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Saying NO to lab grown meat
Looks like Alabama and Florida are banning lab grown meat. https://gizadeathstar.com/2024/05/alabam...-meat-ban/
Quote:also strongly suspect that the real goal of laboratory-cultured "meat" has been, from the beginning, about achieving several goals: (1) driving traditional livestock farmers and ranchers out of business, (2) gaining thereby a concentrated food supply in relatively few corporate hands that manufacture "meat-like products", and (3) using the latter like GMO crops as a means of remaking or engineering the human biosphere and body itself.  It is thus, on my view, decidedly not about "freedom" or "the environment." To that end I suspect that somewhere along the line we should expect subsidization of meat-growing laboratories to make their products "cheaper" than the standard livestock meat products in order to drive the latter out of business.  Interestingly, as the article itself admits, the University of California-Davis questions the whole environment-friendliness of laboratory-cultured meat.

No one rules if no one obeys

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” - Voltaire
I suppose I might seem quite old-fashioned.   To me, laboratories are primarily for quantitative analysis, statistical analyses and testing of parameters and standards, perhaps some R&D and related things.   

I don't associate food production with a laboratory.   If food is being produced in a sterile, qualatively-controlled environment, it is probably experimental, and not what I would consider wholesome.   I feel the same about most (but not all) GMO foods.   When some of us were wee sprouts, corn and wheat had a much different nutritional index;  wheat and corn have been radically modified to produce MORE, but at  cost of nutritional value and measurement.   Thus, people are finding themselves semi- or completely allergic or intolerant to various grains which were previously in human history a constant  in the survival matrix of our species.   I'm just suprised somebody hasn't chosen to screw with the basic potato.   'Let's make them bigger!!!  Let's make them big as a Volkswagon Beetle!  We can ship them all over the world, and people will enjoy their empty calories!!  weeeeee!"

People.   Science is amazing and wonderful, and scientists -- while, in my world, not being opposed to religious folk -- often ask 'what can we do', rather than 'should we do this', or even 'is this an embracement of evil?'  ..........  ...... which is where de debil comes in, because evil -- if it exists as a cloud or manifestation or entity, surely loves confusing and tempting people who are curious, people who are seekers.   Otherwise, we would not have antibiotics, or vaccines, or modern medicine, or theoretical physics, but we would also not have GOF viruses, or chemical weapons, or nuclear arms sufficient to vanquish ourselves. 

Don't worry  though.  I'm pretty certain the roaches will always survive whatever we dish out.  

Food shouldn't be created.   We don't live on Soylent food.  We aren't mature enough as a species to create food and understand all the ramifications and consequences of our works.    We can debate whether animal or plant life is more ethical to eat;  perhaps someday we'll survive on various plankton wafers, who knows?   Should humanity survive and evolve, we might learn the answers to  these questions.   I continue to believe that almost every time -- if not every time -- humanity chooses to manipulate nature, they create, or invite disaster.

Yes, after no less than seven edits, that is my final answer.  Rolleyes Rolleyes ​​​​​​​ Shocked
(05-26-2024, 06:13 PM)argentus Wrote: I suppose I might seem quite old-fashioned.   To me, laboratories are primarily for quantitative analysis, statistical analyses and testing of parameters and standards, perhaps some R&D and related things.   

I don't associate food production with a laboratory.   If food is being produced in a sterile, qualatively-controlled environment, it is probably experimental, and not what I would consider wholesome.   I feel the same about most (but not all) GMO foods.   When some of us were wee sprouts, corn and wheat had a much different nutritional index;  wheat and corn have been radically modified to produce MORE, but at  cost of nutritional value and measurement.   Thus, people are finding themselves semi- or completely allergic or intolerant to various grains which were previously in human history a constant  in the survival matrix of our species.   I'm just suprised somebody hasn't chosen to screw with the basic potato.   'Let's make them bigger!!!  Let's make them big as a Volkswagon Beetle!  We can ship them all over the world, and people will enjoy their empty calories!!  weeeeee!"

People.   Science is amazing and wonderful, and scientists -- while, in my world, not being opposed to religious folk -- often ask 'what can we do', rather than 'should we do this', or even 'is this an embracement of evil?'  ..........  ...... which is where de debil comes in, because evil -- if it exists as a cloud or manifestation or entity, surely loves confusing and tempting people who are curious, people who are seekers.   Otherwise, we would not have antibiotics, or vaccines, or modern medicine, or theoretical physics, but we would also not have GOF viruses, or chemical weapons, or nuclear arms sufficient to vanquish ourselves. 

Don't worry  though.  I'm pretty certain the roaches will always survive whatever we dish out.  

Food shouldn't be created.   We don't live on Soylent food.  We aren't mature enough as a species to create food and understand all the ramifications and consequences of our works.    We can debate whether animal or plant life is more ethical to eat;  perhaps someday we'll survive on various plankton wafers, who knows?   Should humanity survive and evolve, we might learn the answers to  these questions.   I continue to believe that almost every time -- if not every time -- humanity chooses to manipulate nature, they create, or invite disaster.

Yes, after no less than seven edits, that is my final answer.  Rolleyes Rolleyes Shocked

Perhaps "laboratory-synthesized meat should be openly included under the heading: Ultra Processed Foods.

It seems that commercially propagated nutritional research has been... flawed. 

I thought there was a blossoming notion in the communities at large that we simply don't know enough to reduce something to the status of "food" simply because it's the industrial "code-compliant standard."  There are qualities of physiological processes they simply aren't understanding (or their not looking for, because it's not conducive to profit growth.)

I agree with you, food shouldn't be 'created,' it should be crafted.  It's not science... it's art.  I think their is an organic reason to hesitate with UPF... consequences.

Food is too important to allow someone to 'squeeze' for profit... and "to hell with the consequences."

Edit to add: thread drift warning... From ARSTechnica: “Deny, denounce, delay”: The battle over the risk of ultra-processed foods
They presented lab-grown meat the wrong way, #1 You can't expect it to cost more and to be less tasteful and have people buy it. 

Sizzlean and turkey bacon never tasted better than bacon but it was cheaper same goes for Spam. Thus they were able to establish a foothold in the market. I have no inherent aversion to eating it, but it needs to be good and we need to know if it's healthy long term. Trust in the FDA is at an all time low

Definitely do not like it competing with traditional livestock before it tastes good enough, too. 

It needed to be marketed as a cheaper protein alternative, survival or longer shelf life etc.

Instead they thought they go ride the vegan, vegetarian wave and charge an arm and a leg. 

That said it has wonderful potential to help solve hunger issues, and potentially be used for moon or Mars colonies 
as well as long term space exploration. They needed to establish it and show success as a niche business first.
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  

No one rules if no one obeys

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” - Voltaire
(05-26-2024, 11:05 PM)727Sky Wrote:  
Hasnt McDonalds been selling that shit for decades?.

But the argument that "its cruelty free" is BS fake environmentalist "vegan" fk wits. Cruelty free is allowing us to shoot feral species that there entire existence is far worse for the environment. Killing and eating feral species is soooo frowned apon but its a far better solution than lab meat and shitburgers.

End the 1080 baits and give us our guns back!
I was not here.
(05-27-2024, 07:39 AM)BeTheGoddess Wrote: Hasnt McDonalds been selling that shit for decades?.

But the argument that "its cruelty free" is BS fake environmentalist "vegan" fk wits. Cruelty free is allowing us to shoot feral species that there entire existence is far worse for the environment. Killing and eating feral species is soooo frowned apon but its a far better solution than lab meat and shitburgers.

End the 1080 baits and give us our guns back!

Here's the other point.

If we could snap our fingers and switch COMPLETELY to lab-grown meat and no dairy, what would happen to all the livestock where do they live, grow, and multiply? 

We would be overrun if they were allowed free-range, then as ecosystems try and catch up and get balance the predators show up the mountain lions the wolves, and coyotes. Right or wrong we have somewhat of a balance and it needs to be tinkered with slowly Hell, sooner or later there will likely be a culling of chickens if the bird flu continues. 


 Here's where AI clearly highlights the cons of converting to "lab meat" or "petri dish protein"right now, which outweigh the potential benefits. 
Quote:There are pros and cons to consider regarding a potential switch to synthetic or cultured meat products in America:
Pros of Synthetic Meat:
  • Reduced environmental impact compared to conventional animal agriculture (less land, water, and feed required)
  • Potential for decreased greenhouse gas emissions
  • Avoids issues of animal welfare in industrial farming
  • Could provide a secure food supply that is less impacted by disease outbreaks, draught etc.
  • Cultured meat could be healthier by allowing production with optimized nutritional profiles
Cons of Synthetic Meat:
  • Unproven at large scale - technological and production challenges remain
  • Consumer acceptance is still uncertain for a novel food product
  • Current costs are very high compared to conventional meat
  • Potential long-term health impacts are not yet understood
  • Loss of economic activity and jobs in the conventional meat industry
Overall, while synthetic meat offers some promising environmental and ethical benefits, there are still significant hurdles around scalability, cost, consumer attitudes, and understanding of long-term impacts that would need to be addressed for it to become a widespread replacement for conventional meat products. A gradual increase in synthetic meat adoption as the technology matures could be a middle path.
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
I not only have an objection to this fake food, I don't like lab grown as a lable.

As has already been mentioned, a lab should only be for experimentation, testing, standard checking, and developing the process. We need another name for this.


Something worthy of the meaning of factory made food substitute that is descriptive, simple and legally binding to be on all lables containing any traces of these substance.

Even if proven totally safe, the consumers should get the final say in purchasing this Stuff.
Does anyone know the minimum safe distance of ignorance?
(05-26-2024, 04:46 PM)727Sky Wrote: Looks like Alabama and Florida are banning lab grown meat. https://gizadeathstar.com/2024/05/alabam...-meat-ban/

I never thought of myself as a prepper or a conspirasy theorist but I am all in on this "cultured" meat as I can only imagine as to what will go into it. AKA Soylent Green. 

Pre and Post Covid-19 to me the majority of the world seems to be under one  "New World Order" and its getting worse. We now have Satan in the White House surrounded by his Demons along with a Federal, State and Local Judical system that can destroy anyone at will.  

The food chain along with the USA Food & Drug Administration is totally beholden to special interests

Technology is the end game along with AI.

Actually an EMP might fix some of this?
This has been said elsewhere but it is germane to the thread and bears repeating.

The frozen chicken and even some of the fresh chicken now taste like crap, the texture is off, and even the designer dinner boxes, Hello Fresh and Hungry Root, both had better protein products 3,4,5 years ago. A lot better. 

Even in the franchise steak houses, the steaks seem less than they were previously, both portion and quality. 

Seafood is still way too expensive but the quality seems decent...
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  

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