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Is it just me?... a photo in the news
Scanning around, I often see lots of stuff attached to articles and news, and also within videos (where they flash images as they narrate, monologue, or use someone else's voice over.)

I can complain about how this production techniques is abused, but it would be to no avail.  So I just grin and bear it.

But this time, since it was a fluff-piece about astronomic stuff (the Leonid Meteor Shower) I was expecting photos of past events, etc.

From Fox: Lyrid meteor shower 2024: When and where to look up

Within it, this image appeared... 

[Image: GettyImages-1393058175-copy.jpg]

With the following caption:

The annual April Lyrids meteor showers illuminate the night sky over the Jinshanling Great Wall on April 22, 2022 in Luanping County, Chengdu City, Hebei Province of China. 
(Zhou Wanping / VCG  / Getty Images)

Now here's my question... Is this really a photograph of a meteor shower?  It seems awfully consistent... not like anything I have ever seen.  I suspected that this as an overlay of the Great Wall's silhouette over a time-lapsed photo of stationary lights... or am I mistaken?

If it is an error, I wonder if they will correct it eventually (not that they spotted it); or if it isn't, how is such a photo possible?

Just something to ponder.
This looks like a long exposure photo taken near the wall.

I would suspect that someone took the photo due to the image of the Wall, but since China dumps millions of fake dollars into the media, this photo was just pushed to the top and a lazy editor just used it out of convenience.