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Non-Human Intelligence (The Melting Pot)
It's always bugged me, the default idea of higher or lower dimensions. Dimensions different than our's maybe, or we're all sharing this one with beings beyond our biological senses.

Currently since the Great UAP Kerfuffle scientists have taken a "leftie" and the lot of them are running to study Consiousness. It's almost as "if" trying to figure out the new-to-us rules of physicality got too hard, so Hey! Our Consiousness must be involved. 
Or the NHI's Consiousness? Or, or, or...
Beings from another dimension.

That's just a whole lot of stringing unknowns together. 

(Correction;to cite source material)
We have the Scole Experiments information thanks to Project Doorway's Steve Mera & Barry Fitzgerald. We know Russell Targ & Putoff were involved in the same kind of experiments here at either Livermore or Sandia. Both groups stopped after getting the run around by "something" that could both manifest physically with the researchers and non-physically, demonstrated "It" was intelligent and ultimately wouldn't answer a straight question.
Fun was had by all!! :)
However a lot was experienced by the researchers in as scientifically rigid format as could be assembled. It's just it didn't result in a final diffinative answer. 

We also have time dilation being demonstrated, residual radioactive sign, residual marks that can be seen under black light. The last two measured but it was discovered both fade quickly after 72 hrs. Even with all the discoverables we do have , it's still too early to jump the gun an say we have a 100% conclusion. 
 Beer Beer Beer

Also edited to add; had originally posted Steve Mera's YT on the "Mechanic's of Metaphysics" over on the other site. Per normal nobody cared, but more troubling is it "seems" to have been removed since then by Mr. Mera. Given that he also "seems" to now have a arrangement with Zohar I'm surmising it was a business decision, nothing more. 

Strangely it's become obvious that UK Researchers are making great strides while here in the US we're still puddle-ducking along hanging on to theories already blown out of the water. One of which was discovering when a coffee mug was disappeared, Mr. Mera's group sent it and another (purchased as a set by the owner) to be analyzed. The finding's were it was changed at the molecular level. People who vanish either die soon after returning or vanish again. I'm betting the ones who died upon return, no one either thought to test plus in a lot of cases mass spectronomy wasn't available yet. To me this would mean dimension hopping is a misdirection as a answer.
Well here ya go. 
This pretty much sums up where research is with the NHI. Bear with the first part or just skip it. Steve Mera's already been questioned by the "Advanced Working Group" so altho I'm already convinced he & Barry Fitzgerald are miles ahead of anyone else, it was just another confirmation. 
Obviously not everyone is going to like their findings. However I still have high hopes people will finally accept the data. Honestly I've had my own personal hiccups with it but we all have to grow up eventually. Since the US has decided to gatekeep much of this info I'm glad someone else isn't. 
People want info, have a party.
The second YT with Paul Sinclair @ 3:35 Steve Mera goes into his conversation with the Advanced Working Group. 
I'm sure most are familiar with Peter Leveda from TTSA or his many books delving into unraveling the darker side of US governmental history. Obviously I'm a little late to this portion of the party, so to speak, but it's interesting Levenda is also running with the NHI theory. 

It was thought provoking in that one possibility is the govt by stalling & mishandling any form of disclosure is going to result in the population's decision we don't need govt period. It was also a little surprising Levenda asserted as far as the NHI or Phenomena hasn't a flipping clue, just data. 

Has been my opinion for many years now that since the NHI already interacts with people individually, some learned, some haven't btw, do we really need the govt's input on it? Am also of the mind people make way too much drama out of it. 

It's here, it's been here, we used to relegate dealings with it to Shamans/Elders ect but since we got rid of anyone who used to deal with it & it's now "one on one" ready or not? Why is it so difficult to treat it as anything else we are apt to run into? We know it can be anything, we know it's 100% deceptive unless it wants something, we know it like us also has limitations. We also know that it doesn't interact with everyone. 

Lightening doesn't hit everyone either. Yay! for strength in numbers!
Without spoiling the whole interview the notion Levenda floated of "what if the NHI decides to use the internet to affect everyone instead of what it's currently doing?" That nasty little thought ranks right up there with AI going full sentient an deciding humanity's irrelevant. 
Anyhoo's enjoy!
I'm actually shocked this hasn't been posted yet. Harvard's Study that Aliens May Be Living Among us. It made news a couple of weeks ago that Cryptoterriestials are a possibility linked to the UAP also, possibly.

"Well Dorothy we've moved past the 5 deliverables, quantum mechanic's & time forging onward to the next new chapter of tossing spaghetti against a wall to see if anything sticks."

Human CryptoterrestrialsThe theory suggests that highly advanced ancient human civilisation may continue to exist even after some catastrophic events like floods. 

Theropod or Hominid CryptoterrestrialsAnother theory states the possibility of a non-human society dwelling underground evolving from terrestrial creatures like intelligent dinosaurs or ape-like hominids.

Extratempestrial or Former Extraterrestrial CryptoterrestrialsThis theory claims that the aliens might have travelled from the moon or other places to visit the Earth and hidden themselves among us. 

"Magical Cryptoterrestrials"These beings are like 'earthbound angels', having magical rather than technological relationships with humans, like folklore creatures like fairies and elves. The primary weakness of the theory is its perceived oddity, especially for those accustomed to conventional scientific explanations. The researchers admitted that their research was 'likely to be regarded as sceptically by most scientists,' but it urged the community to consider their claim "in a spirit of epistemic humility and openness." As per reports, the paper is yet to be peer-reviewed.

I really have no words, but immediately thought of Mick West an some other skeptics just absolutely having epic meltdowns. It's taken western culture 500+ years to come up with a "study" attempting to validate "knowns" in indigenous cultures in probably the most ludicrous manner possible.
Well I googled cause Harvard study listing "magical Cryptoterestrials" irked me. 
My deny ignorance training kicked in AFTER my fingers ran away with my brain. Turns out the "study" is a Thought Experiment, not any kind of Hard Science Type. 

The post still stands since the Saga of Disclosure has flip-flopped so many times and in so many directions & misdirections this bit shouldn't be forgotten. 

But yeah, I screwed up.
 Shocked Shocked ​​​​​​​ Shocked
Don't beat yourself up about it... the way this was published, I'm not surprised others haven't gone in the same direction.

I glanced at it and was going to come back.  It seemed less than a fully fledged idea... but you never know.

Glad you scoured it further.

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