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Evidence the Gospel message may not be so Marxist
Some sources claim early Christianity as described in the Gospels and Acts was akin to Marxism.  There may be a different point to some of the events in the New Testament than Marxism, however.

The Gospels may take place in the places where there were no well-off, faithful, observant Jews. The Old Testament describes rules by which the Nation of Israel could absorb conquered tribes.  Perhaps their poor and the Israelite poor formed competing ethnofascist gangs which thought they owned communities and professions.  Perhaps they would traffic or blacklist outsiders who fell into their grasp.  Perhaps the observant Jews looked on with sadness and concern but could only do so much.

Lithuanian is a language as ancient as Biblical Greek or Hebrew.  Mary Magdalene may have been from afar.  Her name sounds a bit like a truncation of "magija dalina" or "she distributes magic."  The theory that her name means Mary of Magdala has no more basis than this one.  Her name sounds like “Magdala” and that is the only basis. 

Can it be she was trafficked to the ghetto to become an entertainer in order to help the poor figure out their problems?  
The Lord attests to the efficacy of the Jewish faith in saving souls in several places in the Gospel such as his talk with the Samaritan woman.  But what was Magdalene supposed to do, possessed by seven demons, possibly hooked (there was a lot of opium in the ancient world), possibly stalked by the mafia?  Could she learn Judaism’s complex system of devotions and regain her soul and her faith fast enough to save herself from her traffickers?  Not to mention, the religious authorities of her day may or may not have welcomed newcomers.

Can it be Lazarus was starving and dying of disease, not because the Jews needed to be taught to be kinder to the poor, but because the community he was stuck in blacklisted him for not being like Mary Magdalene? 

Can it be the rich young man was having to sell his soul and body for his wealth, or inflicting it on someone else?  Can it be he was told to surrender his wealth because it was obtained by compromising his salvation?  Can it be the message to a communist is not “rejoice, for the goods of the wealthy are yours?”  Suppose the message is they may work for social justice but must renounce things or power they can only gain by throwing people into a labor camp in Siberia?

Can it be that was the issue with Annias and Sephira in Acts 5?  Perhaps they had made their money by selling their souls and bodies, thus building slave culture.  What if the price of getting your soul back and being able to join a community which would pray for their protection was contributing all their ill-gotten gains to the community?  What if the means of their death was a euphemism for the mob got them?
Why did all the faithful share all in the communities described in Acts?  Can it be that “all the believers” refers to all the people who desired salvation?  Can it be they had either been blacklisted from life by the gangs because they desired salvation, or forced to share all like Lot in Genesis 19?  Can it be they had no way of learning a trade because no one would apprentice them?  Can it be the point of all the sharing was simply to let all those who desired salvation get back on their feet, not to establish a permanent economic system?  

Lord forgive me if this is blasphemy, but what if the House of David was made responsible for saving Israel and the world’s lost children because the Lord’s predecessors, who were descended from King David, had given their poor too much power which let them start to rely on human trafficking as a way of life?

The Baltimore Catechism No. 3 says priests have the power to set secret conditions on who receives the saving power of the sacraments in questions 585 and 613.  It is my suspicion that they use the power of conditional salvation to strengthen the appearance of God favoring Marxism by rigging ordeals.  They may also trick you into praying with the Church.  They may have become priests because someone compromised one of their predecessors or simply did not let them save for retirement unless he agreed to not save young men who were marked as candidates.  The young men may have been told it’s how the will of God manifests itself in their lives.
Mary Magdalene (or her bosses) may have simply spoken a language which still had many words similar to Proto-Indo-European but has evolved away from it since then. She (or her bosses) need not have actually spoken Lithuanian. It is ancient and a close living relative of Proto-Indo-European speech, so it might have shared words in common with the languages of the Ancient Near East.

Mary Magdalene need not have been Hebrew. There could have been human trafficking. Or, recall that the OT contains instructions the Israelites were to follow in absorbing the members of conquered tribes. Some of those tribes could have spoken languages which, unlike Hebrew, were members of the Proto-Indo-European language group. It could be an extinct language if the tribe was conquered and is no more.

The Lord attests to the effectiveness of Judaism in several places in the Gospel so the faithful Jews probably by-and-large weren't the ones in the communities in which the Lord's earthly ministry takes place.  There were probably fallen-away Jews and people from abroad.  

To reiterate, her name sounds like a contraction of "distributes magic" or magija dalina (that's magiYA. there is no soft g sound.)

There is no more basis for the present theory that she is named for the city of Magdala than for this theory because it is based on the sound of the city's name. Suppose Magdala too was named for the vaguely Lithuanian-like words for "distributes magic" rather than Hebrew for "fishing village with a tower."
Jesus wasn’t Marxist.

He fed the people.
Why are we even applying a 19th century ideal to someone that numbered our freaking centuries in the first place?

What were the social models during Jesus' time? Empires of castes and nomadic pastoral clans? They hadn't progressed to unions yet.

Coming from a far less rigid nomadic upbringing, and living during the recent arrival of a rigid class driven oligarchal Rome, made Jesus anti-authority. Not Marxism, state sedition.

Quote:“You know that among the Gentiles those whom they recognize as their rulers lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. It must not be so among you” (Mark 10:42).

Basically he said, "My only authority is God, and you are not god, Rome."

He was also STAUNCHLY OPPOSED to unfair taxes paid to Rome in annexed (against its will) Judea.

It's closest counterpart today would be the Tibetans in opposition to Chinese rule (like not allowing Tibetan identity or reverence to the Dali Lama) that refuse to sacrifice their ethics, and will cut their head with a sword in defiance before they accept Chinese Authority.

Like, "I'd rather do this then submit to your bullshit laws and rules."

It's not applicable to Marxism because it's an impulse that is above all human made devices. It's exacting your own code (divine of otherwise) as superior to an overbearing authority.

Others that went with the impulse are; Ghandi, Joan of Arc, William Wallace, The Founding Fathers, Susan B Anthony, Harriot Tubman, MLK, Malcom X, and anyone willing to sacrifice their own well-being and defy on a deeply held belief. It's a defiance impulse that often appeals to humility and quality of life.

And because this (Jesus-adjacent) defiance impulse exists in absence of any set construct it can take the form of communism occassionally..

Like a person in McCarthyist 1950 willing to say they identify with Marx and Trotsky, even as patriotic Americans threaten to destroy their life and black ball them for it. Especially if they hold the capitalist ruling class pigs were unfairly subjugating the worker.

It's always been a fine line between what is a righteous freedom fighter and what is a dangerous threat to established order.
[Image: New%20signature-retake-again-again.jpg]
Apparently Marx was a Satanist lol

(12-17-2024, 03:20 PM)IdeomotorPrisoner Wrote: Why are we even applying a 19th century ideal to someone that numbered our freaking centuries in the first place?...It's always been a fine line between what is a righteous freedom fighter and what is a dangerous threat to established order.

The Christian Communizers seem to take their justification from New Testament passages seeming to command redistribution for its own sake.  Such as the Lord's talk with the rich young man in Matthew 19:16-30, Mark 10:17-31, and Luke 18:18-30, or the early Christian community described in Acts 4:32-37, followed by the punishment of Annias and Sephira immediately after, for not following Acts 4:32-37.  They may also assume Lazarus was "just poor" instead of blacklisted by the mob, and Magdalene was saved from having too much.