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One must align Sprit, Mind, and Heart
One must align Spirit, Mind, and Heart in order to properly express oneself.

Your mind plays tricks on you, but you know it well.

Your heart cries out to you, but you ignore it.

Your spirit knows, yet you doubt.

Your heart and mind seem to be at odds with one another.

Yet it is merely as a dance for your well being.

In truth, Spirit should lead your thoughts.

Mind should consider all things possible good and bad.

Your Heart should then make the final call.

Only in union is communion and communication clear and true.

Spirit, Mind, Heart.

Keep them aligned at all times.

Spirit knows best, but struggles to define things.

Mind is sharp, but lacks proper guidance.

Heart is willing but vulnerable.

Always in alignment...

Only then can you be true to yourself.

Only then can you grow and rise properly.

Only then can you ascend unto your higher Self.

Remain in alignment.

My advice to you, dear fellow kin.

If you knew the repercussion of each expression, you would heed my word carefully.
A beautiful sentiment and cause is projected...

For me to say more would diminish it...  Thumbup Beer
This is where Crowley was such a tricky bastard. "Love is the law, love under will". Taken at the surface, it practically invites people to see Sprit as a manifestation of Heart, both under the dominance of Mind. Thelema seems to have a lot of trickiness like that built in to it, sort of like: try everything wrong, see where it gets you, then realize what an idiot you were, we even told you at the very beginning, as some kind of path to enlightenment. When in fact you can simply be very straightforward, like BrotherKinsMan.
