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Seemingly healthy son in law has blood clots both lungs
Seemingly healthy son-in-law has blood clots in both lungs.

So my daughter and her husband flew down for Christmas to visit my ex and I for the holidays. My daughter calls on the 26th says SIL isn't feeling well, had been coughing etc. I told her that's OK just to stay at her Mom's till he felt better, we are about an hour away so it's not a just down road trip. Not to mention they didn't rent a car etc. it just seemed to be a better idea to give it a day. So the next day he isn't feeling better so I tell her to take him to the hospital, this is after asking the day before if it was bad enough to go to the doctor. They wound up just going the next day, to a crappy urgent care place, which said it was nothing, not pneumonia, the flu, COVID etc.

So they got back to my ex's and we got a car service to pick them up and take them to the airport they had a flight early in the morning that was Thursday. SO today I checked in with her and found out they are at the ER he is in some pain and at first said it was pneumonia and then later said he has blood clots on both lungs.

My daughter finally said he had been coughing for most of the month, he is practically a health nut, doesn't smoke or drink, eats healthy and is an amateur power lifter 29 years old. 

It just really frustrated me that they didn't get it checked earlier and when they did they went to an Urgent Care place when an ER was just 10-15 minutes further. 

Last I heard they are keeping him in the hospital for observation overnight, and it sounds like they will try medicines first. Getting all the information from her isn't easy...

Just want him and her to be OK, if they weren't 800 miles away Id be there at the hospital with her right now, Feeling bad I wasn't more insistent on them going to the hospital. But hell just checked my texts to her and I said go to a doctor over a dozen times. 

Just frustrating as a concerned parent...
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  

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Seemingly healthy son in law has blood clots both lungs - by putnam6 - 12-31-2023, 05:34 AM

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