Hi mate Klassified once posted this vid and it's pretty amazing how most folks are completely unaware of the subject.
Had heard of the Ottoman slave trade before but genuinely wasn't aware of the immense scale of it.
Apparently the U.S. sent Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams as ambassadors to the 'slaver' nations involved and when Jefferson became president he stopped the paying of tribute money to them (20% of gross national product) using the same funds to invest in the building of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps.
Seems the resulting 'Tripoli war' (along with everything else) has been completely scrubbed from the historical syllabus although it still pops up in a few U.S. Marine Corp songs.
See 3:10
Incidentally, when it comes to those responsible for the absolute subversion of the U.S. education system (especially 'History') then there's a great interview here with Norman Dodd.
Would be genuinely interested on your opinion on the actual thread content.
Christopher nails it here:
Had heard of the Ottoman slave trade before but genuinely wasn't aware of the immense scale of it.
Apparently the U.S. sent Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams as ambassadors to the 'slaver' nations involved and when Jefferson became president he stopped the paying of tribute money to them (20% of gross national product) using the same funds to invest in the building of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps.
Seems the resulting 'Tripoli war' (along with everything else) has been completely scrubbed from the historical syllabus although it still pops up in a few U.S. Marine Corp songs.
See 3:10
Incidentally, when it comes to those responsible for the absolute subversion of the U.S. education system (especially 'History') then there's a great interview here with Norman Dodd.
Would be genuinely interested on your opinion on the actual thread content.
Christopher nails it here: