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The Truth Will Set You{r Soul) Free
Since I live with someone who has pretty serious long covid, I have to say we have not seen the full impact of this manipulated virus.
Millions know they have this Post Viral Syndrome.  They cannot work, play or enjoy life.  Many millions more just don't know they are affected since it is mild.  [Like that mild ringing in the ears that started after a bout with CV.]

It has damaged mankind....we just don't know how much it has damaged the ability to procreate...or if anything of the spike protein/fibrin/protein fragments will affect fetuses.
ell, we don't even know how badly this generation has been damaged.
It has damaged the human psyche as those millions who know they have long covid do NOT know if or when they will recover.  Or if or when healing protocols will actually happen.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Truth Will Set You{r Soul) Free - by DontTreadOnMe - 02-17-2024, 04:04 PM

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