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EMF Weapons Mind Control
Found this old vid in the archives which has some very interesting selected nuggets - the effects of various EMF weapon studies are discussed as well as some rather curious patents from the 1990's and early 2000's.

According to the US Military 'The mind has no firewalls'.

Also some rather disturbing info below on EMF effects on humans (and how it was covered up), the Russian US embassy microwave attack and Dr Robert Becker's opinion on the woodpecker signal.

I corner a lot of this in my old Ats thread.

there is lots of information deep into the thread.

was used as part of mkultra.

was used in remote viewing /psychic attacks.
Enjoyed the video about the Eugene OR signal. Kinda randomly, out of all the scientists in the film, googled Barry Trower. Found this a court case however if you read it, it's got scads of info on why Wi-Fi, smart meters & haarp are detrimental to humans.

Interestingly he's never taken money or ever been paid for his expertise. 

(09-09-2024, 11:04 AM)pianopraze Wrote: I corner a lot of this in my old Ats thread.

Bravo for that 2012 thread mate, haven't read it yet but will do when I find the time (all 71 pages).

Back when CNN (or any corporate media) used to do journalism looks like they were covering this subject quite a bit.

Some relevant content in this 1985 CNN report - especially from the USAF's Dr James Frasier.

Also looks like infamous psychopath scientist Jose Delgado figured out decades ago that low-power pulsing magnetic fields directly affected moods and behaviour - here he is at the 1972 U.S. Congressional 'MKUltra' hearings preaching that 'man does not have the right to develop his own mind' - what a nutter lol.

Thanks for posting the Eugene video.

I had been thinking of that case recently.
(09-09-2024, 06:39 PM)jaded Wrote: ..out of all the scientists in the film, googled Barry Trower. Found this a court case however if you read it, it's got scads of info on why Wi-Fi, smart meters & haarp are detrimental to humans.

Interestingly he's never taken money or ever been paid for his expertise. 


Good to see you dude - Barry link doesn't seem to be working for me but do remember a mighty fine interview with the chap from years back conducted by Richard D. Hall.

Looks like someone took a lot of time and effort removing all copies from Youtube but here's the interview on Odysee (part one of three).

Good call - looks to be a very knowledgeable chap. Beer

Effects of Microwaves (5G) - Part 1 of 3 - Barrie Trower and Richard D Hall

This one's also a winner about the serious health dangers from prolonged EMF exposure (and the dodgy 'safety tests' and inevitable corporate cover up shenanigans).


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