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Albert K Bender And The Men In Black
About the original post where some say it may be psychological, some say it's real, etc:

Why can't it be both? Not saying he's schizophrenic but schizophrenic's think people are reading their thoughts I forgot the exact terminology for it, I could call a friend and get it or a simple google search would do but it's a common delusion. However, even with said delusion, the event could have still happened. Stranger things definitely have.

"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."
(04-28-2024, 11:07 PM)TSK Wrote: In the 1950s, Albert K. Bender, a prominent figure in UFO research, claimed encounters with the Men in Black (MIB), shadowy figures who allegedly coerced him into halting his investigations into UFO phenomena. Bender recounted how these mysterious visitors, dressed in black suits and exuding an aura of intimidation, appeared unexpectedly at his doorstep. With an unsettling knowledge of his personal affairs, they delivered cryptic warnings, insisting he cease his research endeavors or face unspecified consequences.
What's particularly eerie about Bender's encounters is his claim of telepathic communication with the MIB. He described feeling as though they could read his thoughts, adding another layer of intrigue to their already unsettling presence. This aspect of his story has fueled speculation about the nature of these encounters, with some suggesting paranormal explanations and others attributing it to psychological factors or elaborate fabrication.
Bender's story has sparked intense speculation and debate within the UFO community. While some view his encounters as genuine manifestations of a clandestine effort to suppress UFO research, others question their authenticity, citing psychological factors or potential motives for fabrication. Despite skepticism, the Men in Black phenomenon remains a compelling aspect of UFO lore, continuing to inspire curiosity and speculation.

Let's back up a couple steps and look at this from a perspective loaded with a couple assumptions in as well.

Let's assume that:

A.) There really are extra-terrestrials who have some interest in Earth or mankind, and let's forget for a moment what 'form' these E.T.'s might take. And, ...

B.) Let's assume these E.T.'s are smart enough to realize the social / societal impact of the discovery of such an entity.

The logical conclusion we could draw from this would be that they would "enlist" (through whatever method) a group of people who were trustworthy enough to protect proof of their existence until such time as "humans" could properly (and maturely) deal with this entity.

This makes perfect sense to me, that such a group, call them MIB's, would exist.  They could be anything, but the highest risk would be to make them non-human.  The better alternative would be a "flashy thing" to erase their previous memories and make them oblivious to emotions and their terrestrial shortcomings.

In my mind, the 'facts is', any E.T. who has the ability to get here from some distant locale has the ability to transform mass based intelligence into mass-less knowledge.  Maybe they also have the ability to 're-generate' this intelligence into a mass based object, or maybe they don't, but this doesn't change their much higher level of intelligence than humans.

Honestly, I would expect nothing less than some form of "MIB", sanctioned or unsanctioned by some government body.

On point, I think something like an 'agency' like this is much less likely today than it may have been back in say the 50's or 60's.  The government today has become far more corrupt, and secrets equal power, and more importantly money (which equals power), so it's understandable why MIB's today are a rare thing (if they ever existed at all)

Equally, if I was an E.T., I would have seen the World culture as far more attractive in the 50's and 60's than I would view it today.  There's too much hate and volatility today than there was then.  The human race was a nicer place then.  Now, it is a seething pool of hate and excrement with corrupted minds, influenced almost exclusively by propaganda. Today, if I was E.T....I'd just sit back and wait...wait for the world below to implode onto itself, to incinerate every footprint of its very existence.

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