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Are there any decent news sites anymore?
I happily pay the subscription for the full Epoch Times. The free is still very good though. They are non-profit and not owned by big advert companies We paid the price when we started ingesting the "free" news model.

There isn't much fluff in any article. It's always well-sourced and pretty extensive in reporting.  They are conservative leaning, but factual.  Even gives them similar assessment. Article selection is going to lean conservative, but the reporting is balanced and thorough. Also, comment censorship is pretty much only for filth. I can recommend all of their documentaries (Covid origins, J6, etc.)

Allsides - Epoch Times
The Epoch Times did several things right in its reporting. Multiple AllSides panelists noted that the publication did a good job of citing multiple sources across the political spectrum and of using full quotes in its reporting — not snippets or phrases taken out of context. The publication did not display common types of media bias such as spin, sensationalism, opinion presented as fact, unsubstantiated claims, flawed logic, or omission of source attribution. In today’s increasingly polarized media landscape, the panel agreed it was good to see Epoch Times journalists presenting full quotes from both sides of the aisle in order to present a fair and balanced story.
One team member noted The Epoch Times always used the word “said” or “told reporters,” and avoided common spin words and phrases that confer judgement upon the speaker, such as, “admitted,” “tirade,” “refused to say,” “conceded,” or “bragged.” Much of The Epoch Times’ reporting was balanced; its right bias was mostly displayed via story choice.
They are also the best source in most cases for anything coming from inside China as the company was founded by those that fled communism there and they have lots of inside connections.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Are there any decent news sites anymore? - by Halfswede - 01-09-2024, 07:01 AM

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