completely different direction to what you do now maybe but it would tick the accomodation box and also add to a great CV for more of the same PLUS if you do great you may get recommendations for other family's needing an educator without having to do endless interviews. There may also be a pleasureable social benefit too.

Also, consider contacting parents who have jobs that might benefit you in future regarding your current status and future long-term wishes like financial, educational, your hobbies and interests, property, travel etc etc. Be the best friend they could have wished for with so much to offer they cannot ignore you, even if it leads to another recommendation to someone else they know.

Just a thought a little outside the usual box that could elevate you towards a more independant educating status doing what you obviously enjoy in a nicer place and a friendly and satisfying smaller family environment not tied to the usual authoritarian constraints. Think big, do bigger, get something to make you smile while you work and live and get that flowwwwww back.

Regardless, I wish you all the best and wish you good luck. Keep us updated if you can.

Wisdom knocks quietly, always listen carefully. And never hit "SEND" or "REPLY" without engaging brain first.
(04-24-2024, 12:05 PM)KTemplar Wrote: Tennessee sounds like a winner, no income tax, family close by.

I have a cousin who moved there from NH years ago. She loves it.

Always check Citidata for info into anywhere you want to move to!

California is horrible, and Massachusetts is quickly becoming awful too. Avoid Blue states.

Yes I agree blue states suck which is why I want out. The bad part is the stigma from coming from California and the " you are bringing your problems to us.. and then being austracised. I think I will just tell people I just appeared into existence. I won't do that but ya get the point. It is not cool many people elsewhere think all people in California are the same and are cookie cutter... do I like avocado toast? Yes. Will I enjoy whatever the new state has? Yes. And I will be sure to check the resource.

Ahh yes, however, I am not a spring chicken and need health insurance. I have seen some interesting positions. But the thing is the children grow. Then I am flopping jobs. Plus in the sector I am in it is not easy for affairs or nannies to be looked highly upon when and if They apply to preschool or group care. Alot of stigma from teachers who have these children dropped off by them. People say look they cannot even control one child and we have to control 15. But the thing at the end of the day is kids act different at center based Carr then alone..... it would give me the ability to live elsewhere. If I had to as a last resort I would. I don't want to be 1 families you know what. 

It's funny you should say this. I have met some considerable people who we could have great situations. But, we are HIGHLY discouraged from fratranizing woth families out side of the center. I have twice and because it's looked down upon... I don't like to do it. When parents leave the center I could communicate with them I wish I were better at making connections 

 Now that I am kind of in a transition phase it may not be so bad to do for a year. It would be awesome to have two or three kids as opposed to 24.
Have a sunshine type of day! Cool Cool

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