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Corbett Report On Fauci.
Thought there was some rather illuminating factual info in this Corbett Report on Fauci and apparently RFK Jr's new book is now on the bestseller list.

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Do confess I haven't read it yet (hats off to those that have) but thpught the author raised some truly compelling points in the interview below and literally everybody should watch it (because it involves everyone).

[Image: xd619a37c9.jpg]

Quote:Video Interview

Joining us today to talk about his new bestselling book, The Real Anthony Fauci, is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Whatever your thoughts on the pandemic (or origins of it) then would say this interview is a really important one as it brings up the role of intelligence agencies and some pretty intriguing revelations made about Fauci's bio-weapon antics in China and the involvement of the CIA and DARPA.

The potential (and utter) corruption of regulatory agencies via the mechanism of 'regulatory capture' is also covered as is big pharma's 'precalculated and monetized response' to the pandemic.


Quote:• "One of the things I think I show that will surprise people is the deep involvement of intelligence agencies. Not only in the gain of function funding in Wuhan and the very odd partnerships they had with the Chinese military scientists, but also how it was the intelligence community, particularly the CIA, that conspired with Tony Fauci to use the pandemic as a pretense to impose totalitarian controls, to obliterate the Bill of Rights, not only in the United States but in democracies across the world."

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Would be interested in folk's opinions on points raised in the vid - especially the mechanism in which tax payer funded regulatory agencies (like the EPA) become 'sock-puppets' to the private industries they are meant to regulate.

I find this entirely consistent with the kind of fire which anyone like Dr. Fauci must certainly should have expected.  

His "administration" of the NIH has been marked with the most grievous questionable activity.  (But this is not in contrast with some prior occupants of his position.)

In fact, all medical "research" prompted and fueled by the most influential "financial supporters," is often characterized by repugnant activities, all justified by the most nobly expressed ideals. 

But more and more these ideals have been narrow and focused on contrived 'emergent' situations... heavily marketed in media, and inflated by "official utterances" coming from people who predictably are 'supported' by the very same "financial supporters."  Go figure  Rolleyes

All of these utterances seem to get their forceful drive from creatures of the same ilk... like the WEF, or it's elder sibling the WHO... or any collection of commerce-oriented membership.  They manifest through the "media" or "tech" sectors, where financing is life.  And mostly, again, from those entities who feature a preponderance of 'non-elected' authority...  Not that many aren't politically appointed, or sanctioned - and of course 'financed' celebrities are part and parcel of the 'public awareness' manifesting itself to the people of the world.  Somehow I am inclined to suspect the global banking cartel is behind it all... note that I said inclined... because that connection seems expertly obfuscated.

We are always visited by these people with accounts and assertions to the effect of "It's not the next big thing that might happen, but will."  And no one seems to recall that there is always a "big thing" is going to happen... throughout all of recorded history, despite any "preparations" made.

In the end, the common denominator is money... where it flows, and who gets to keep it.
Hey mate did you ever look at what was being said by Fauci (and others) at the Milken Institute meeting from October, 2019?


Fauci being at hosted at 'the Cosmos Club' by Peter Daszak in 2016 is also well worth a look as there are some pretty deep connections to intelligence agencies (NSA / CIA) in that club, not to mention 'eugenicist' member interlocks like Rockefeller, Kissenger and David Starr Jordan.

The Club's contemporary connections to EcoHealth Alliance and John Hopkins are also worth a mention.

At this point it's time to look into repealing that 1972 Duel Purpose law. It was also good to know probably, drugs pre-1984 are much safer than ones developed after Fauci's reign.

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