7 hours ago
(9 hours ago)Sirius Wrote: I think the guys had enough nonsense for the moment and want to celebrate the new presidency. Us talking about illusions isn't going to make friends at this time.
Existence is "nonsense". I mean, the macrocosmic layout is good, but there really is a lot of nonsense. It could all just be different modes, layers, and levels of consciousness.
Lucid dreaming is what happens when different modes are superimposed upon one another. It happens to me randomly on occasion, and I don't try to force it but have in the past. You can play around with hypnagogic and hypnopompic states in various ways or try and fabricate 'triggers' to be alerted when fully immersed.
The parallels and analogies can be interesting. Like when your subconscious fabricates a virtual reality dreamscape that your conscious becomes aware. Your consciousness created it, it's your world, and you are God there as opposed to the macrocosmic experience.