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Non-Human Intelligence (The Melting Pot)
Perfect nail meets hammer moment Karl12. Was gifted both books by Cutchin's & Renner a couple of years ago, the information's appearance "seemed" to be the rival of the ufo/uap disinformation dumpster fire ignited by the intelligence community. 

In reality no one in the IC extravaganza has ever given us any sort of logical OR believable reason why on earth they ever had anything to do with Tom DeLonge. The NY Times also, in hindsight, were willing accomplices. There is a reason I drug this up, it's twofold. 

One, when we as humanity are faced with a fork in the timeline we can dodge left or right an continue on. It's been my observation when we've been personally presented with a good looking yet incorrect path the Paranormal can & will present something "more correct". Don't let "more correct" be assumed to be 100% or ideal. It's just not as wildly catastrophic as the other path. 

It's been absolutely hilartious the ufo/uap saga is now moving very much more into the NHI realm. The original IC storyline/disinformation has devolved much more quickly than in any other decade. 

Secondly, and much more interesting is just how deep the IC has already been involved with the Paranormal. Sure we knew they'd been playing around with it but it fell into the bucket of " disproving it" much more than confirming it. With the exception being back-engineering or working on new math & physics. It's pretty factual back-engineering will keep anyone interested in ufo/uap's foaming at the mouth about our rights to disclosure. While Math & Physics is complete greek to the rest of us & damn few of us have the patience to slog thru it
"Us" being everyday folk. (Jack Scarfatti deviated in a massive maths lesson recently on a podcast an while he's a excellent teacher my eyes still blurred as I did a perfect expression of a drooling Black Labrador trying to be not clueless)

However this is where it get's curious. Tucker Carlson did a Shawn Ryan Show podcast an tossed out the idea that we've been being bamboozled. It's NOT Aliens or UFO's the Govt is hiding. It's that they've figured out how to work WITH the NHI an are just using the ufo'uap dog & pony show to keep us from noticing. Something I'd never gave much condideration to simply because the NHI is so mercurial I wouldn't expect ANY orginazation to have much more luck with it than individuals have had. 

Alan E Nourse's 1961 science fiction story "Tiger By The Tail" being apropos. 

Love Truth Proof an this is one of the best interviews with Cutchin's I've seen. Hammer-Nail-Ouch!! Thanks Karl12 !!!

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RE: Non-Human Intelligence (The Melting Pot) - by jaded - 08-10-2024, 02:06 PM