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I share with you another's vision.
I find this text to be genuine.

It is the words of "iammrhappy86".

It was posted on another forum.

The text begins thus:

Hello friends,

and thank you for your attention in this moment.

For years now I have shared throttled portions of opinion on various matters, yet I've always held back for a multitude of reasons, both of my own doing and outside of it.

For reasons dear to me, I have decided to seize the opportunity of this moment and dedicate it to impart with you my discoveries.

I am beholden to these truths of which I share with you now.

Be aware that I only present this to you as a catalyst; you may do with it as you wish, for you hold Free Will.

'Sin' is a concept we've always struggled with. It is naturally so, because understanding the nature of 'sin' is quintessential to properly observe and express Free Will in accordance with the infinite. This lesson is primarily that which we have come here to study, experience, learn, and teach.

It is in fact appropriate to consider that our One Creator, the Origin, had committed the very first Sin. Sin should be understood as going against the natural flow of Harmony.

In the beginning, there was Infinite Intelligence, and Infinite Potential, existing in perfect harmony. 'Silence/Sound'. This 'wholeness' lived in absolute harmony. And it dared to think. It dared to express itself into 'holyness', and manifest itself for it sought to know its purpose, its existence, its potential, its identity. And so the first 'noise' broke the absolute silence; this distortion we know as Free Will.

Free Will brings focus to Love, which holds infinite eagerness to create, grow, share, and it does so create, grow, and share by meaning of the Light. For even as our own scientists know today, all matter is made of Light. Think of this 'matrix' in terms of vibrations and frequencies, and this truth will be known to you within your heart.

In manifesting itself into existence, our One Creator had discovered the properties of 3-as-1. I won't dig deeper into this matter at this time, but consider the magnitudes of 3, 6, 9. Consider how a Man and a Woman, forming a union, brings forth a child, from which is formed the union of Family as a single unit. Yet each is his own individual being of consciousness; each whole on his own, yet an integral part of one another.

I present these truths to you yet unknowing of the more complex aspects of this, for beyond what has been presented is of little relevance to my message at this time.

My friends, there will come a day when all will be made right; all will be known. Yet I say this to you as I acknowledge that everything is, and always will be as it should be in accordance with the infinite.

Fear not!
Rejoice my friends!

We are coming to a point which may be likened to a graduation. On that day, Mankind will stand as one, for all Men and Women will be there. On that day, those who have aligned with Christ will gaze upon his face as they please. On that day, the grand web of deceptions will be revealed, and great Love will abound. A choice will be made by all; yet I argue that we have made our choice and await this blessed day with glee.

Those who wish to progress on their journey of knowing and experience Free Will, Love, and Light, will do so and live in this promised New Kingdom most high, in accordance with the infinite; Christ will be among you. Those who suffer the most today, and those who have suffered the longest will be among the first to populate this New Kingdom.

Those of you who have not yet progressed to this point of enlightenment will be blessed. For a new world is being built for you. One where you will continue to progress on your journey, but WITHOUT the concealed deceit of those who would tempt you into Sin. Rather, this will be a world where Sin is encouraged to be explored and experience fully, in each and every aspect, and to face all implications of such a necessary transgression as a united people, always in accordance with the infinite. Be blessed, for such a world is one of Marvel and Beauty!!!

Those of you who have decided to express your Free Will in a near absolute service-to-self, you who have successfully closed off your heart and live in a reality state of non-love, I will not speak on at this time. Know that a third option is offered to you, though I advise you tread carefully, and wish you well on your journey, in accordance with the infinite.

I share with you the truth I bare, in accordance with the infinite, and with Love in my heart. And I thank you.

I also offer a request, for those so willing to assist.

On that fateful day, when Michael arises and shouts a thousand voices, stand together. Stand for one another, and have faith. Let the trumpets echo across our world, and Christ come forth in this glorious day of reunion. Behold, for much wonder awaits!

What is the 3,6,9 stuff about?
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Hmm... sin.

Greed, lust, envy, pride, wrath, gluttony, sloth.

American values. The freedom that they hate us for.

Memorize the list and you will see it everywhere.

Want to make money? Just pick one and give it to people.
The reputation christianity has...  God wouldn't associate
(11-05-2024, 08:03 PM)85303 Wrote: The reputation christianity has...  God wouldn't associate

I suspect God is not about the 'group designation'... I would say rather that God is about you as an individual... it's a personal thing, not a social one. 
"Grouping" people for insult and injury is an ugly thing when done by other people.

But then most institutions would probably object at that notion, the bigger (or older) the institution, the louder the objection.
Oh and for those interested here is more info:

The Ra Material

Free Will, Love, and Light are known as the first, second, and third distortions. The StS/StO (service-to-self vs service-to-others) idea is from there too. At first glance the 3-6-9 would seem to be from the Law of Attraction, but what's presented is more Kabbala-like than LoA. It also could be inspired by Tesla's enigmatic numerology. And there's some standard "move beyond sin" stuff (I will be pretentious and label it antinomianism) in there too, but that could be from lots of places.
(11-05-2024, 08:16 PM)Maxmars Wrote: I suspect God is not about the 'group designation'... I would say rather that God is about you as an individual... it's a personal thing, not a social one. 

Presuming that there is in fact a primordial creator God of which many would dispute. There are subjective feelings and ideas pertinent to such a God that are subject to an individual(or group), but there must also exist objective and core absolute truths about any such God, and even if you (thought) you knew what they were you would likely never be able to prove any of it – truth transcending reason.

An individuals' subjectivity on the matter may align with objective truths, but not necessarily, and there really isn't any way to be absolutely certain one way or the other i.e. ignorance is bliss.

I suppose if one has the inclination in attempting to comprehend any such primordial God, it might not be a bad idea to begin with some well-established facts about the universe and extrapolate and form analogies from there, and maybe review various theological texts for alignment with any advancing hypothetical models – like the tree of life aligns more so with expansion theories than M-theory.

I suppose I couldn't help but to include some of my own experience in there not to mention that it's just as important (if not more so) to indulge and enjoy Gods' creation as it is to understanding but not becoming overly obsessed with God itself. Me, I just get out of the house a few times a week and drive like a maniac (sometimes).