deny ignorance.


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After the debate
Joe Biden - State of the Union - Jacked on something and yelling the whole time.

Joe Biden - The Debate Last Night - the "normal" Joe Biden.  Confused.  Slurred Speech.  Blank Stare.  Mouth Agape.

Joe Biden - The Rally at Noon Today - Back to being jacked on something and yelling the whole time.
Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.
DEI = Division, Exclusion, and Incompetence
Listened to an interview of the head of the Dems AND the head of the GOP. The Dems woman said "Biden is still old and Trump is still a bully. Neither one of them looked very presidential."  Lol  I thought that was pretty funny given the people and the context. Apparently toward the end of the debate they argued about their golf handicaps.  Only in America.
(06-28-2024, 06:50 PM)schuyler Wrote: Listened to an interview of the head of the Dems AND the head of the GOP. The Dems woman said "Biden is still old and Trump is still a bully. Neither one of them looked very presidential."  Lol  I thought that was pretty funny given the people and the context. Apparently toward the end of the debate they argued about their golf handicaps.  Only in America.

At the moment the choice is between someone who is not mentally and physically fit to be the president and one of the greatest liars and narcissists, probably the greatest troll the world has ever seen (Trump).

Both terrible in their own ways.

Joe Biden is someone who has a very troubled past, part of the establishment, and a committed zionist. A dangerous combination of traits for any country in the world, not just the US. The military-industrial complex is lucky and happy to have him in his position.

Trump as part of the establishment is the worse choice of politician out there. He has convinced a large part of the population he is the solution to every problem. The narrative says he is under persecution by the establishment. The cycle repeats itself. Borrowing the phrase from the other site: LOU TROGLODYTE
An Email from an American friend who lives in Florida:
Quote:Some fascinating facts that lots of anti-Trumpers don't get.

Originally at the beginning of this cycle I was all in for Ron DeSantis because I live in Florida and personally experienced the impact of DeSantis policies making this state probably the freest state in the union and from what was possible a purplish swing state into a solid red state. Over 1 million increase in republican voter registration since the 2022 mid-term election.

So DeSantis drops out leaving only the scummy neo-con Nikki Haley and Trump.  Trump could have folded his tent and retired to one of his fabulous golf courses. But he didn't quit even against the stiffest odds possible and knowing the commie democrats were coming at him with the full intent to destroy him criminally, financially and emotionally. Trump stood in the breech as they indicted him criminally, sued him civilly and attacked him personally in the most vile way possible all at the prompting of Biden and his weaponized Dept of Justice.

I don't believe there are a handful of men in history with the strength and fortitude who would gladly take on those odds but Trump did. Don't gotta like him but in all respects we should respect him.  And stupid, demented, pedophille Joe Biden actually thought he was going to debase Trump on the debate stage last night.

Trump's got a lot of worts, no doubt but I never knew a fighter that didn't. To watch that ugly husk of a subhuman slither off the stage last night with his piece of shit wife was glorious. And further to watch the total freakout on all of the main stream media is as satisfying as any one should be able to enjoy. In 3 and a half short years the democrat party has completely destroyed themselves by incompetence, hubris and their hatred for Trump.

Democrats struggle now with what to do, how to proceed and how they salvage themselves. But unless they can convince Biden to drop out and release his delegates they are FUCKED. It's far to late in the game and they know it. All the democrat down ballot candidates also know they are now screwed because of Pedo Joe.  But democrats are not done. I expect the next 4 months to be nothing but volatility and chaos. Violence, riots, false flag events and assassinations are on the commie democrat docket. Scary times ahead. 

No one rules if no one obeys

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” - Voltaire
(06-28-2024, 07:32 PM)727Sky Wrote: An Email from an American friend who lives in Florida:

Sounds like a dedicated Trump supporter.
I still don't understand how people are fooled so easily to
believe they have found a true hero when in fact they
have been trolled big time.
(06-28-2024, 07:52 PM)Notran Wrote: Sounds like a dedicated Trump supporter.
I still don't understand how people are fooled so easily to
believe they have found a true hero when in fact they
have been trolled big time.
Yes, he’s dedicated to:
cheap gas
cheap groceries 
cheap cost of living
cheap rents / mortgages
cheap cost of all goods
bustling economies
no wars

That should sum it up.
(06-28-2024, 09:03 AM)FlyingClayDisk Wrote: I tend to agree.  It almost seems like there was a pre-arranged damage control plan by the MSM, like a "Break Glass in case of Emergency" sort of thing.  I just always figured the first steps in that plan would be to start distancing themselves from Biden.  I didn't expect that step #1 would be...'Throw the old geezer under the bus immediately and keep running over him until he quits moving!'  This makes me think there's a pre-ordained 'someone else' just off stage-left.  It can't be Newsom, or Whitmer, or both; even together they poll lower than even Biden does.  Plus, I don't think either one of their ego's would allow them to work "for" the other in the #2 position.  So this begs the question...who is it?

Could it be something like Harris with Obama as VP?  Sounds crazy, but it's legal.  Hillary doesn't have anywhere near the support and she's been MIA for two years now anyway.  And Sanders would split the party (not to mention sending millions of swing voters over the fence).
I'm probably wrong, but I think they will last ditch it. Hilliary/big mike on the ticket. With Barry campaigning day and night. They cant run on any progress made in the last 4 yrs, more wars, etc. Its going to be the make or break on pushing "the message", dei, etc. Its all they have left, cant use the environment, Biden already crashed and burned that. They better be thinking some kind of stimulus checks again, otherwise I dont see any chance of it.
(06-28-2024, 08:16 PM)KKLoco Wrote: Yes, he’s dedicated to:
cheap gas
cheap groceries 
cheap cost of living
cheap rents / mortgages
cheap cost of all goods
bustling economies
no wars

That should sum it up.

That's part of the narrative but people are easily fooled by empty promises, lies and exxagerations.

Yeah! Trump the philanthropist and the peace maker!
I am having a good morning laugh.

I am asking again how is it possible to be fooled again and again by the same person who only appeals to voters' basic instincts.

Trump is one of the worst liars and narcissists.
With Trump we had;
NATO countries started paying a fraction of what they agreed to pay when becoming a member of NATO
Countries doing trade with America such as Mexico were ordered to stop ripping America off ( Mexico big time along with China or face tariffs)
cheaper gas
cheaper groceries in some cases 30% cheaper
cheaper cost of living much cheaper
cheaper rents / mortgages
bustling economies (until COVID hit) because of the many onerous government regulations he ordered to be cancelled.
no wars

I do not like the way Trump talks as N.Y.ers get on my nerves with their self gratification and circular talk however in spite of Trump's faults and the many back stabbing advisors around him during his first term America was one hell of a lot better off IMO no matter what Biden, CNN, MSN, the View, and the Democrat propagandist force feed the public daily on what passes for news these days...

From what Trump has had to go through with the Law fare from the corrupt DOJ, Planting of evidence by the FBI, and paid misinformation spreaders (Russia, Russia, Russia ) I hope he wins and can survive long enough to accomplish some of the stuff he thinks that needs to be done for the sake of future generations.

There is so much invested in destroying America no telling what will happen in the near future..? Disagree then look no further than the open border invasion.

No one rules if no one obeys

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” - Voltaire
I don't like the choices.  

However, me being pragmatic, see it as either choosing Biden or Trump.   That's a no-brainer for me.  Trump, with all his flaws and general assholism, loves the United States.  He wants what is best for it.   I no longer believe that is true for Biden and the left.   I think Biden and his various handlers want global power.   

I am crushed that illegal inhabitants are being housed, fed, given health benefits and more, while there are U.S. citizens that are homeless, and many of them veterans.   This is the most crushing thing for me.   To have homeless veterans just kills me.   

I could well expound upon the plethora of other ills I see having been foisted upon the U.S., but will stop here.   I'm not a fan of Trump, but he is greatly the lesser of evils.

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