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More signs
Years ago approx 6-7, I heard a trumpet/horn sound while at work on a playground. One other student heard it too as we both ducked. Nobody else seemed to notice.

Early this year I saw a ghost plane heading for my parking lot during a bad winter storm, it flashed one after the other bright lights, white, green, green, white.

This Sunday on my way to work, I spot a black horse running up the road, I hit the brakes to avoid hitting it and turn to look where the horse went and it was gone.

Trumpets, ghost plane, black horse. This seems biblical to me!
In tune
Spooky!  You should probably go ahead and just assume that it is biblical as it may make for more fun life that way but don't do too much crazy, okay?  Duh

Haha -- well, the sound thing; perhaps some sounds can be very directional, with narrow cone of where they are heard; were you and your friend very close and what do you think it sounded like and what might have made it if you could tell where it was coming from?

And how did you know it was ghost plane was it foggy?  Any sound from that and how did it disappear or fade and was it hilly or airports nearby or could have been spotlight off of ice if the weather was right and did anyone else see?

Horses can disappear veryquick into woods and such and camoflague and blend into shadows, and if you were avoiding it why did you take your eyes off it in first place?  Or was it behind you when you checked again and couldn't see it in the mirror; if not it was perhaps vampire horse?  hahaha just kidding

But that is very cool thanks for sharing life is full of inexplicable things and if it was signs what do you think it means?

edit to add with the sound thing being directional i am thinking of those construction vehicles with backup beepbeep and horns i've noticed they are muchmuch louder if youre actually behind them rather than off to side, which is really clever design because that's where it counts

edit edit to add: Whew deep breath... Wow, I think I'm going to go make a cup of coffee and see if that will help me make less run-on sentences.  You know, I was drinking coffee to calm down years before I even heard of ADHD.  I don't think I actually have that, but sometimes I wonder, re-reading my posts.
The horn sound was comparable to a ship
Horn, it was extremely loud. One student and myself heard and reacted to it, but no one else on the playground did.

I just called the plane ghost plane. I heard the lights snapping on, 1 after the other, the color sequence was white, green, green, white. It was gliding thru a snowstorm towards my parking lot, and disappeared after the lights flipped on.

I was late for work, so I quickly stopped at a stop sign, the horse was to my right running up the road, I looked after stop sign to make sure we werent too close and the horse was gone. The only exit for the horse would have been into a lumberyard bldg which was closed.

It seems like a biblical warning to me, the only color to not appear yet is red.

Four horses of the apocalypse white, green, black, red.
In tune
Yes! The four colors:

λευκός (leukos)
  White, from light, as in Matthew 17:2 "transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was leukos as the light"
πυρρός (pyrros)
  Red, from fire, as in Revelation 12:3 "there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great pyrros dragon"
μέλας (melas)
  Black, from ink, as in 2 Corinthians 3:3 "written not with melas, but with the Spirit of the living God"
χλωρός (chlōros)
  Green, from plant, as in Mark 6:39 "he instructed all of them to recline, party by party, on the chlōros grass"

Thunder even, too.  Let us know if you see a choinix on sale.

(10-18-2024, 06:03 PM)KTemplar Wrote: the only color to not appear yet is red

This makes sense too, since the only other use of πυρρός in the new testament is after the horsey bit.
(10-18-2024, 05:22 PM)KTemplar Wrote: Years ago approx 6-7, I heard a trumpet/horn sound while at work on a playground. One other student heard it too as we both ducked. Nobody else seemed to notice.

Early this year I saw a ghost plane heading for my parking lot during a bad winter storm, it flashed one after the other bright lights, white, green, green, white.

This Sunday on my way to work, I spot a black horse running up the road, I hit the brakes to avoid hitting it and turn to look where the horse went and it was gone.

Trumpets, ghost plane, black horse. This seems biblical to me!


And the third angel blew their trumpet, and a great star falleth from the heavens blazing like a torch; it fell on a third of the rivers and in the springs..

Its name was Wormwood, and a third of the waters became Wormwood, and many died from the water because it was made bitter.

Yes, now lets put some music to it:

(10-18-2024, 07:16 PM)UltraBudgie Wrote: Yes! The four colors:

λευκός (leukos)
  White, from light, as in Matthew 17:2 "transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was leukos as the light"
πυρρός (pyrros)
  Red, from fire, as in Revelation 12:3 "there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great pyrros dragon"
μέλας (melas)
  Black, from ink, as in 2 Corinthians 3:3 "written not with melas, but with the Spirit of the living God"
χλωρός (chlōros)
  Green, from plant, as in Mark 6:39 "he instructed all of them to recline, party by party, on the chlōros grass"

Thunder even, too.  Let us know if you see a choinix on sale.

This makes sense too, since the only other use of πυρρός in the new testament is after the horsey bit.

Thank you for the info. I really need to get my bible out again. I’ll post whenever I see anything new.

(10-18-2024, 08:06 PM)CCoburn Wrote: Wormwood

And the third angel blew their trumpet, and a great star falleth from the heavens blazing like a torch; it fell on a third of the rivers and in the springs..

Its name was Wormwood, and a third of the waters became Wormwood, and many died from the water because it was made bitter.

Yes, now lets put some music to it:

Thank you for the info. I’ve a lot to research.
In tune
You're not alone.

(10-19-2024, 03:03 AM)theshadowknows Wrote: You're not alone.

Those horns are wild.
Sound like metal on metal.
'OFF' .. kinda wrong ....
I would think a heavenly horn would be more in tune.
make russia small again
Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.
(10-18-2024, 05:22 PM)KTemplar Wrote: Years ago approx 6-7, I heard a trumpet/horn sound while at work on a playground. One other student heard it too as we both ducked. Nobody else seemed to notice.

Early this year I saw a ghost plane heading for my parking lot during a bad winter storm, it flashed one after the other bright lights, white, green, green, white.

This Sunday on my way to work, I spot a black horse running up the road, I hit the brakes to avoid hitting it and turn to look where the horse went and it was gone.

Trumpets, ghost plane, black horse. This seems biblical to me!

It sounds very personal.  What happened to you after those things?  What was it warning you about?
Byrd, well if I think of it that way. My car malfunctioned badly after the ghost plane. The engine was surging on its own (like a stuck surge control valve). I was in traffic with my son in the car and it was bad winter weather.

I managed to get the car into a parking lot, with my full body weight on the brakes and slammed it into park and shut it off. I already decided f the transmission, this car had to be stopped. It was like trying to stop a rocket. I put so much work into that car, but after that I was done with it.

I saw the ghost plane right after my son’s grandfather passed away also. He stopped talking to my son as well as all of his grandchildren after all the kids were abandoned by their fathers, a particularly hurtful thing. He texted my son once and called him selfish because my son was avoiding talking with his dad ;who was abusive. My son did reach out sometime after but he never responded.

All I know is my dad was most likely waiting on the other side to punch him in the face. I have prayed for all of them!

Nothing happened of particular interest after the horn on the playground.

Black horse sighting was a week ago Sunday.
In tune