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One Week In November.
Granted there are a fair few members on these boards that are aware of the true extent of the 'Levelland UFO flap' but thought this presentation by Preston Dennett did an insanely good job of exploring just how many sightings there actually were (and just how far afield the reports came in).

Preston also explores other extremely strange close range eyewitness descriptions during that week (and the resulting extremely strange electromagnetic effects) and really would be interested in folk's opinions on the vid - if they watch it.

• One Week In November

Full synopsis:

Quote:In the first week of November 1957, a series of dramatic and unusual UFO events occurred which caused great concern at the highest levels of government and changed the way many people viewed the UFO phenomenon.

Sputnik 1 had been launched one month earlier, and the launch of Sputnik 2 was imminent. Then, in the first week of November 1957, a dramatic wave of UFO encounters struck the states of Texas and New Mexico. The apparent primary target was a small town called Levelland.

What happened in Levelland, Texas was unprecedented and had never occurred before, and has yet to be repeated. Dozens of people in Levelland and the surrounding areas reported UFOs disabling their vehicles, causing the electrical system to fail and the car engines to cease functioning.

In case after case, UFOs buzzed cars at low level, and often landed on the road, blocking their way forward. UFO car-stalling cases were well-known among UFO researchers, but this brazen and audacious level of activity had never been reported before.

While the small town of Levelland, Texas and the surrounding area first appeared to be the target, the truth was much different. In fact, similar and often identical encounters occurred across the United States and the world, involving not only car-stalling cases, but many bizarre electromagnetic effects on a wide variety of machines.

UFO researchers had long known that UFOs cause these strange effects, but had considered them an accidental byproduct of close-up UFO sightings. But after what happened in Levelland, questions began to be raised. Perhaps these effects weren't accidental at all. Perhaps they were intentional.

The U.S. government and Project Blue Book officials first attempted to debunk and cover-up the events, claiming that sightings were nothing more than "ball lightning," while at the same time, warning military and civilian witnesses not to speak to the press. But it wasn't ball lightning. The sightings were too dramatic to ignore, and soon garnered national headlines.

The Levelland UFO encounters have never been explained and remain a mystery to this day. Nothing like them has ever occurred before or since. This amazing event was easily the most famous UFO event of the year, and is well known among researchers.

However, what many people don't know is just how numerous, dramatic and widespread the encounters actually were, or the consequences that followed. This video presents a minute-by-minute account of this incredible week in November 1957.

Also looks like 'UFO pseudo-sceptic' (and NSA/CIA operative) Donald Menzel was up to his usual antics pushing a highly dubious debunk but atmospherical physicist Dr James McDonald set him straight on the weather conditions.

Debunker Debunked

Also found it truly interesting how the motor-vehicle's headlamps were said to be 'lighting up in rhythm with the pulsated light from the object' as that's certainly not the first time that's been reported.

Also more than one account that specific week of UFO witnesses reporting 'stopped wristwatches and clocks' - that's also rather common with UFOs.

Kevin Randle also brought up some really interesting points below about how the USAF manipulated the data from their own files on Levelland.


Apparently the family of one of the Sheriffs stated he was 'instructed not to discuss the case' and in reality got much closer to one of the objects than initially reported.

Looks like the same time as all that was going on there was a rather freaky radar/visual incident at Kirkland AFB in which two air tower control officers witnessed a very strange egg-shaped object 'with no wings, tail, or fuselage' hover and then fly across the runway (November 4th, 1957).

The reports state the object was tracked on ground based radar as it circled the base and came within 300 feet of the ground but then abruptly reversed it's direction and climbed at a very high rate of speed away from the field on a 120 degree course - it was observed by the two air tower control officers for about six minutes (about half of that time through binoculars) and then headed south at very high speed towards Albuquerque Low Frequency Range Station before returning north to trail a military jet which had just taken off.

Quote:There have been several UFO incidents in and around Kirtland AFB through the years. A questionable one happened in 1980, but the one of November 4th, 1957, was one that has stood the test of time and has been well covered by Hynek, McDonald, etc

NICAP Case Directory

There was severe criticism of the 'official' explanation on the case from two of the main scientists ever to have been involved in studies of the UFO subject (Dr. Hynek and Dr.Mcdonald) but all those links have now been deleted.


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