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12-30-2024, 10:37 PM
This post was last modified 12-30-2024, 11:39 PM by KKLoco. Edited 1 time in total. 
(12-30-2024, 12:03 AM)Sirius Wrote: You might be a medium or something, look into channeling. How are you feeling now and in days following? The actions you took before going to bed set you up for channeling.
How hard was the pressing on the mattress, can you mimic it, try? There is sometimes a sensation of being pulled out of the body that starts by "sinking". It can come in waves. There can be a sudden violent pull also.
I went to a channeler 22 years ago. I would never allow another spirit to enter my body (if this is what you’re referring to?). I felt fine the next day and today. In fact, I had my second session of Mayofacia today, and I’m feeling better than I have in months. But damn does it hurt like hell.
I’d say the pressure on the mattress was like a small person sitting on the corner edge of my bed 1-2 feet away from my foot, in the same corner that I saw shadow man. There wasn’t a pattern to it. It happened 6-7 times.
I did have another night of insomnia last night. However, it was not like the previous night where I was bright-eyed and didn’t sleep a minute. In and out last night, sometimes even getting 30 minute stretches of sleep. I’m happy to report that it didn’t happen. Seems to be when the insomnia is extreme.
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(12-30-2024, 08:53 AM)AlroyFarms Wrote: Sounds like it's time to assert yourself over these entities.
Think about it, you are stronger, that's why they slink around in the shadows when you're tired.
I've heard invoking the name of Jesus scares them off. I personally imagine white light as both my shield and as my weapon.
Personally I haven't had any frightening encounters in years.
You are NOT at their mercy. But I believe there is something about you that attracts them.
Do not be fearful, learn to master your fear and I suspect they'll stop.
In all honesty, the other realms have been knocking at my door hard, since I was 21. However, I made some big mistakes in the avenues to reach them. Then went through some experiences with the tricksters that changed the rest of my life. Needless to say, I keep interactions with beings from other realms at an arms distance.
Slinking around me when I’m tired makes a hell of a lot of sense. I also have my own protective exercises that I do before I do my psychedelics. I did them last night before bed (without the psychedelics). As a side note, I used to think I’d become a shaman someday. I feel far more normal in those realms, than I do in this one….
Actually, I haven’t had a negative experience with them coming into my room the last year. I’m pretty sure that it’s because I haven't allowed them to last long enough to find out. I’ve been investigating this topic for far too long now, to not know the multitude of consequences of engagement with them in person. Additionally, I simply don’t appreciate being caught off guard by crazy looking creatures, AKA The Space Invaders.!
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01-01-2025, 09:57 AM
This post was last modified 01-01-2025, 10:00 AM by KTemplar. Edited 1 time in total. 
My son saw a dark flying hooded entity once when he was 5, the cat saw it too. They both came flying out of his room and he really wouldn’t play in there alone after that. The same room that had a toy piano that would play London Bridge at around 2:00am without batteries in it. It went to the dumpster!
He still talks about it 17 years later. He has also seen an entity in his closet were we live now. I tell him to not give it any attention. These things are in the spirit realm and maybe he has the ability to sometimes see them. I’ve seen angels and ghosts and have some pretty cool pics.
I’ve seen a grey alien and went missing for 6 hours once as a preteen. That was scary, the way they can glide right up to your face, and literally inches from your face is jarring!
I never saw the hooded dark entity until a month an 1/2 ago. It was at my friends office, I was helping her organize her new office space and this thing flew right by her into one of the rooms of her office. I didn’t say anything to her, but got up and went to look into the room and it was not there anymore. She is always having her house blessed and talking about demons, and I wonder if she has one attached to her. I cannot bring myself to tell her about it, because I know she’ll want me to meet an exorcist priest as she does that occasionally.
I refuse to give these things my time or acknowledgement, nothing good comes from it.
Asking Jesus for protection absolutely works.
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(01-01-2025, 09:57 AM)KTemplar Wrote: My son saw a dark flying hooded entity once when he was 5, the cat saw it too. They both came flying out of his room and he really wouldn’t play in there alone after that. The same room that had a toy piano that would play London Bridge at around 2:00am without batteries in it. It went to the dumpster!
He still talks about it 17 years later. He has also seen an entity in his closet were we live now. I tell him to not give it any attention. These things are in the spirit realm and maybe he has the ability to sometimes see them. I’ve seen angels and ghosts and have some pretty cool pics.
I’ve seen a grey alien and went missing for 6 hours once as a preteen. That was scary, the way they can glide right up to your face, and literally inches from your face is jarring!
I never saw the hooded dark entity until a month an 1/2 ago. It was at my friends office, I was helping her organize her new office space and this thing flew right by her into one of the rooms of her office. I didn’t say anything to her, but got up and went to look into the room and it was not there anymore. She is always having her house blessed and talking about demons, and I wonder if she has one attached to her. I cannot bring myself to tell her about it, because I know she’ll want me to meet an exorcist priest as she does that occasionally.
I refuse to give these things my time or acknowledgement, nothing good comes from it.
Asking Jesus for protection absolutely works.
They are like raging narcissists in our waking reality. The worst thing you can do to them, is ignore them. When you do, initially they kick and scream. Then they finally give up and focus their negative energy on someone they can actually get a response out of.
I’ve been going to an intuitive mayofascist. Two days ago he was digging into my shoulder and he says “My god, the shit your dad says to you.” I replied “Not anymore, I ghosted that asshole. He can try to gaslight someone else. It doesn’t work on me anymore.”
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It is awful what a person can go through physically because of Narcissistic abuse. I’m sorry you went through that.
My ex was diagnosed with NPD, and we were together about 13 years. My son, cat and myself suffered certain things for quite some time. It took me about 7 years, 4 of which I was in therapy. We can finally after 12 years rub the cats paws. My son still has a hard time around the holidays because his dad will text him a message. It triggers him which makes me sad. No letters, birthday card anything just that one text,
Which I always thought was good, but my son struggles when he gets them.
I value my peace and harmony above all else, and I guess I can thank my ex for showing me what to look out for or tolerate.
I pray your life is blessed and that you are protected, and know you are loved!
He who is kind is king imo! You are 100% right. I have ignored the crap out of some creepy things and they move along! I do pray to Jesus as well and it has worked every time!
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Hey KT,
I feel for your son. At my age (45), I’ve learned to be stronger than him and the situation. Ghosting is the only solution. I always tell people “If I thought as poorly of myself, as my dad thinks of me — I would have killed myself a long time ago.
So in September last year, 3 days before my father’s birthday, I told him I wasn’t going to speak to him anymore, due to the gaslighting shit he says to me. How did he respond to this? He wrote me a 6 page snail mail letter (he’s a two finger typer so it must have taken him an entire day to do it), gaslighting the hell out of me telling me what a piece of shit I am. I mean LITERALLY, I told him I wasn’t going to speak to him anymore for doing this — and he decided to double down and put it into writing. It was some nice cherries and sprinkles on top of a “FUCK YOU!”
I know it would be difficult for your son to do so at his age, but the smartest thing he could do is block his father from contact. It worked for me. We were at the same XMAS party less than two weeks ago. He didn’t even try anything with me. Do you know why? Because I would have called his ass out in front of everyone. He finally understands that I am stronger than him. And I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to take shit from ANYONE! Thanks DAD for giving me the power to say FUCK YOU to anyone that is a narcissistic PRICK — including YOU!
Thank you for the kind words. Always appreciate you sister!
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01-01-2025, 06:50 PM
This post was last modified 01-01-2025, 07:00 PM by KTemplar. Edited 1 time in total. 
I agree, but leave the choice up to my son.
I love that you found your strength and voice!
I’ve studied NPD for awhile now because I needed to know why these people can act so cruelly with NO remorse ever. The knowledge I came away with is they are very sick individuals whose childhoods created this personality disorder and they will NEVER change, and need to hurt others to feel better about themselves. They are never happy or truly at peace!
You are right avoidance of all negative whether human or spirit realm is best! I have to give a shout out to Danish Bashir for helping me understand it & heal!
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I feel you on that, I came from a family of toxic alcoholic narcissists. And no I don't throw that word around lightly. True narcissists are something else than just plain toxic. There is really something wrong with them like they don't have empathy at all or something. Really baffling people!
Anyways I have had to cut off some family, including my deadbeat dad, because the toxic passive-aggressive shit (or just plain overt aggression,) gets emotionally exhausting!
My childhood was extremely neglectful in many ways. Best I could figure out is that some people are like cancer, cut em out, heal, work on yourself and never look back.
Some people will ALWAYS be a net gain of harm instead of good. Cut them out.
You did the right thing, and I know it was a difficult step.
Hating is often the first step to forgiveness. Forgiveness is the first step on the path to understanding love thy enemy.
This is one of the most potent things you can do for yourself and it indeed opened up my third eye or something. Once I got shown the "black & white jail," I knew that forgiveness of that which we hate is the key out!
Good luck, KKLoco and KTemplar.
All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream--Edgar Allen Poe
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Thank You Alroy Farms!
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(01-02-2025, 07:57 AM)KTemplar Wrote: Thank You Alroy Farms!
Sorry I meant to reply to both of you :)
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a real thing and you're 100% right, there is no helping these people. They are just trapped in a cloud of misery and the only way out is to extricate yourself. They will bring you down to their level every time. All they know is conflict, and they thrive on it!
I first learned about it with extreme gaslighting from one of my managers. I resigned over his BS. And many others quit or were let go. It was 100% this manager who was gaslighting and fricking with us. We all shared stories about the insane mental gymnastics he'd pull. It was frankly a little disturbing how weird he got with it.
Knowing this manager definitely lead me down a research hole, and I got better at identifying subtle toxic behaviors in people.
All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream--Edgar Allen Poe