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The essence of leftist ideas in America
Hi DI!

Russian relocates who come to America try to adapt to the new environment as quickly as possible. And they become holier than the Pope in leftist satanic tendencies. Here is a small typical story, a very small one, of Russian relocates in the USA.
Quote:"At the end of November, he heard about non-binary and one day decided that now he is they (hereinafter this pronoun will be used), and took the non-binary form of his name. In December, they changed their name."

If you look into it, this sad story contains the very essence of leftism. An activist encounters a clear manifestation of the disease - her friend has gone crazy, he calls himself with the pronoun "they". However, instead of helping the unfortunate man recover, she romanticizes his illness, encourages problematic behavior and even "protects" him from those who react to the illness adequately.

The Leninist communists we are used to acted in a similar way. A peasant has problems - he drinks, he's lazy, he runs his farm poorly. A healthy reaction is to help the poor guy get rid of poverty: offer to stop drinking, start working normally, buy modern equipment, subscribe to an agronomic journal. Communists, however, romanticize the disease: they claim that being poor is good and noble, and the rich are thieves and speculators who "parasitize" the poor slacker.

The same problem is with blacks in American ghettos. Their main disease is a criminal culture that dictates contempt for study, work and normal family life. And American leftists ... romanticize this disease (see George Floyd).

The same problem is with American fatties. Obesity is a disease that needs to be treated by psychologists, nutritionists and other specialized specialists. However, leftists also romanticize fat people, inventing "fat shaming", "body positivity" and other ways to crown a sick person with a beauty contest winner's crown.

It is easy to see that healthy conservatism is better not only for society as a whole, but also for those whom leftists call "oppressed". Let's take an abstract example that leftists have not yet gotten to - tooth decay.

The leftist approach: "all decent people have tooth decay", "tooth decay is power", "dentists are robbing us", "tooth decay shaming", "there should be at least three characters with tooth decay in this film". Victims of leftist propaganda walk around with bad teeth, bring things to pulpitis and periodontitis, and proudly dance at toothless parades.

The conservative approach: "You're sick, man, go to the dentist. What? Caries-shaming? Go see a psychiatrist, he's on the second floor in the same clinic."

You can consider me an enemy of freedom and progress, but if I get sick, I'll definitely prefer the second option.

In reality, leftism leads to the fact that the ideal person (I use a tolerant term) should be of an indeterminate race, of an indeterminate gender, live under a bridge, be super overweight, receive state benefits, do nothing, have no family and children (who would connect their life with him?), suffer wildly from tooth decay, cirrhosis of the liver, think that everyone around him owes him something, hate Russia, conservatism (calling it fascism) and Christianity, bark or meow, consider himself a quad bike, a tree or a Ferris wheel, and those who still have some money, become robocops.)))))

This is the real future for the West, unless people return to their roots.

Thank you.
Remember when you were young  you shone like the sun
Shine on you crazy diamond

Pink Floyd 1975
In recent times, can you tell me how often you've actually been to the west or do you have any western family members perhaps? Or is this just propaganda you've been fed and are now regurgitating for Deny Ignorance having 'moved' from ATS after your little tantrum?

One of my friends is married to a Russian, She dearly loves her people, but her and her family despise what Putin has done to her country, and how now a certain few are trying to spread disorder amongst the west.

"Denial is a common tactic that substitutes deliberate ignorance for thoughtful planning." 
Charles Tremper
There you go again, RT, pushing the liberal agenda of "mental illness". I'll refer you to the work of Thomas Szasz:

Quote:“The primary problem with modern psychiatry is its reduction of mental illness to bodily dysfunction. Objectification of those identified as mentally ill, by insisting on the somatic nature of their illness, may apparently simplify matters and help protect those trying to provide care from the pain experienced by those needing support. But psychiatric assessment too often fails to appreciate personal and social precursors of mental illness by avoiding or not taking account of such psychosocial considerations. Mainstream psychiatry acts on the somatic hypothesis of mental illness to the detriment of understanding people's problems.”
― Thomas Szasz, The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct

Quote:“The claim that “mental illnesses are diagnosable disorders of the brain” is not based on scientific research; it is a lie, an error, or a naive revival of the somatic premise of the long-discredited humoral theory of disease. My claim that mental illnesses are fictitious illnesses is also not based on scientific research; it rests on the materialist-scientific definition of illness as a pathological alteration of cells, tissues, and organs. If we accept this scientific definition of disease, then it follows that mental illness is a metaphor, and that asserting that view is asserting an analytic truth, not subject to empirical falsification.”
― Thomas Szasz, The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct

Quote:“The fact that atomic energy is used in warfare does not make international conflicts problems in physics; likewise, the fact that the brain is used in human behavior does not make moral and personal conflicts problems in medicine.”
― Thomas Szasz, The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct

Also, I would caution you not to fall into the trap of the "toothbrush" conspiracy. There is a reason dentists hand out those evil devices for free.
(10-31-2024, 12:52 PM)UltraBudgie Wrote: There you go again, RT, pushing the liberal agenda of "mental illness". I'll refer you to the work of Thomas Szasz:

Also, I would caution you not to fall into the trap of the "toothbrush" conspiracy. There is a reason dentists hand out those evil devices for free.

Do you think I am pushing a liberal agenda????
Come to your senses, I hate it.
Remember when you were young  you shone like the sun
Shine on you crazy diamond

Pink Floyd 1975
(10-31-2024, 01:14 PM)RussianTroll Wrote: Do you think I am pushing a liberal agenda????
Come to your senses, I hate it.

You're certainly trying to push an agenda, it's an agenda of disorder, rascism and hatred.

"Denial is a common tactic that substitutes deliberate ignorance for thoughtful planning." 
Charles Tremper
(10-31-2024, 01:14 PM)RussianTroll Wrote: Do you think I am pushing a liberal agenda????
Come to your senses, I hate it.

You must look at the root cause of problems! If you eat food that is laboratory designed to breed foul-smelling bacteria, and then scrape away that every night with your "toothbrush", that is not a solution! The deep-seated infestations remain. Do you think dentists don't know this? Think, then question their actions. It is like if your friendly dog keeps tracking animal fasces into your home, the solution is not to invest in slip-covers for your furniture, or a pet vacuum! You must teach little Дружок not to step in poop!
(10-31-2024, 01:22 PM)UltraBudgie Wrote: You must look at the root cause of problems! If you eat food that is laboratory designed to breed foul-smelling bacteria, and then scrape away that every night with your "toothbrush", that is not a solution! The deep-seated infestations remain. Do you think dentists don't know this? Think, then question their actions. It is like if your friendly dog keeps tracking animal fasces into your home, the solution is not to invest in slip-covers for your furniture, or a pet vacuum! You must teach little Дружок not to step in poop!
I am a practitioner. I know that when the owners of Colgate and Blend-A-Med set the task of doubling sales, the managers simply doubled the hole on the tubes))) And the whole world doubled its consumption of toothpaste))))
Remember when you were young  you shone like the sun
Shine on you crazy diamond

Pink Floyd 1975
The lefties in America suck, but at least they aren't attacking an innocent neighboring country and they aren't slaughtering a million of citizens from that country, all to support the lunacy of a crazed dictator .. like the Russians are doing in Ukraine for nut bag Putin.

make russia small again - Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine
make russia small again
Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.
(10-31-2024, 12:14 PM)RussianTroll Wrote: This is the real future for the West, unless people return to their roots.

"return to roots" ...  You lecture Americans on how they should behave.
You would prefer America act like how Russia is behaving?   
NO THANKS.   I'll take the idiot leftists in America who are confused 
and can't define what a woman is over the mindless aggression of 
the 'straight thinking' Russians .... 

Russia destroys half of the Catholic churches during it's war of aggression against the sovereign country of Ukraine.

Catholic Ukraine Has Lost Half It's Parishes to Russian Aggression
Quote:More than two and a half years after the Russian invasion, the Church in Ukraine has lost more than half of the parishes in the occupied regions, said Maksym Ryabukha, the new Greek Catholic bishop of the Donetsk exarchate. “We have already lost more than half of the parishes. And with the advancing Russian army, dozens of other churches have been evacuated,” he said. His diocese is partly under Moscow’s control, now divided by over 300 miles of trenches. 

make russia small again - Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine
make russia small again
Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.