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Orb worship
Found some weird stuff while investigating a sighting.  There is folks out there that worship the strange things we se in the sky and try and manifest them, speaks to them etc.  Also reported that they respond to requests.

I can look for more videos, there was one with a group of people freaking out and shouting praise.

Short 29 second video

compassion, even when hope is lost
back in '04 I was asked to investigate some UFO activity around Mt St Helens in Washington State. The reports were of mystery lights that would show up near a stream at night. more than a few people had told me about this situation so me and another investigator went out to search for these lights. After sitting around for a few hours we noticed an odd rotten egg and burnt wire smell. The lights appeared over the stream and stayed around half an hour. We also took notice of a group of Sasquatches encircling the lights and placing rocks down near it. They did a weird dance, or at least that was what it looked like, and then when the light dissipated the Sasquatches slowly walked out of the area. 

The other investigator and I left about an hour later. The lights seemed to be Earth Lights that were getting triggered by the Volcano's earth tremors, but either way it seemed that the Sasquatches were also worshiping these lights. This light orb/earth light worship might be a primal nature of people, or at the very least Sasquatch seem to worship Earth lights, so it wouldn't surprise me if people are worshipping orbs.
What's going on here, is this a cult?

26 seconds..

Slightly longer version
compassion, even when hope is lost