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New Corbett 911 Vid.
Corbett made this extremely short vid on 911 many moons ago and he expands on some of the points in this new interview with Dore - very interesting stuff (I thought).

Now he's done a new video with some pretty fascinating factual info (I thought) - hope people who are interested in this subject actually give it a watch.


Quote:Who Had Access to the Twin Towers?

If you, like Ancap94, have been getting into 9/11 Truth lately, you might want to know who had demolition access to the Twin Towers before 9/11. If so, boy does Kevin Ryan have some answers for you! Join James for today’s edition as he shines the light on Kevin Ryan’s groundbreaking article on “Demolition Access to the World Trade Center Towers,” the pre-9/11 WTC power down, and other long-forgotten bits of 9/11 conspiracy reality.

Would be interested in any opinions, especially on the information presented in the new video.

Interesting quote:

Quote:• "One thing that drew my attention in 2008 was a strange correlation between the fire proofing upgrades that were going on in the few years before 911 and where they occurred.

It turned out, and I drew a diagram of this showing where the fire proofing upgrades occurred, just happened to be exactly where the planes impacted and exactly where these weird fires were occurring and they matched up perfectly.

I mean in the north tower it was exact - floors 92 to 100 were upgraded for fire proofing and that's exactly where the plane hit the building."

Kevin Ryan, Board Director - Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth

See 26:20
Without making any particular comment on 9-11 directly, and/or rendering an opinion on any conspiracies, I can make a comment on a couple things based on my familiarity construction and engineering practices.

Installation of spray-on fireproofing products like Monokote (and similar) require access to the structural steel and steel decking on the underside of floors.  To upgrade fireproofing systems which were installed before many of these products were invented is a very disruptive process because it involves 'demolishing' all of the interior finishes (i.e. drywall, wall coverings, insullation...basically everything, right down to the structural skeleton).  Once the structural steel and structural members are exposed, any and all previous fireproofing materials must be removed (which creates a colossal mess, and in some cases hazmat).  Once the cleanup is complete, then the new fireproofing can be applied.  This is usually done by mixing water with the dry fireproofing materials in a large cement mixer-like drum with a turning auger.  The fireproofing slurry is then sprayed onto all of the structural surfaces to a desired thickness as specified by engineers.  Overall, it's a very slow and painful process.

Because this process is so disruptive, all occupants must be completely removed from all areas where the work is to be completed for an extended period of time.  This includes furnishings, floor coverings, ceilings, lights...everything.  And because this process requires such extensive demolition and relocation, and expense, areas to be completed must be prioritized based on various criteria.  One of these criteria are 'risk' of fire balanced against other factors like ease of performing the work (i.e. like during tenant changes or build outs) and cost.

So, a couple things here.  I would absolutely expect that there would be "demolition" personnel authorized to access the areas where fireproofing operations were to take place.  These demolition people aren't the type who implode buildings, but rather just contractors who do demo work to remove all of the obstacles to getting at the structural steel (i.e. drywall, ceilings, insulation, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, flooring, built-in furnishings, asbestos abatement, etc.).  They then load all of the refuse trucks to haul all this stuff off for disposal.

As far as the selection of where to perform these fireproofing upgrades first, they would select the highest priority areas balanced against the lowest cost areas first.

As to why the planes impacted these areas, and not other areas, I have no idea.

Hope this helps some.
It does mate and thanks for the post - that full Kevin Ryan interview is well worth a watch.

Here's another very short relevant video sourced by Kwaka.

• This Is An Orange.


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