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Demons are the Pagan Gods of Ancient Times
Let’s put on our hats and dive into the realm of what if’s, shall we?

Now I’ve been going back and forth and thinking on this for a while, and it just makes sense (to me, at least)

It’s my belief that the Demons of the Bible are the Gods of days passed. Oh yeah, we’re going deep into this one. You’re welcome. Happy Tuesday.

Many, many moons ago, there were people all over the world living their lives the way they wanted to, worshipping who they wanted to. From the Sumerians to the villages of Africa, Muslims and Jews, to Rome and Greece, the Aztec, Eastern Indians, the list goes on.

Looking at these different (and more popular) religions, there seems to be a recurring theme, one that we’ve all noticed and one that can’t be ignored – partly because it’s a big point of contention:
“Blah blah blah, my God is the one true God.”
In and of itself, it doesn’t make you raise your head too much as that’s something you would expect from a religion. That said specific one is the only correct one, the rest are false, basically a line of a “pick me” religion. But what if there was more to that?

In the Christian Bible, for one of MANY instances, there is multiple mentions of not following any other Gods but the one true God; no others shall be placed before him, etc. This in and of itself is nothing but an admission that other gods do in fact exist, in my opinion.
Let’s go a step further… What do the ancient gods and “Demons” have in common? A lot, to put it simply. You can summon them. You can build them altars. You can offer them sacrifices and gifts. You can commune with them and ask them for favors. They each have individual areas of expertise (so to speak). They are both not to be toyed with. According to a lot of tales and books, they’ve each been around since the beginning, if not beforehand.

Side note - Could that explain verified cases of possession? Essentially just pissed off Gods from thousands of years ago that went from being worshipped and having offerings presented on a regular basis, to being demonized (pun intended) and turned away from... That would definitely explain the hatred towards anything with a Holy connotation to it.

On that note, what better way to get people to turn away from all of these ancient Gods/Entities than to claim they are pure evil and wash the masses into believing you?

When you look at everything and say it all out loud, it makes sense. To me, anyway.

Messages In This Thread
Demons are the Pagan Gods of Ancient Times - by dothedew - 12-19-2023, 02:10 PM

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