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Debate: IdeoMotorPrisoner v. Putnam6 -
Wow. Good argument. I'm afraid I'm going to have to use much more thinking now.


I'm certain you're familiar with The Kardishev Scale.

If you bite your first contact on the ankle, you might be a Type-0 Civilization-neck.

Joking aside, we are as Type 0 as it gets. Type-1 still far flung into the future.

We would be advised to "Stay in the f*cking car."

I think we are the snakes though.

Quote:Wouldn't it be better to have options, and have another planet atleast some of us can immigrate to? To have options you have to prepare.

We are now 21st-century partially civilized humans and have been on the planet for 100,000-plus years.

How much longer do we need to cook?

I'm sure they'll figure that out. Probably about 5 minutes a pound.

"Oh please, come to our planet. We have room to accommodate all of you in our prefabricated cities."

How do we know it's not a human farm? And you live blissfully and gluttonous until they transfer you to another city on the carousel. Specific diets for the juiciest cuts of human flank. It's like Logan's Run + Soylent Green. You get renewed into food.

Yes I know it's a sci-fi projection, but given how humans grow shrimp in pools in the desert, and give livestock blissful enough lives until we renew them on the "conveyer", which is sort like a carousel, it stands to reason we should be weary of universal food chains.

Quote:As rose-colored glasses Carl suggested, we weren't separate species for the 1st Manhattan Real Estate sale it was just slightly more ambitious and motivated humans with the same blood the same tissue, the same neurons, and electrons, ie still full of all our flaws, questionable emotional responses and genetic limitations physically and mentally.

Different mindset completely.

Think about a Colonial American vs an Iroquois. The "savages" had this natural standard. They had understanding of equallibrium and balance where the colonizers wanted to build London on the Hudson. Or Amsterdam as the case may be.

One might argue, the natives were more advanced, having leaped over the "man is God's special animal phase" strait into a world of sacred equilibrium.

Their weariness was well-founded, and their naivite was exploited. They were essentially conned for manifest destiny.

It's a wonder we didn't sell them into slavery. Or use them to build railroads.

Our own history is littered with exploitation on the belief of superiority.

I think the universe is that on steroids.

Quote:However, scientists have long wondered if alien life might evolve based on significantly different chemistry. For example, researchers have long speculated that silicon might also serve as a backbone for biology.

Also Boron, Nitrogen, Phosphorus...

I think there is something specific to animo-acids that makes all universal life carbon based. Forgive the left-handed sinister connotation, but I believe its specifically left-handed chirility that leads to life, as the stellar amino acids found, like tryptophan, histidine, and glycine are showing these "one carbon donors" are everywhere.

Given the composition of the universe, and how a miniscule number of elementary particles make up the whole, I speculate biological life is subjected to LIKE situations and LIKE habitabillity to form. And by extension like adversity.

And then form the same evolutionary way, which leads to changes in form, but not an overall function, or vector.

The only thing seeming unrestrained is the way the more complex lifeforms intake the nutrients they need for energy.

I know an energy sucking wraith is far-fetched, but they could feed off us (draw their energy) any number of ways.

Quote:Besides it's not the need to evolve, simple life forms don't care, it's the ability to think imagine, and question what if. Even though we have sent chimps into space, pretty sure none of them looked at the moon and thought about going there one day, millions if not billions of humans throughout our history probably have.

That could be the case with aliens. We are but apes looking at the moon. Maybe we don't even realize it was towed into place by Macrathean planet builders. Maybe it actually is a space station or sorts? Ignorance isn't necessarily bliss.

And in the most troubling circumstances a Zoo. An animal farm. Believing it's Orwellian system is anything but a distraction.

Not Von Daniken's ridiculous gold mining, Nibiru Atmosphere-lining race, but...

How do we know our gifted new home isn't a more local attraction for them?

Quote:One leads to our current low orbit trajectory while the other may lead us to wonderous discoveries, like an unlimited power source.

Sure... but could they trust us to use it without tearing a hole in subspace? Or would we screw up the zero-point calculations and undo the universe?

These are tropes, but we have always been great at living up to them.
[Image: yk673b90cc.jpg]

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RE: Debate: IdeoMotorPirsoner v. Putnam6 - - by IdeomotorPrisoner - 05-15-2024, 12:40 PM

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