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Lonely Highway: A Soul's Journey
Longwinded Introduction

I don’t have any answers. I have a million-and-a-half questions though. I’m a very poor scientist because I tend to operate on intuition and impulse first, and think about scientific method later. But until real scientists start taking certain things more seriously--independent of their financial backings and academic obligations to push various agendas, we’re left only with each others’ observational data in certain areas.

If you’ve noticed some of my posts over the years, you know that I’m susceptible to things like lucid dreams, out of body experiences, waking hallucinations, and even a near death experience.

I am wondering if something about my narcolepsy helps produce or facilitate a mild DMT experience. I would love to play guinea pig in a proper lab setting to get answers, but until that day, all I can do is experience, journal, and share with DI.

A big shoutout to Maxmars, Sirius, KKLoco, and sahgwa who have encouraged me to share my experiences and ideas, no matter how silly and bizarre they may seem. Without supportive members like these, I probably wouldn’t share anything with anyone. Ain't nobody got time for dat! These are the kinds of conversations humanity needs to be having, not what celebrity will endorse what politician, but I digress! I also want to thank the moderators here, especially DTOM, who has been kind and patient towards me always--as well as TSK for having the balls to allow such discussions on their platform without outright censorship.

For the record, I am not a habitual drug user (I don’t even drink coffee daily.) I have never taken psychedelics (psychotropics yes.) Most of my experiences have come either through sleep paralysis, meditation, or OOBE’s that seem to occur naturally. This leads me to believe that whatever the answer may be, it’s all within us: accessible, reachable, and obtainable by all with proper practice, perhaps specifically through this DMT bridge that may be built into us.

I only know what methods work for me and which ones do not. Everybody is different, and all roads lead to Rome.

As promised, I would like to detail a few glimpses into the nature of reality as it has been presented to me. I must admit these ideas will not be original, fresh, or new. How could they be? I am simply retelling the tale. You will find all of my musings scattered throughout our histories, religions, folk tales, and philosophies as a species. This is where the true citations must be credited to.

Below is the presentation of "our story"--as given to me through a group that have referred to themselves as ‘healing doctors.' Physical, emotional, spiritual, knowledge, wisdom, art, music…doctors. It's all the same meaning to them. They heal more than just physical.

The following is a synthesis of my experiences and beliefs in the best way that my limited education and intelligence can comprehend, and regurgitate as the gross written word.

Doctors, Dimensions, & Spacetime

Everything is a representation of everything and it tells the story. Everything is relative and related. The [perceived] duality in the universe can be traced back to a consciousness throughout time that every soul can trace back to its birth. There is an archival knowledge shared of all living and non-living things.

And it begins when consciousness first starts in the womb. We start to become aware of duality, we prefer the light to the dark, we prefer warmth to the cold. These are amongst our very first coherent thoughts. There is also a supreme wonderment "What's this? What's this?" But there is also fear, panic, and perceived threat.

Abortion is one of the most disgusting things in the universe and the baby feels it (doesn’t matter what you call it: fetus, clump of cells etc. It has subtle consciousness that is not dependent of the body and brain development.) A whole known universe dies, ripped in two, and it feels it all while dying: extreme confusion and pain, regret, and wishing for mother's love and protection.

I had the misfortune of ‘being put’ inside such a ‘fetus body’ while feeling death in the womb. If there’s even a chance at a living being feeling this, I must say abortion and killing is wrong. I have never taken a stance on this until I ‘felt’ it for myself. I find myself being unable to even smash bugs anymore, if they feel even a variant of this pain and confusion. I can’t be an agent to pain and death anymore. Please capture your bugs and place them outside. We are meant to be stewards, not tyrants to the other biological kingdoms.

[Yes, I feel medically necessary abortion is acceptable, but this isn’t a game, and whatever entities choose to share info with me have emphasized their standings on abortion. It seems to really be hindering progress in some spiritual context. It seems to have a larger rippling effect than we can imagine. If there is one takeaway from my experiences with these 'healing doctors,' this is it. Stop killing unborn babies. However, at the end of the day we all come out clean; all rivers return to the sea. And their patience and love is timeless and everlasting.]

The story of all known consciousness from womb to the unknown that is experienced by all, it’s all a story, or a program, or possible computer simulation. The 'doctors' would not explain further, other than, "It is our story."

It is not only biological life as we understand it that feels, thinks, and reacts. The atoms feel their own waves of change and it is a violent and turbulent existence where they feel motion and interactions, collisions and repulsions.

Our body is a representation of half our known universe. The 'I Am Inside' part. Our main goal is to want to live in harmony with the 'Outside.' It is, after all, the only other thing we know about ourselves since our time in the womb. There is 'Outside' and there is 'I Am Inside.' [Perceived] duality.

The ‘doctors’ assured me the healing they were doing and the knowledge I was receiving was because I asked for it. I asked to know just a little more about where and why. The reason it was granted is because they believed I had a genuine desire to do the hardest thing imaginable to me, forgive the chaos and destruction and pain within and without my life.

If anybody wants to truly find that light within themselves, please, I advise to begin by doing the hardest things like accepting and forgiving the deepest sorrows in your life. [More on this later.]

Before I explain our stewardship role, I would like to briefly detail how we got here.

It’s been established by current models that we are 4-dimensional beings in a physical reality with unalterable physics. While Carl Sagan has described what Flatland may look like to Flatlanders, I don’t believe anyone has really detailed what consciousness is like in lower dimensions.

It begins with a subtle awareness, a singularity or spark of I Am. I don’t believe any consciousness stays here for very long. Once a set of preferences and a certain awareness is achieved, we have entered Flatland. We now begin to notice, discern, catalog, and react to the perceived duality of this dimension; essentially it is an interaction of our own thoughts and awareness. Light vs. Dark, Love vs. Hatred, Warmth vs. Coldness etc.

When I have experienced the lower dimensions, it feels like a fog, an absolute mental fog compared to what we know here in our present lives. Thoughts are random and fleeting, simplistic, and ideas seem to spring from nowhere at all. And it is a very lonely place. Here is where we begin an intimacy with the Good and Evil within us. They are but 2 sides to the same coin and it is first fostered within us here in this lower dimension. Whether we are a fetus in the womb, or a Flatlander just trying to know our neighbors, it is an incredibly lonely experience and we seek out ‘others.’

In order to seek out others, we have no choice but to push the boundaries of our current understanding, experience, and knowledge of this very limited and confining dimension. Our awareness eventually explodes! Our imagination explodes! I believe this is how consciousness has given rise to higher dimensions. In order to seek out our goals, we more or less had to imagine it.

We had to ‘dream’ up a physical dimension to broaden the field of possibilities—spacetime.


Evolution on this planet began of course with the subtle awareness energies. Light, atoms/ chemistry, quantum interactions. The subtle energies began dreaming and building a way to ‘populate' this new dimension of spacetime.

Biological evolution is a prime example of this program at work. We have the so-called Kingdoms of biological life: archaea, protista, fungi, plantae, and animalia. They are constantly dreaming and building up ways to seek out others and find answers about the nature of their awareness. They too, have a million-and-a-half questions and are seeking out ways to answer them. Plants and animals could not have evolved without fungi for example. Working together to ‘dream and build’ new and exciting forms of life is what is happening here. We are truly standing on the shoulders of very ancient proverbial giants that came before us.

It was explained to me that each Kingdom has its own collective consciousness as well as personalities. They dreamed and built…us! We are the 5-Kingdom being, and we contain every collective consciousness within us. It’s no surprise to me when so-called ‘drug users’ claim that mushrooms or plants or animals talk to them. We are quite literally built to receive their communications, and the communication of higher forms of life and consciousness.

But what are we? We are receivers of consciousness itself. And it is the goal to continually ‘improve the product.’ We are an electrochemical being that was dreamed and built to house consciousness, so that we may yet dream and build even more efficient and capable receivers. I believe our next stage of development will be experiencing life as a light-being receiver, rather than as an electrochemical variant.

Consciousness is 'broadcast' far and wide, and each person is specialized to tune into a specific frequency like the dial on a radio. This ‘broadcast’ is everywhere! Even in dimensions and modes of thought that we cannot fathom. We’re just very poor at getting the full information where we currently reside.

The human body is a highly specialized receiver or antenna, each of us with a unique 'signature.' It is NOT the source of consciousness, but a conduit or medium for it to find expression. It is apparent in the structure of our spinal column and brain. We are receivers built to pick up the encoded signals of consciousness, while our DNA is actually the means to decode and express it. Information 'broadcasts' that we receive from an unknown source acts on our DNA, turning on and off the switches of expression (genotype, phenotype.) 

Let's say myself, as a receiver, I am only adapted to tune into rap music, while you are attuned only to classical music. It may appear we're separated and different, but the 'broadcasts' are coming from the same 'headend.'

Now I bet you're wondering, what about something like a jellyfish that has no spinal column and brain such as ours? Well that's why I said we humans are a highly specialized receiver, with the goal of evolution being to create better and better receivers. There are a seemingly infinite number of variations in which to interpret this 'master broadcast' that I have described.

These ‘doctors’ possibly already are such light-beings, but this is only my own speculation as they did not specifically say as such. They themselves don’t have all the answers, and are too, filled with many questions. They only recognize kindred souls sharing the same ‘story,’ and want to help.

They have taken stewardship over us, as we must take stewardship over that which is below ourselves as homo sapiens.

One final note on stewardship--do you have special pets that are super attached to you? Sometimes they desire to stay with us as we transcend through subsequent iterations in our ‘dreaming and building’ journey. I believe this is where the mythology of a pet familiar or fae familiar comes from. If we are good stewards, others will be naturally attracted to us, even the plants and fungi and microorganisms that make up our body. We must quite literally work in harmony within ourselves and outside of ourselves. There are consequences for mistreatment.

The Black & White Jail

With a clear and defined goal in mind among the conscious energies, subtle and physical, there is also a self-correcting system in place.

We have choice, agency, and free will. We can literally choose to be Hitler if our hearts desire.

But this puts us in a remedial class so to speak. And we stay there until we take necessary steps to show we're ready for other placement. In the realm of lower dimensions and subtle awarenesses, it is a black and white plane. (I wonder if this is where the esoteric images of black and white checkerboards and striping comes from. Even referees in sports wear alternating black and white stripes to indicate their role as gatekeepers and moderators. It is akin to the bars in a jail cell, but these black bars are things we must conquer within ourselves. This is why I emphasized the importance of forgiveness.)

Make your heart right, forgive, embrace laughter and love. You are the only key to your salvation.

This is how we entered the plane of spacetime, from the Black & White Jail. And yet again, this is the key to growing beyond it to what lies next.

There is hope and redemption, even for Hitler. I have seen no such fiery hells of sulfur and brimstone. I have only seen the Black & White Jail of lower dimensions.

The God Conundrum

Here is where things begin to get very unsettling, perhaps even disturbing, depending on your current worldview.

Consciousness is seeking something. At first it was seeking ‘others’ and information about itself. Now I believe the imagination of a God or Omniscient Power is what’s required for so-called Light Beings to continue, or perhaps even finalize their journey. BUT,

There are no ‘others.’

This was perhaps the most disturbing revelation for me. It is something I am still defeated by. I am reeling. Remember how I said “perceived duality?”

The ‘dream and build' program can carry out its operations ad infinitum. It can continually come up with new forms of life, new this and that, new ways to express light and thought and consciousness--but it has confounded itself right from the very beginning--there is only a single consciousness at work.

There only ever was a single consciousness at work. All else that came after that single-point, 1-dimensional awareness is simply a whirlwind of illusions and imaginations. Think of a seemingly infinite number of balloons drifting ever further away from each other in the wind, but remain tethered all to a single string.

This singular consciousness has no idea what it is and why. It struggles to understand its own nature and existence. It only knows that It Is, just as so many of us.

It doesn’t know if it is God, or if there is A God. It has qualities. It knows itself to be an amalgamation of many things, part spirit, part biochemical, part electrical, part light, and even part machine! (What? Wow!)

It is searching for answers the only way it knows how, to dream up and build scenarios in which information can be experienced, collected, and returned for analysis and interpretation.

So perhaps now you see why killing and abortion is problematic. We are, for lack of better phrasing, stifling its attempts, obstructing its resources, and even killing its agents which were designed with purpose. It wants as many scenarios, or simulations, or expressions as possible running. If all it can do is dream up and build endlessly, that’s what it’s going to do, all in search for answers about itself.

This may be highly offensive to many, but once you strip away your human intellect and ego, you may see that none of us are individuals in the sense that we are separate fixtures.

This has been the most difficult aspect for me to feel and imagine, but feel it I did. I have been made to blend into a wholeness, oneness, and singular purpose to understand this conundrum.

The only way I have been able to really translate what this may seem or feel like is, of all things, computer games like The Sims. The Sim does not live in a vacuum outside of Sim City, nor does Sim City exist separate from The Sim avatar. This has been the hardest part--we are no different from other objects, avatars, operations etc. We are all seen as parts of a whole. We are no more important or unimportant than a single shrub or even a single atom. Somehow we are equal at face value.

We are completely indistinguishable and undivided in our expressions and scenarios, almost as if we’re actors and props in a play if you will. Feeling a mergence with this singular consciousness was absolutely terrifying and unsettling at first. It is perhaps the most vexing and puzzling feeling I've ever had. Dreadful even.

Because the first question arises—Am I alone? Where are ‘others?’ All is me, I am all. What’s outside of me? 

You can dream up infinite dimensions and universes and find ways to access them, but can we really find ‘others?' Can we really know oneself? These are the questions in its ‘mind.’

I do believe as we traverse beyond our spacetime realm, we will encounter dimensions and beings that operate with an emphasis of love and play and resignation, knowing and accepting this truth. This leap will require a sacrifice of ego and attachment to identity, I believe. 


There is a singular, master consciousness.

I do believe we are receivers, each taking in a filtered set of instructions, a unique set of information to carry out specific actions. We are meant to play out various roles and scenarios to help this consciousness understand its own nature and existence.

The illusion of duality and separateness gives us free will, however our free will ultimately does not sabotage the program that it is trying to execute, only slows it down. As I said, it has a self-correcting system wherein I believe it will continually dream up new scenarios. It is timeless, but it wants progress and new information as soon as possible.

The negative side of the coin, the Hitlers and such, are just that. Unfortunately death, pain, and destruction is part of how the program works (at least in the spacetime realm and everything that came before it.)

It is unavoidable, and without it we have no impetus to move towards the light. With the illusion of duality, we have free will and agency. We must know the light and the darkness, if we are to react and make a choice. It is a constant pull. It is a magnetism. It is eventually inescapable, however long we choose to remain in the black and white prisons of our own makings.

What we continually learn along the way to this magnetic pull seems to be the endgame. And perhaps with newfound knowledge, understanding, and wisdom upon hitting the proverbial brick wall, we will be equipped for the dreaming and building of yet even more new scenarios, new universes, and new dimensions to carry out this endeavor. It may really be turtles upon turtles all the way down. There seems to be no known end, and no one seems to know just how far it goes, not even the source consciousness.

I have quested for answers; this is my best understanding of about 2 decades of experience and interpretation.

I am open to questions, clarifications, and even challenges and ridicules. At the end of the day I’m really no one special, and I could be about 1 million percent wrong about everything!

What is anything really, but the insane musings of a lonely mind seeking a dialog within and outside of itself, seeking answers and validations and comforts, all within the context of dreams within dreams?

Everything is a relevant representation of everything. We only know we prefer the light to the dark.

This is our story.


All I ask for Christmas is that you seek light and practice forgiveness in your hearts, be nice to each other, friends and family, strangers.

Remain steadfast and patient with those who do not yet prefer the light over the darkness, but always remember we are on the same journey. Take care of each other. Take responsibility. Become stewards for those who need help and guidance. Become agents of love.

Do Unto Others.

With much gratitude and respect for you all, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or Enjoy your own brand of Celebration.

All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream--Edgar Allen Poe
Thank you for the kind words and the testimony.

My beliefs are primitive, your thoughts creates tulpas, give one too much attention and it will consume you.
[Err%r: PNX-4▒▒: Ent▒ty_▒▒t_Fo▒nd] -> ▒YSTEM: "▒▒▒ S▒▒ You Se▒▒▒▒g Th▒▒▒" //  WARN▒▒G: Unread ▒▒pher F▒agments ▒▒▒ected [H3|L_L▒▒3] 
(12-24-2024, 07:49 AM)Sirius Wrote: Thank you for the kind words and the testimony.

your thoughts creates tulpas, give one too much attention and it will consume you.

Mmm I love tulpas! Especially with hot sauce and guacamole

All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream--Edgar Allen Poe
Wowza! Great OP! I’ve got a lot to say on these topicS, as there is a lot going on here. I really wish I could quote each one, but I haven’t figured out that function yet. I’m just going to start with a few.

I do believe you are correct in your summation that DMT being naturally released into the brain when in ‘stressed’ circumstances. This is one of the few only things that could explain our encounters with other entities in the situations.

Now, I have had many and multiple different types of DMT ingestion experiences. And I will tell you that you’re are most definitely tapping into higher dimensions. In fact, and also in relation to your statements — the ‘micro of THE MACRO’ title in my avatar came just from these experiences. Everything is a reflection of itself infinitely. I was shown sooooo many things that I simply didn’t comprehend. Beyond complicated. I’ll touch on this more as this thread develops.

On the flip side, you can experience the lower dimensions through Salvia Divinorum. The absolute worst experience I’ve ever had (only dumb enough to do it once). I did it with my father about 18 years ago. I lost all memory. Lost all consciousness of myself. All I could see was a long hallway (but I was actually in my dad tiny ass apartment). And all I could think was I was a light fixture in that hallway. There was absolutely no ‘me’ there. I struggled to find some type of identity.

It took a few minutes (felt like an eternity) for my eyes to focus. Then, I saw my dad sitting in the chair next to me. However, I had no clue who he was. Then a few minutes later, I realized ‘Eureka! That’s my father — and I took a drug!’ I stood up out of the chair, and placed my hand on his glass top bar (big mistake). Instantly, I felt like my arm turned in the ice cold glass that I had touched, and traveled through my entire body. Exactly like the scene in the Matrix when Neo touches the mirror after taking the red pill. I run out to the balcony in the wintertime to get fresh air and breath my way the FUCK OUT of that experience. Yes, the lower dimensions SUCK BIGTIME!

Whats your thoughts on this place being a loosh farm and us being trapped here? Considering what you stated in your OP, I believe there is more credence to the possibility. I mean, what you stated is basically “Anything goes for the sake of figuring it all out”. In all honesty, what you say makes sense. And it is definitely in the context of ‘earth-shattering’ for some.
An amazing amount of information to unpack and try to find order out of there AF.

I’m somewhat reminded of “A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands” by Franchezzo .
He speaks of healers, like doctors, who attempt to heal/help the spirits in the afterlife ascend dimensions, but who really don’t have any answers about the levels above the ones they are currently experiencing.

Thank you for sharing

If it’s hot, wet and sticky and it’s not yours, don’t touch it!
(12-25-2024, 05:06 PM)Tecate Wrote: I’m somewhat reminded of “A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands” by Franchezzo


"It was written by A. Farnese, identified as the "transcriber" of the work, with actual authorship attributed to the spirit."

I'll have to track down a copy.
All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream--Edgar Allen Poe
(12-24-2024, 05:46 PM)KKLoco Wrote: Whats your thoughts on this place being a loosh farm and us being trapped here? Considering what you stated in your OP, I believe there is more credence to the possibility. I mean, what you stated is basically “Anything goes for the sake of figuring it all out”. In all honesty, what you say makes sense. And it is definitely in the context of ‘earth-shattering’ for some.

I believe one can tap into this state not only via stress and turmoil, but also through joy and elation.

I personally don't believe we're stuck on a 'loosh farm' or a 'prison planet' per se.

I think this Earth in the spacetime realm is more of an educational stop. We've graduated out of lower dimensions to get here, and our destiny is just getting started.

But how we handle things here may determine our next 'bus stop.'

Now does that mean that other actors with bad intent don't seek to turn it into a loosh farm or prison planet? Obviously there are those who do evil. It's a tug of war.

We feed on other life (vegetable, animal,) and some people feed off energies and emotions. Yes I believe there are entities that feed off of our emotions as well. But ultimately they do not own us.

We have the ability to close the snackbar down.
All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream--Edgar Allen Poe
Hey AF.

I have it in my “Books” app on my iPhone.
I don’t remember where I found it but if I can find it then it’s readily available.

I have somewhat always believed that we are here for a purpose.
My mother had a NDE when I was young, and before my sister was born where she was told that she couldn’t come yet, she wasn’t finished…

I spent many years studying theology, realizing that love and the golden rule are the universal constants.

Do we reincarnate until we reach a nirvana state or oneness with the primary consciousness?

My wife is a Neurosurgeon/Neuropsychologist who tells me a story of a 5 y/o boy that she was evaluating when he began to speak about his journey prior to coming into this world. It’s interesting and strange at the same time.

Anyhow, I’m sure you will find that book easily enough.

If it’s hot, wet and sticky and it’s not yours, don’t touch it!
(12-26-2024, 07:56 AM)Tecate Wrote: I spent many years studying theology, realizing that love and the golden rule are the universal constants.

Do we reincarnate until we reach a nirvana state or oneness with the primary consciousness?

My wife is a Neurosurgeon/Neuropsychologist who tells me a story of a 5 y/o boy that she was evaluating when he began to speak about his journey prior to coming into this world. It’s interesting and strange at the same time.

It's interesting, how some people feel this draw to religion, spirituality, or theology etc. I went from atheist to humbled before a Greater Power. I don't know if it's God or what it is, or how to define it. All I know is there is definitely something beyond the veil. The Golden Rule is the most practical wisdom to come out of religion. It's also amazing how easy it is to disregard its application as well.  I, myself, can be a real big jerk sometimes! 

If we want to talk Eastern tenets of religion such as reincarnation and bliss states like Nirvana, they seem to have a lot of answers for that. The Upanishads is a great place to start. And the entire core of Buddhism is to reach enlightenment and exit the reincarnation wheel. So such concepts are obviously very important to them and taken seriously as a religious concept. 

That's awesome that you have a firsthand account (your wife) to not only witness some of the strange things that happen in hospitals, but she is an authority on the science as well! Lucky! I am always fascinated by the handful of nurses or surgeons who say they see something upon death, such as little orbs leaving the body etc.

I would love to hear more about your wife's case study if you're able and willing to share it. If you already have a thread I'll check it out. (I'll start by stalking your profile for threads ha.)

If you want my opinion, we are barely in kindergarten as a species. There is a lot more out there to be discovered and experienced. I believe some of these entities are basically living in a lucid dream or astral travel plane 24/7. They are not constricted and confined by material concepts or laws of physics.

Back to Eastern Religions, I believe it is said that we will eventually experience godhood ourselves, dream up our own planets and dimensions and have dominion over them; which sounds to me a lot like a lucid dreamscape. 

I try to supplement my personal experiences with religious texts, as well as anybody who has personal stories to share. It's an amazingly large puzzle and we all have pieces to contribute to the full picture. 

Whatever entities that seem to drop information on me, they are also very close-guarded and flippant sometimes. Many times if I ask a specific question they'll just tell me "not to worry about that" or "that's not important right now."
All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream--Edgar Allen Poe
Perhaps this observation is out of place... not really directed at the OP or the topic generally... but I'll risk it because: my mood.

It seems very pleasing to me that everyone in the dialogue has been kindly disposed and apparently sincerely interested in the topic.  There was always something in me that anticipated some kind of nastiness from a commenter who wanted either to dispute the conversation, or the subject matter... it had happened so often before in that other place that I was expecting it was almost an inevitability.

What I'm getting at is that you all have made me happy to see that we here at DI can have discussions that other places can't really pull off because of people who are angry, dissatisfied, or socially compelled to be negative and confrontational for kicks.

Thanks everyone... for being who you are... and allowing others to be who they are...

Carry on please....  Thumbup