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The Great Paradox(es)
(05-06-2024, 05:03 PM)IdeomotorPrisoner Wrote: So I guess #2 ever-flowing potential.

That's the alternative being looked at right now which was largely ignored at the outset due to infinite regression, but at some point you might start thinking that one absurdity isn't any better/worse than any other absurdity although given the parameters and circumstances that could be debatable.

Initially it was a "primordial anomaly", but in the context of this ever-flowing time "potentiality" the 'primordial' now gets an upgrade to the 'eternal'.

Of course one might opt to forego the creator/designer element altogether and hypothesize that there is simply no rhyme nor reason to any of it or that there are cosmological laws in place that have sufficiently allowed for a continued quasi-uninterrupted development process that we are at least partially aware although this doesn't really explain much and ends abruptly when the laws themselves have no explicit cause/origin other than maybe just emerging from the chaos for no particular reason.

If a conclusion is to be causeless then I would opt for the simplest and least amount of moving parts such as a bare bones creator as opposed to a complex and coordinated set of laws - a cart without a horse(where I prefer the cartless horse). Neither it seems that there would be any preservation factor in the case of an inanimate conclusion at the core.

So the unmolested development of particular star systems with their perfectly precise parts, conditions, and Goldilocks Zones evolving throughout the eons might require a nanny of sorts or it seems would just fall prey to an uncaring universe at some arbitrary point.

I would imagine the continuity to be something like this:

From P₁

Eternity(zero volume)—>primordial chaos—>re-emergence of creator—>laws and order—>creation—>cessation—>return to initial/default state of eternity(acausal)—>ad infinitum.

- or -

From P₂

Eternity(zero volume)—>ever-flowing time(non-spatial dimension)—>eternal anomaly(creator/designer)—>creation(three spatial dimensions)—>cessation—>return to functioning of timeless anomaly as akin some eternal algorithm —>ad infinitum.

I suppose it goes without saying that any proposition that doesn't involve any type of personal god might be a bit too dismal a concept for many to even consider let alone accept where it might seem a bit excessive to assert any desirable self-serving mundane social characteristics upon some ineffable primordial or eternal creator thing that dwells within the realms of absurdity(P₁ and P₂).

The above anthropomorphic qualities might be better served via some beings/entities farther down in the hierarchy such as intermediaries/angels(although likely not the winged variety).

Messages In This Thread
The Great Paradox(es) - by CCoburn - 05-06-2024, 06:13 AM
RE: The Great Paradox(es) - by Maxmars - 05-06-2024, 12:49 PM
RE: The Great Paradox(es) - by IdeomotorPrisoner - 05-06-2024, 05:03 PM
RE: The Great Paradox(es) - by CCoburn - 05-08-2024, 08:34 AM
RE: The Great Paradox(es) - by CCoburn - 05-07-2024, 06:04 AM

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