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Not Shadows or Aliens maybe something worse
There seems to be an outbreak of sightings when it comes to ten-foot-tall creatures walking around. 
Both stories are from the New York Post.

Miami Police dispel rumors of an alien at shopping mall (
Quote:Miami police shut down wild rumors that a 10-foot-tall alien was roaming the Floridian city on New Year’s Day after the conspiracy theory ran rampant on social media.

10-foot-tall 'strange beings' seen traversing Brazilian island as alien rumors swirl (
Quote:New video shows two giant, humanlike creatures strolling along the foothills of a small Brazilian island in what some believe is proof aliens are visiting Earth.
One of the 10-foot tall beings appears to take in the sights of Ilha do Mel, an island two miles off the coast of Southeast Brazil, as another stands closely behind, the footage shows.

As I pointed out somewhere else: People reported aliens at a mall in Miami., page 1 (
Quote:So, I woke up this morning and heard about a few other sightings of these shadowy things. I got asked about due to my knowledge of Shadow People, and well I'm pretty sure these are not Shadow People. I was told that, third hand, that a person that was running with the crowd ran into one of these things and saw it vanish only to reappear a short distance away. The shadowy thing had something in its hand. 

Now I was there, and neither was the person that told me this, but they did say that a family member was the person that ran into it. So while it was only in speculation that I wrote this yesterday, it might be something to it:
Quote:Some people I hang out with were talking about this, and the History Professor of the group brought up that if these stories are true, then maybe these beings were Reapers.

"The Grim Reaper seems to have appeared in Europe during the 14th century. It was during this time that Europe was dealing with what was then the world’s worst pandemic, the Black Death, believed to be the result of the plague. It is estimated that about one-third of Europe’s entire population perished as a result of the pandemic, with some areas of the continent suffering far greater losses than others. The original outbreak of the plague occurred during 1347–51, and outbreaks then recurred several other times after that. So, clearly, death was something that the surviving Europeans had on their mind, and it is not surprising that they conjured an image to represent it."

They said that the speculation was that people who saw the Grim Reapers were actually just being affected by Ergot Poisoning, but he said that it was weird that many places around the world have the same picture for these harvesters of souls. He asked the question, "What if these reports of tall black phantasms are these same types of Grim Reapers being seen in modern times.

I know, wild thought, but maybe something we shouldn't dismiss =6"IF" these stories are true about these "Aliens" showing up in a populated city.

I also heard about a group of Shadow People that were very tall had been seen in Germany and France. Again, I don't think these are Shadow People.

Now just to be precautious, I do think that something is odd about this story of "Aliens" in Florida, and that the hype of what they could be is just adding to the story, but maybe we shouldn't pass this Grim Reaper angle off so quickly.

There have been many stories in the past about these harvesters of souls showing up before major events. Sometimes these events are of a religious nature sometimes that are of a massive paranormal nature, but always something big happens shortly after these things appear. Now there is a possibility that the stories being tossed about today could be misinformation designed to confuse people into thinking that "The End is Near", but there is a more likely possibility that something big is coming that will affect the way we think about the world we live in.

I believe that we should be aware of what's going on and not dismiss these types of events off handedly, but we should also not fear the appearance of these creatures either. As to the title though, I do not believe that these creatures are either Shadow People as in that they do not appear to conform to any known actions or activities, nor do I believe that these are aliens since UFO scam artists would already be jumping on the trend over reporting these creatures and making TV appearances telling us about who and where these are from. 

It seems for now at least world governments are trying to muddy the waters as to what these creatures truly are or are trying to belittle the appearances of them in an attempt to dissuade the public from panicking over their sudden appearances. 

I wonder what everyone's thoughts about the sudden appearances and news reports of these ten-foot-tall creatures are? I'm betting that these are some type of Soul Harvesters (Grim Reapers or something of that sort).

Messages In This Thread
Not Shadows or Aliens maybe something worse - by guyfriday - 01-12-2024, 02:47 AM

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